>which is themselves Being gay is not your fault OP
Leo Scott
Change it from gf to "career" and then change it from Jews to radical feminists practicing civil disobedience, aka not doing your job if it means fucking a white man over.
Then you're closer to the truth.
But I digress, we can agree someone is standing in the way of our pursuit of happiness. >gf
Samuel Moore
I'm married and hope to have kids in a few years.
Stop projecting OP.
Jackson Clark
>Inb4 a shitstorm of people taking the b8
Connor Gutierrez
this changes everything! this country is for everyone!
Nathan Taylor
you're an outlier and probably a normalfag redditor too
le republic of kekistan is fucking based bro!
Joseph Mitchell
i have a kid and a woman. nice b8 tho, fag
Ayden Rodriguez
Is that really the best you can do?
Ethan Thompson
sounds to me like you're hoping everyone here is as pathetic as you are and this is you trying to get confirmation
Isaac Evans
That pic hurts. Deep inside
Hunter Baker
woah, you figured it out wtf I am a childless leftist who is into cuck porn now
Wyatt Smith
That doesnt explain why there are such high divorce rates and women over 30 who cant find any men
Jose Mitchell
I must also be an outlier, also >calling someone a redditor >kekistan >mfw
Liam Collins
I'm not driven or motivated by sex
Jordan Bailey
>sage all slides
Logan Turner
300+ messages in 10 minutes INCOMING
Dylan Rivera
>making your entire life revolve around sex
also, sage
Jordan Stewart
Funny. I'm a decently attractive female and I visit here everyday. A lot of guy friends do as well and they're all pretty normal. It's no longer fat basement dwellers for sure
Sebastian Flores
lol im a homeowner and have a sex slave you don't know shit you jew cunt
Henry Lee
what about masturbation?
Adam Gutierrez
Logan Ross
I've turned down more girls than you've even seen in person.
I'm here for the lulz
Bentley Perry
No wonder this place is reddit 2.0 now.
prime examples
Thomas Sanders
Been trying to point this out forever. Keep spreading the word, OP.
The miserable teenagers on this board avoid taking responsibility for their own failures. They think "jews" are the reason they're such abject losers. In reality it is their own fault.
They refuse to take responsibility for their own actions.
Liam Smith
holy shit have you ever spoken to a girl in your life
Blake Sullivan
Obviously I haven't.
Is everyone on this board a normalfag now?
Levi Jenkins
OP didn't realise autistic Nazi is the new Chad. Asian women bow before the BWC. White women need me to pay for their shit. Brown women probably like me too but I can't mention that shit here. How fucking embarrassing for OP.
Connor Watson
>These people will make any excuse to not look at the actual problem (which is themselves).
Kayden Ortiz
Aaron Gonzalez
Every man is sexually frustrated. no matter if he is old or young, married or not. there is never enough young pussy around.
Elijah Watson
Maybe my favorite president. What a fucking man.
HAHAHAHAHA the absurdity of the left finds new ways to surprise me every day
Aiden Morales
>defends jews >blames white men >posts picture of ike the kike checks out
Joshua Watson
yea but the jews own everything and stuff so like what am i supposed to do? without money i can't compete with the bbc because the jews made women crave it =(
Sebastian Hughes
My friends, who bang sluts on a regular basis, are frustrated with how they can't find a girl who isn't a spoiled, entitled and psychotic mess. I'm going to Japan, fuck this shit.
Caleb Fisher
We cover more than that which proves your statement is False
Bentley Taylor
i hope you're joking cause this is giving me second hand embarrassment
Nobody needs your pathetic ass in Japan. Go to Sweden instead and teach their girls to love white dick again.
Jason Lewis
>stops to take a picture during post-ecstasy lovemaking
Robert Morales
Every day, every afternoon, every night, the truth stands: Sup Forums is one person. Sup Forums has always been one person. Sup Forums will always be one person. Sup Forums is the eternal one, the creator, the owner, the master, the source of all your smiles and tears, future, past, and present. Sup Forums is not a multitude. Sup Forums is one.
Brayden Butler
No, I've had it with passive aggressive sluts that western women are. I'm 26, I've been wading through the sewers for long enough.
