Why do degenerates push oral sex?

And how does it benefit (((them)))?

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Because it's fun, try it sometime OP

Makes it easier to be promiscuous I guess.
It's p. great though.

Because they're trying to turn men into submissive betas.

Because it's fun? Hedonists will always do what feels the best in the moment to excess. Even a broken clock is right twice a day though.

sometimes i wonder if this board is mostly made up of virgins

It causes cancer. Look it up.

Are...are you serious?

>not getting HPV immunizations

herpes can infect the brain. makes people easier to control.

there's a reason why the mafia doesn't allow its members to perform oral sex on wymyn.

no. nononono. that can't be. it just can't

Super gonorrhea that makes you infertile.

Nothnig wrong about eating your wife's delicious pussy, you imbecile.

>sticking your tongue where urine and blood come out; inches from the anus

Into the gas chamber you go...

They don't push and it doesn't benefit them.
That was just the first thing that popped into their heads when coming up with that slogan. They're just degenerates that went "what else do people eat that would be witty and funny... oh I KNOW".

>Sex is the goal of a relationship
rather than
>Sex is a nice perk to a relationship

and the worst of all is men enabling this train of thought with their insecurities.

>i.e you cant satisfy your girl only with your dick

Procreation is literally the only reason males are attracted to females, you dumb cunt. If you don't want children you are mentally ill.

Oh, it's the American understanding of anatomy episode again

if you come in her mouth, you are not making babies. this pleases (((them)))

I dont disagree.

You see my virginic friend, by making men eat pussy women are empowered. The phrase 'suck my dick' will slowly be weeded out into 'give me the old lickaroo'. By doing this men will be betafied and will bend the knee more easily. The pussy pedestral will be stronger than ever and by doing so the kikes hope to turn more men gay

Only reason they do it (in that pic) is because they think that claiming to be a massive pussy slayer would help them shed their image as limp-wristed beta cucks.
Because no one wants to be a limp-wristed beta cuck, so they have serious recruitment issues.


>give me the old lickaroo

I'm a little sad I know where that comes from lol

Everyday people literally shit on your face, spit in it, piss on you, but I still think there would be nothing wrong if a woman kissed you. Don't be such a bitch.

Ever heard of showers you clueless dipshit, or do you only date hobos straight from the gutter ?
3/10 made me reply

>he doesn't want to give his lover sexual pleasure in return

What a selfish jerk.

Though a vibrator or pump will last longer than any human mouth.

>Getting vaccines
Good goy

He's saying that sex is a part of it, but he's differentiating between kids/raising them vs. just having hedonistic sex

when I did have a gf, I was too embarrased to get head from her and she from me.
did stick it in a few times with the light out tho.

is it sad to be having awkward high school sex in grad school?

>implying anyone posting on Sup Forums doesn't already have autism


as a female i find it extremely frustrating i havent been able to orgasm in about 3 years through sex, masturbation or eaten out whats wrong with me?

Post your tits and I'll tell you, I'm a gynecologist so you can trust me

tantric sex takes away the priority of orgasm to facilitate bonding.

Orgasms need trust.

you aren't married

Your right. You should be putting the tongue in the anus. That's where the best pharamoans are user


Wow I was going to counter signal and claim oral sex is ok but now I am rethinking. Maybe it is bad somehow if a kike pushes it.

oral sex gives you throat cancer

Because they cut off their penis's;s and by the time they figure this out. its already too late. Gas yourself faggots

dont get why i need to married to get an orgasm also i guess ti could be trust but idk. lol im not showing my tits nice try though

I hate niggers and kikes but I love eating pussy

You sound like a drug addict.

Where did you get this info?

>telling another nationality to take showers


Your women stink and try to cover it up with perfume. They are also hairy down there.

You don't deserve an orgasm lol.

no shit

This is a wise assessment. Honestly, given what grows in and around human female genitalia, and given the kinds of diseases that can flourish there, I really don't see any reason for wanting to have contact with that region ever. That's even before we get into the other difficulties that accompany such a horrendous set of orifices.

If you're not breeding, Jews are succeeding.

careful who you trust though,

when broken, trust becomes harder and harder to attain.

"The goyim must be cucked, eat woman pussy and clean the house"

There are different strands you know. Just because you got a shot doesn't make you safe.

Tits or gtfo

Pol makes me feel bad for a lot of things.. please don't make me feel bad for occasionally getting eaten out.

You need to trust your partner and let them do it for a while. Sometimes it takes a few minutes to come to orgasm.

>They are also hairy down there.

I don't doubt there are exceptions, but seriously, I haven't fucked a girl born after 1985 in the last five years that wasn't at the very, very least trimmed. How many girls are going au naturale these days? Fuck, even I shave my balls.

>They are also hairy down there.

