What was its fucking problem?
How do you fuck up this badly?
Other urls found in this thread:
Somebody is bound to come in here and blame Christianity
Lead pipes. Seriously.
the problem was lack of problems
>le ebil christianity
t. gibbon
>le racial degeneration
t. de gobineau
>le refusal to obey eternal divine mandate
t. carlyle
Who knows famalam
So same shit that's fucking up America.
No internet yet
It got too big. There were too many different cultures and races under one roof. Also, barbarian invasions had a lot to do with it.
yeah lets not blame josephs' wife's son for any of this, he was totally redpilled.
We could get that back tomorrow if we wanted to, but no one in the West has the stomach for such violence.
Every empire that had niggers collapsed
Dictatorships are shit, Christianity, expanded past the borders set by the republic which was pretty much the absolute largest land mass anyone could rule over without fucking up, decided to let the Jews be slaves instead of wiping them out, didn't kill every dune coon they came across after they started pouring into the white middle east, race mixing was legal, take your pick.
Lack of motivation, will to fight.
Mostly because there was now only one important position in the empire and the one to hold it became a target aka the emperor. No rule of the law whatsoever.
>barbarian invasions had a lot to do with it.
Had absolutely nothing to do with it, their incompetence is the only reason the Aryan armies ever manages to break them
how did America fuck up this badly?
Germans running away from Huns
Get redpilled:
sklaven moral corrupted the people
>there has never been a nigger empire
>every other people have had one including native Americans but niggers, nope
Economy, after people got poor everyone realized what a shithole the multicultural empire was and couldn't wait for Balkanization.
Word. Conquer us while you're at it please.
Inflation was a symptom, not the cause.
The cause, as is usually the case unless it's a real invasion, Jews.
>Ancient Egypt
>Zulu Empire
Man go read a book or something
They lost their millitary tradition relied on auxillaries aka the vandals
To the right you see a little thing called the Parthian Empire. I would consider googling that.
It's not that their soldiers couldn't fight and defend their country anymore, it's that their military wasn't functional when there wasn't any money to run it.
Internal power conflicts did the most part it's just like communism civic nationalism will never work
The empire stretched way too faar with too many different people and cultures
Romans were faggots anyway anyone in the empire was a roman and every outside was a barbarian
The same problem of every empire
How can whitebois compete?
Stop baiting and stop pretending to be black.
>How can whitebois compete?
The US and the West itself is currently the biggest empire in the world. Rome fell due to invading migrants. Same thing's happening now. Really makes you think, huh?
Romans and Egyptians were white or at least "proto-white" before they moved further North.
>Ancient Greek
Whitey BTFO
>what is Indo-European
All white or proto-white. Nowhere near South Africa. Now kys
You live just in time to see it with your own eyes goy. That's a rare opportunity, cherish it.
There are countless reasons that vary depending on where timeline wise were focusing on, but I'd say the Marian reforms making soldiers pay dependent on their generals-leading to being more loyal to your general than the state itself and helping the gazillion succession disputes- and the social stratification and stunted economy were some of the biggest factors.
Eternal reminder the Gracchi brothers were right
The Abrahamic religions have always been a blight on civilization, and Hadrian didn't go far enough in rooting out the grandaddy of the bunch
Multiculturalism. Term the origins as you will.
The problem with empires is that at some point you run out of clay to conquer.
Its kinda like a pyramid scheme
jewish economics same thing that's bringing down the American empire.
Define "Jewish Economics"
-Internal corruption from an elite upper class
-External mistreatment of surrounding neighbors
Then one day Rome woke up to Huns and Vandals at their doorstep.
Can you imagine being such badass mother fuckers that your name is in the dictionary as:
vandal: a person who deliberately destroys or damages property
Jewish economics is that the where a small minority of genocide survivors trust no one but family and thus make a strong chance of survival for their remaining progeny?
Unlike these fascists that have 7 siblings and were most likely adopted because their dum fuk parents cant afford to raise them. Their Catholic family obeys God cause the holy trinity likes to watch jizz enter vag.
>Gibbon ftw
I'm not saying it was Christianity, but it was Christianity.
>Native Americans only competition was Native Americans.
I guess we can give them credit for not just burning down the whole continent before we got there.
Imagine there is a horrible war in Australia with nothing to gain but death. Settling over to Kiwiland with all their wealth, knowing they are docile pussies compared to you and your war experienced brothers would be tempting right?
