
How do we solve the American Obesity Crisis?

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bugs... easy on the carrots

kill the jews

also to be fair he was mocking elmer fudd there

Saw this same image on Sup Forums

Healthy lunches for school children

Same way we solve a lot of other problems: get rid of niggers

Healthier food standards, which would imply ending capitalism.

we go easy on the carrots

Let fat become so trendy and mainstream, the counte culture pushes against it and starts to endorse being fit as a "rebellious" act.

Calm down Michael Obongo. The last time your slobbering nigger lips parted about 120 million children were left with haggard assholes to eat on their school lunch trays.

Cut taxes on the rich. They buy healthy food so as the wealth trickles down the healthy diets will too. Also get government out of school lunches. In a free school lunch market, if school A offers a healthier lunch than school B, parents will send their kids to school A and school B will go out of business. So school B will offer healthier lunches and viola, the kids are eating healthy. Just goes to show how freedom always wins.

Fucking kek that's when loveable bugs quickly shifts into Elmer fudd to mimic his laugh

and Sup Forums

By not having an obese frog in the White house chugging KFC and riding golf carts because he can't walk?

It sets a horrible example...

Give people who cross a certain BMI line 3 months to get their shit together. If they don't: forced water fasting labor camps.

>when you can't tell if it's a shitpost or just an American.

Bring in communism. It has one of the best success rates in losing weight.

the problem everywhere is corn syrup. stop eating and drinking the liquid jew, and people will lose weight.

>when you can tell it's a shitpost and a leaf

Put a chemical in fast food that renders people who eat it sterile.

this miiiiight work

Some disaster, such as nuclear war, Yellowstone erupting, or overpopulation would work.



Raise the price of health insurance for them.

At least by 3x

Free unlimited icecream for everyone, and in time the problem will go away.

Render fatties into biodiesel

>This was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy.

Ezekiel 16:49

Sodomites should be stoned to death


End feminism.

> feminism makes men fat

well yeah, no need to stay in a competitive shape when all you're fighting over are hambeasts anyway

Most feminists are thin or chubby at best. The obese ones do have "dem genes", and they have passed the point of no return due to laziness and/or bad eating habits. For a woman without "obesity genes" it's fairly hard to become such a landwhale. And there are also people like me, who have to overeat not to look like an Auschwitz Jew.

cut agricultural subsidies.

>Working job at video rental store
>Two fat dykes with buzz cuts waddle in, smelling of salty fat and texmex shits despite only one being hispanic
>All of their visible creases are darkened from friction and dirt
>They have a child
>Also buzzed hair
>Wearing glasses
>Each turbolard grabs two buckets of popcorn and hands all four to the little girl
>Then grab two more each
>Fat their way over to 50 shades of gray
>Squeeze the movie onto the counter, wheezing
>Comment offhand about how that's a lot of popcorn
>Mexilard proudly boasts that they're gonna fatten up their little girl
>"She's gonna be just as loud and big as us. Gowan, tell im how much space you're gonna take up."
>Girl is silent, obviously uncomfortable
>White whale slaps her on the back of the head like it's a joke, garlics out a few words
>"Sorry, she's shy."
>She's wheezing, as if her rippling through the store and hefting her arm at her child was exhausting

That was when my liberalism died. Fat is a fucking disease. These people feel entitled to be as unhealthy and disgusting as possible. I would give less of a shit if they were quiet and didn't look and smell as foul as possible.

Kill all the white people

just euthanize those poor cunts

stop fucking eating so much