Nothing wrong with that.

>au naturale

It's "au naturel" btw

>Nothing wrong with that.

French confirmed.


>It's "au naturel" btw

Well fuck. Thanks Canada

Begone thot. Stop being a whore and find a husband to make white babies with. Are you really "free" from housework and child rearing in a family that loves you when you're instead doing some oh so fulfilling "career" tasks such as filling in spreadsheets or something for Schlomo who thinks of you as a replaceable worker unit? Where are you a greater asset to your people and civilization? And do you really think you'll find a rich doctor to settle down with in your 30s after years of slutting around like you see on talmudvision shows such as (((sex in the city)))? Or are you smart enough to realize that route only leads to disappointing betas who couldn't get anything better than a used up meat hole.

Don't feel bad based on the grumblings of virgins.

>That flag
>That file name
>That statement

Sad state man lol

Why not both?

ever wondered why your black panties are all bleached on the crotch-spot?

I've literally quit college because I know I want babies sometime soon and having a career would be pointless. I'm not promiscuous and I am looking to settle down with a white man. Nothing wrong with a little fun in between with a potential suitor.

"Jewish girls love to give head, right? And Jewish men love to get it."

They aren't? Lol

Grab Pussy
Eat Meat

You tiny dicked white boys should take their advice, or risk losing your women to superior BBC or lesbians who will actually manage to please you unsatisfied partners.

Id eat out a woman if I were happily married to her.

Some random slut Im dating for a few months? Fuck no.

what is wrong with oral sex?

>>sticking your penis where urine and blood come out; inches from the anus
Sex is disgusting. If there would no cheap orgasm gratification then nobody would do sex.

my bad, just trying to rile you up,

i am serious about all that trust crap though

If you don't like eating a girl, you're straight up homosexual and might as well go to the nearest public toilet, at night, and tap your foot 3 times when in a stall.

well memed Shlomo

No I agree. That's why I don't understand girls who say they enjoy one night stands. It sounds uncomfy.

Why are you dating a random slut, user?

Getting your dick sucked by hot babes is just too good

you missed the point , looks like you are a dumb uneaten cunt


Because it's a vector for disease.

Because oral doesn't make babies.

More like
>Eat animals
>not pussy

know the drill or lurk more

>I've literally quit college because I know I want babies sometime soon and having a career would be pointless
you fell for Sup Forums memes you utter retard

Well, it's feminist so it's an anti-male and vegeterian beta-kun of a slogan, preferably to be virtua signalled infront of other sjw so jews can privately snicker aside and call whites cucks

> solution , drop at least 1 load down a jewish throat

Nah, I just know too many women that have started a career just to stay home with kids. I'd rather not waste my money and learn a trade instead.

This is true.

Why is oral sex something magically evil that we should avoid more than intercourse and other acts that are also popular among fornicators but best reserved for marriage? Or are you seriously arguing that a wife shouldn't give her husband a blowjob while on her period, and a man shouldn't lick his wife's pussy if it helps her achieve orgasm?

The fact that people have oral outside of marriage is no worse than the fact that they fuck outside of marriage. In a way it's better, because at least these people are coupling meaningfully in a way that sort of maybe promotes pair bonding, where as half the unmarried fucking that goes on happens through a balloon and is very much like masturbation.

It's only submissive if you ask permission. There's nothing submissive about grabbing a woman around her midsection, planting your mouth on the softest, most sensitive part of her body, and invading her with your tongue if you're doing it for your own enjoyment and aren't a little bitch about it.

Maybe you're the beta here if you can't wrap your mind around the notion that we do this to make our women come because we like listening to them come, we like the taste of pussy, and our seed deserves to enter the uterus through a gleefully contracting cervix.

Your mouth is a thousand times dirtier than anybody's vagina. Find yourself a woman who knows how to wipe her ass and likes to shower before bed. You fussy little child.

Fuck user why are you bringing jews into this?
How the fuck are supposed to nut while getting a blowjob if you're thinking of jews?

seen this many times

i like eating pussy.

something about her grabbing my hair and squeezing my head between her thighs just turns my dick into diamonds.

wont do if she dont shower first tho.

based greekbro say why

>Giving degenerate advice

Shlomo I....

Sup Forums seems to think everything is degenerate. Is it degenerate to pee sitting down if you're a man?

Because hes mafia duh faggot..why ya think. Larp and sage /s.

Mafia do what they cuxking want. If one guido is a Machiavelli carpet muncher who cares?? Its not like hes herbert hoover. What reputation does he have to uphold for children.

What is this recent meme about "men not going down on women" and "men only caring about their orgasm during sex"? Maybe try being with someone who actually cares about you instead of chasing Chads?

Why do you keep saying 'we' as if you were speaking for anyone on Sup Forums?