The Roman Imperial period was a long string of coups and assassinations of emperors, most emperors did not live to die of old age. Also the legions stationed on the boarders would get bored, declare their general(or the first senator they found) Cesar and march on Rome. This happened like 50 times. Eventually the Emperors stopped caring about anything other than keeping the legions happy. The Roman state crumbled from neglect. Generals stopped bothering to march on Rome and just kept whatever they could hold.
Everyone says it was barbarians but that is just a meme, really it was the legions being selfish dicks.
Its nigger-tier government.
>need mo money for dat praetorian guard, we kill dat emperor for you yes?
The Roman Empire had one stable century and that was it.
empires collapse.
this happened two millennia ago
its time to move on
The fall of the Roman Empire is attributable to various casualties in a short period of time, the same Empire had already addressed these problems but the fact that they all happened together was fatal:
- military anarchy due to internal conflicts for succession to the throne
-Improach economic, inflation and tax pressure too high
-commercials that declined more and more, greatly weakening the economic-production structure and accentuating social inequality in the territories of the empire
- the state of abandonment and depopulation of cities and campaigns
- the loss of the Roman character that centuries ago had formed disciplined and hardened soldiers with a thousand battles, capable of conquering the entire Mediterranean area, but which during the imperial period had gradually disappeared to the point that the same legion masters preferred to enlist their Soldiers in provinces or among barbarians (indifferent to the tradition of the unity of the Empire) rather than among the Italic people
- barbaric invasions from everywhere, the fact that military power was declining did not help to repel them in time
Ye you got it, the correlation of newly germanics in rome is just a meme, it was not the cause
>no one mentions that the empire's armies were almost comprised entirely of barbarians with absolutely no loyalty towards Rome itself and only loyalty to money.
Wasn't like 85% of the Late Roman Army comprised of Germanic auxilliares/mercenaries? Then there was Wulfila, Odovakör, and guys like that who were Germanic but pretended to assimilate to Roman culture and proceeded to annex Rome, sack the capital and shit like that. Pretty sure that Germanics had something to do with it, not just muh moral decadence, but I could be wrong.
At the end of the western roman empire, most of the army was germanized. And there were huge chunks of land populated entirely by them. With only a nominal adherence to the imperator.
The Byzantine empire barely was able to stop them. It was a clash of civilizations. All because the fucking Attila.
Degeneracy, immigrants.Basically todays Europe/Yank problems
It's so surreal to think that the ancestors of Italians actually ruled over the world. I have never seen anyone who is as cowardly and lazy as an Italian. How did they manage to conquer so much?
The only explanation is Italians back then were masterrace but got enriched by some lesser genes.
German refugees and decadence
It lasted 1500 years, isn't that enough?
Nothing last forever, except perhaps Japan, and that's only because it's a huge unpenetrateable island and never attempted to expand in the mainland. Well, not before WW1 anyway.
>never attempted to expand in the mainland
They tried to invade the Chinks many times, but they failed
It was doomed since the end of the Republic.
Big government, high taxes, inflation...
If you actually read the late Roman history it becomes blaringly obvious.
In the first place, Rome became an empire because governing it (((democratically))) like a city state was already impossible. First emperors were quite successful because they shoah'ed the patricians and concentrated the power to their hands.
However the opportunists realized soon that killing one (1) emperor was a lot easier than trying to build a politician career or to become a happy merchant. So started the emperor killenings and in worst phase there was like 3 emperors/years.
The loyalty of the army switched from the idea of state to the individual of the emperor. This was the final reason which inevitably led to the collapse of the empire. Soon the legions here and there declared their own generals emperors and this btw. was basically a death sentence for the generals, many were genre conscious and fucking pissed because they knew that the life of an emperor will be short.
Some emperors were absolute madmen, the worst possibly being Heliogabalus. He basically set the record of madman-ness. He was also very genre conscious and had elaborate plans for his death, he for example built an gilded suicide tower and such. He was also the guy who drowned his guest with flower petals.
Diocletianus was perhaps the most badass emperor. He reigned in an era where everything was already in freefall and reigned fucking 25 years. And the he fucking resigned like a boss and enjoyed rest of his life in a palace in Croatia a a pensioner. Around him everything was collapsing and the younger emperors and emperor-wannabes came to him to beg his return or just advice, but he disregarded them saying that he rather enjoys overwatching his cabbage plantations.
Considering how much it lasted(Republic was already big, after annexing Gaul it was already pretty much almost as big as Trajan's peak Imperium) and its placement in history, you should ask that question about modern """empires""". It's a miracle it lasted into the 5th century(yes, the state survived in the east but by that point it had lost its core Roman territories and would only briefly reconquer them).