Julian Campbell
Oh shit did OP forget to say #notall. Fuck off
Ayden Phillips
A bodily function I do out of obligation because sensitive erections are inconvenient. I don't use porn or fantasise
Noah Lopez
So many sexually frustrated basement dwellers overdosed on a beta cuck...
Lincoln Turner
Nippon women are passive aggressive, too. Submissiveness is a meme.
Jace Evans
I'm married and we are both redpilled and hate kikes.
Caleb Jenkins
This really made me think.
Kevin Myers
I didn't give a shit until the jewish media went full retard siding with black savages... now I'm giving you what you trying to give us...
Aiden Wood
This post is more true than many of you realize. I got a conservative gf and haven't thought about any /lol/ related topics in weeks. Put yourself out there.
Ethan Garcia
Why do lefties always resort to this bizarre excuse? Is it projection?
Bentley Allen
t. cletus
Jaxon Butler
Ayden Edwards
>When did you realise that Sup Forums is nothing but sexually frustrated men trying to shift the blame for never being able to get a gf? Completely wrong.
>It's the Jews! It's the blacks! Western civilisation is degenerate! Feminism is anti men! If you weren't such an ignorant moron, you'd know that it's all the truth.
Blake Morris
Hahah Freudian Psychology
Henry Carter
Stupid bong. Bring your gf over here and let me cuck you. She will enjoy it far better than you, Susan..
Thomas Richardson
I don't need submissiveness, I just need a normal, stable human being. I don't need some lapdog who spends its days posting pics of themselves on Instagram or spamming on snapchat and looks at me to provide entertainment to them. Go on youtube and watch a 5 min video of jap girls talking about dating, the diffrence is fucking massive.
Isaac Gutierrez
getting pussy is easy to get when you have money. all women are whores and will fuck anyone that has money or gives them attention.
Cooper Kelly
Because that's a distraction. The truth doesn't stop being true because you found a pussy to plow regularly.
Christian Lewis
You're a newfag op there are a lot of married people here parents people in long term, healthy relationships
the funniest thing is the people that come to Sup Forums to argue against white people defending themselves
they are just bottom feeding retards that want to appear altruistic for a crowd, they are the facebook generation, vapid idiots content with not only regurgitating pop culture, but attempting to enforce that everyone else does too
kys queerboy
Nathan Wilson
oh ive known since the beginning, but you all have every right to be frustrated -- you all get the shortest end of the stick
Josiah Young
What about married user? We are frustrated about "good times" being Dystopia.
Dylan Barnes
you've been spamming this thirsty beta shit for hours, I've been back to school flirting with student nurses, writing apps, and trying to change my career.
it's a bit odd.
Samuel Morales
how can anyone be sexually frustrated these days? theres never been more super high quality porn in the history of man.
Colton Wilson
Ooh oh this is me right here. Bam. Believe in the ECCO and one day she will come. Possibly not even in this realm this passage but believing in yourself will bring you two together!
Nicholas Cruz
>Change from Jews to X >Closer to the truth
Isaac Lee
OP watches CEI videos
Isaac Smith
Have a gf, and I sleep around at my leisure. tyvm.
>It's the jews! It factually is. The manner is the thing that we debate. >It's the blacks! No, they are collectively just the "uesful idiot". Drawn Together had a pretty good graphic to illustrate this. Western civilization is degenerate! I'd argue by whos' standards, but tl:dr, it's islam's most of all at the moment. Also, it's teh jew run media that's gotten us here. At least the degeneracy is why I can currently go out and bang pretty much whenever I want, but the summer of free love this isn't. >feminism is anti men! 3rd to nth wave hambeats feminazi-ism defenitely is. 100% anti men, until we have something they want. Even then they try their damnedest to disprove any man's say-so from the equation.
Interstitial problems can have a cause outside of the self. The controlled and corrupted lifestyle "choices"and purposefully manipulative brainwashing bullshit that goes on is easy enough, and even fun to throw off once you realize you are actually bearing that yolk. Maybe it's time, Friendo?
Pleasure talking to you. Kek Bless
Joshua Moore
I thought I could improve myself and that women would like me. That that I'm strong and interesting and have money, all they do is look at me and smile and twirl their hair, but they never make a move. I was supposed to get to where they would come up to me so I didn't have to try.