>internal conflicts and civil wars
>letting barbarian mercenaries into the ranks to fight their own kin
>not conquering more when the had the chance waiting for the barbarians to learn from and catch up to the Romans
>plagues and change in culture
>fighting on too many fronts spread out too thin
they would've lasted longer if it wasn't for the crusaders aka the eternal anglo and kraut.
No good way to transfer power. The westerns world and Japan have democracy. China changes leadership every 10 years. The Romans had no stable power transfering structure.
It's the natural way of empires. I live near Hadrian's wall and three are loads of Roman things in this area: roads, bridges, towns .
But there is ancient Briton stuff too - standing stones, a field pattern from the movement from hunting to agriculture.
Empires overstretch. Then they decline.
The British Empire is an example of this.
Also the New American Empire - military all over the planet, degenerate 'culture.
It's a cliche to state 'history repeats itself. But it's true.
>Eastern Roman Empire uses same pipes
>they dont fall to shit for another 1000 years
>ERA even more Christain than west
>they dont fall to shit for another 1000 years
More like how do you conquer that fucking a lot?
the fucking rhein and seine river valleys provide such tremendous agricultural productivity that whoever was king of just one of them was easily able to control italy
italy was never independent after caesar
lead poisonous bro
You're onto something. Mediterranean culture was mostly destroyed by allowing independent minority "client" kingdoms, since when they were militarily weak everything fell apart. IE giving a foreign entity the right to feel entitled.
Rome was not white, it was Mediterranean. An extinct branch of Adriatican culture similiar to the extinct Illyrians, Etruscans, Umbrii and Veneti.
Germanic genes, actually.
Americans are disgusting.
You forgot Mali, actually very influential with Europeans until the Europeans were able to circumnavigate Africa. Bye bye money and power
>It's another historicaly illiterate Sup Forumsacks try to debate why the Roman Empire fell episode
I hate those episodes
Greek and Jewish scholars gained influence with many Legatus Legionis into making "quality of life" changes in the Roman empire for all the people in it. The Generals who were influenced ended up taking that to Rome and influencing the Senate.
I probably didn't articulate that right, but go do research on it and you'll know what I'm talking about it.
It's actually very similar to what's going on now in western universities.
Splitting the empire into two and having two rulers. Then splitting the empire by four and having four rulers at once. No good transfer of power plus internal problems. The western half was bound to fall.
jews no lie.
The Roman Empire's success was entirely based on expansion. Once it got too large to defend, expansion became impossible.
This explanation, BTW, applies to almost all empires. The whole point of an empire is to conquer shit to enrich some faction of the empire. Once there's little left of value to conquer, you have to turn to defense and stability. That is 100 times more difficult than conquest. The only civilizations that have been able to accomplish long-term stability are the ones based on banking: Switzerland, the Vatican, the City of London, Monaco, etc. Conquest is not a good long-term strategy, but banking is.
one autistic forest ninja
1 post by this id
look at where albania is.
probably the fucking jews that time too - but no records of it
>I have never seen anyone who is as cowardly and lazy as an Italian.
I like you. I like you a lot user.
Borders stretching too thin to defend from barbarians, increasing state power leading to dissidence, too much variance in cultural norms leading to friction within communities.
With decreasing tax payers, demoralized military, landlords that wanted out and border regions having constant barbarian raids there was really no other way than for the empire to fracture. Could have been prevented if the barbarian threat was eliminated, culture assimilation was enforced through generations and growth of the border was slowed significantly.
The usual suspects.
This, 'victory has defeated you'.
Yeah I hate rednecks too.
Hadn't considered that before. Thanks guy.
Fucking wrong. After a while a limestone crust would form around the lead.
They got lead poisoning from drinking out of lead cups and they even used lead salt as sweetener.
Degeneracy, terrible migration politics and lack of jobs and opportunities for the youth. History repeats itself.
I can give you credit for songhai and the zulus
but the rest wasn't empires by blacks
It was mostly arabs, semtites and mediterranians living down there during those times
none of those are black empires though
they were also mostly by caucasians
rome became a military dictatorship soon after becoming an empire. the government wasted money, taxed too much, and gave out too much welfare.
at least theyre not burning those american flags
>Eastern Roman Empire
That place was never a success story at any moment in the history of our species.
Lead can't lower your IQ when there is nothing to lower KEK.