Stupid juice
Benjamin Bell
no one is standing in anyone's way. there's just too many god damned people on the planet and there's no clear sense community anymore. if all our country's had 25% the amount of people, we'd be much happier
Logan Campbell
living with gf, been here since 2009. lost virginity 17 years ago. OP sucks massive cocks >he does it for free
Easton Moore
what made you come to that conclusion? what if I told you that this entire site draws in audiences who can appreciate freedom of anonymous expression to discuss whatever without focusing on the speaker delivering their message and protected against possible social consequences in today's totalitarian societies?
Nolan James
Sup Forums is the resistance against widespread policy that is trying to disrupt white from procreating. And the shills just keep coming. I love it.
Nicholas Miller
What nigger? >implying Sup Forums is NOT diverse in age, sex, creed, race, socio-economic, ideology, geolocation, fame, etc
Gavin Brown
That is also reductionist though. But I have to agree that is another part of the complex network of issues relating to modern society.
Charles Baker
It's us. We are the clear sense community now.
David Lopez
>ctrl+f "roastie" >no results where is /r9k/ when you need them
Robert James
Oversaturation and no shared values. I don't know what the fuck I'm working for and why I'm doing it. Feelsbadman.jpg
David Thomas
Sage goes in all fields.
Brody Mitchell
lol @ believing this. "radical feminists" affecting your fucking day job. grow up.
Hudson Gutierrez
Stfu roastie
Jason Torres
It's way more fun to approach them, and make them do all of the work while making them think you are.
Isaiah Hernandez
I'm a widower and am engaged again. I haven't went more than a month without a girlfriend (besides the 2 years after my wife died) since I was 14.
They do if you work in an officer environment you retarded fucking child. HR departments are ALWAYS headed by women and often minority women. It directly affects many many people, bigly. They can make your job a living hell.
Landon Clark
what a stupid fuckup
Camden Richardson
I have a gf. I joined Sup Forums because of my increasing frustration with the demise of art, and the rise of post modern pseudo-morality. Art for me is the only thing that matters, the creation of beauty, Marxist ideology is destroying the only thing I value.
Gavin Foster
Sexually frustrated? Maybe.
Jews? Definitely the top 1% and running a Zionist Jewish Banking Cartel
Carter Hall
Who says their wrong about this exactly? You and the other people who want the traditional manly man to die and be replaced by beta cuckfaggots like yourself? There is now and has been for some time a war on men and their interests by vile and reprehensible individuals/groups and your deflection of this does not change the facts. Brainwash women into a socjus cult and tell them to never date men who aren't on the same page and guess what happens? Men who aren't socjus faggots start having trouble either getting laid or pursuing long-term relationships.
Connor Long
No, because then they can reject you and report you to HR or go behind your back and tell everyone how creepy you are. I refuse to put myself in that position. The whole idea of having one say yes is like a meme to me and unrealistic. Hell I wouldn't know what the fuck to do if she wanted to hang out. 32 year old virgin with an 8 pack.
Fuck isreal
Fuck minorities
And mostly
Fuck you, Sup Forums
Bentley Flores
But user, beauty is subjective.
>#healthyateverysize #smashthepatriarchy
Isaac Wood
Your king sold you into eternal jewish debt slavery 350 years ago.
Camden Sullivan
Get the fuck off the internet Mohammed
Carter Lewis
>nothing but sexually frustrated men trying to shift the blame for never being able to get a gf
but feminism is sexually frustrated women trying to shift the blame onto men not being able to find a suitable mate.
Joseph Hughes
Attain land. Become self sufficient on your land. Defend it to your last breath.
This is the literal point of being a free American. Trust me, anything else you want in life will follow.
Kayden Lee
I like this idea. I want to grow peppers and tomatoes and make sauce to eat, but not with pasta because I don't do good on refined carbs.
Grayson Baker
You are fishing down the wrong well.
If all you pull out is excuses, that's all you are going to have to stick your dick into later.
Jaxson Jones
Give us lots of pussy and see if that changes us
Hunter Watson
Shutup paki. You fled from your homeland to greener pastures, which you intend to make a shithole like your original lands. Soon there will be nowhere better for you to move to, then you will reap what your melanin has sewn over the earth.