>Every form of media is political >"Diversity" is a load or horseshit >LGBT can get fucked >I must fight against the liberal agenda I embraced years ago >mfw on the inside, I just want to go back to being a normie
Help me Sup Forums. Are we fighting a losing fight?
Well that was my plan in 2014 during that fiasco, make it so that everything became more politicized.
And if you are a liberal there is no need to fight it, just adjust your views to new information you get.
Grayson Smith
You can never go back. That's why its the red pill.
Owen Edwards
I don't fight anything I just live my life, there is no need for me to fight. In my entire life, I have only seen like 40 muslims ( 30 in eastern London and 10 in Cork City ) and 20 blacks ( Oxfordshire and Cork City ) So I don't really have to worry about anything, here in Poland.
It is your problem.
Jaxon Thompson
Every right wing White Millennial should be registering with the local Republican party, and taking over the institution. Our generation has been conditioned to sit at home, and only get involved in virtual communities. The far left Millennials are already taking over the Democrat party, and the milquetoast Young Conservatives types, and aging X'ers aren't going to be able to fight against a fully converged Democrat party.
The Republican party is going to become implicitly White simply because the Minority Coalition is going to force Whites out of all leadership roles in the Democrat party within the next two election cycles. However, when the exodus of White democrats does happen, many will simply become independents, and those who do register threaten to drag Republic primaries slightly more leftward.
We NEED young, right wing leadership to keep the cucking to a minimum. This political polarization trend is going to come to a head in the next two decades. Get involved now and position yourselves for influences when you're in your 40's. Politics is played out in REAL LIFE.
Bentley Nguyen
In the US - Yes. You are done, better earn some money so you can at least escape if things become too bad.
Hunter Bennett
What my fellow white brother American said
Asher James
Yesterday, some absolute madman in our government said that lifestyle press for little girls, like Bravo are "too liberal and politicly correct" and promote "poor idols" so that will be changing soon, because of "deconcentration and repolonisation" of press.
Fuck, I love Kaczynski.
Lincoln Cooper
>40 muslims 20 blacks I thought my small town was being overrun when I witnessed a Milwaukee nigger moving in
Henry Sanchez
literally where do you even sign up for the "local republican party" whatever the fuck that means
Christian Adams
type www..gop
Every State has its own organization, which breaks down further into precincts, usually along Congressional Districts. Most will have a physical office somewhere in the district, many will have multiple offices. You can walk into any and ask to register as a Republican, which will give you the right to vote in Republican primaries, and get you on the mailing lists, and what not. Most of party politics happens at the local level, but media tends to only cover national political drama. If you show up to local party events, usually fund-raisers, speeches, or networking, you can meet a lot of people. There will be like-minded young people, those on the cusp of the red pill. There will also be older people, boomers, people involved in local business, and Party administration. These people LOVE to see young people. There are many opportunities to make connections. If you'd educated and highly active in your local Party, you can "move up", get invited to attend State and national events. If you have your shit together, and develop a reputation, you might get asked to speak at an event. If you speak well, and make lots of connections, someone may suggest you run for a local office--maybe something small like the town or city council. If you keep doing well, and make more connections, and start "playing the game", you could be tapped to run for a State legislative seat, or even a US Congressional seat.
That all may sound far fetched, but none of it happens unless you get up off your ass and participate. It'll be fun. You'll get to go to some dinners, and meet some conservative chicks. It's better than spending weekends hitting on leftist roasties at bars.
Benjamin Flores
Also, even if you're not interested in running for office, being involved in your local Party can get you involved in local or State campaigns. You can get on a campaign staff, and if you're really good, you may even be taken along to DC if your campaign wins, and they need to staff their Congressional office with competent people. Also, Congressman and Senators staff home offices back in their home States too--there are jobs at those too.
It doesn't really matter what you do exactly. My main point is that people need to actually get involved in the party. Few people in are society are as political interested as the type of people here, but few are willing to shitpost IRL, and get in the game.
Aaron Wright
Don't be a defeatist. We are not fighting a losing battle, we can and will win.
Evan Fisher
>are society Dropped.
Brayden Flores
wtf, I love Democrats now
Andrew Young
>>Every form of media is political
That was fully intentional. Most people are over-socialized to the point where they are horribly afraid of having any meaningful discussion because it could offend someone. So you just shove politics into their face at all times to make it impossible to not discuss it - then they'll just adopt the perceived majority opinion to not offend someone, when otherwise they might have formed their own political opinion in their spare time.
Owen Parker
Yeah, I really want to join up politically with a dude that confuses our with are. Jesus Christ.
Colton Hernandez
Yeah, stupid suburban and rural retards. He probably spells Drumpf with a 'T'.
Evan Powell
Your losing because /pol does fuck all, I don't even agree with most of you people. If yall want to accomplish something do it quit bitching.
Xavier Ross
Fuck off, alphabet soup. Eat a bullet.
Asher Price
As long as you're falling for the lie that socialism benefits the poor at the expense of the rich, you will continue to wonder why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Gullible. Naive. Exploited.
Grayson Bennett
Bullets should be illegal.
Juan Morales
No they shouldn't. Otherwise you would never kill yourself.
Andrew Parker
>Every right wing White Millennial should be registering with the local Republican party
Listen to this goy, he knows what's up!
Nathaniel Rivera
I shouldn't have to kill myself. A medical doctor should be able to do it for me.
Anthony Collins
Hey, as long as you're dead.
John Morgan
>doesn't realize both images are true
Nice bluepill you have there.
Jeremiah Taylor
Death should be illegal.
Xavier Cooper
Id rather suicide assist you with a baseball bat. Should baseball bats be illegal too?
Chase King
Then no one would die.
Only for racists
Isaiah Roberts
If "conservative" values won we would be bashing womens heads in to rape them in order to strengthen our hill tribe and defeat the river people.
Progressive values have allowed us to look beyond our differences and cooperate in order to dominate our enemies.
Ultimately both value systems are essential in the success of a people but conservatives are the tragic hero, a speed bump on the road, that keeps our inevitable progress in check.
Choose whatever role you like, just be aware of the greater picture.
Josiah Price
>Progressive values have allowed us to look beyond our differences and cooperate in order to dominate our enemies hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Adrian Phillips
??? was this 50 years ago?
I saw more then in your whole life in the first half hour in london... I see more then that every hour in my home town.
At least there is no polacks
Jacob Perez
that is the most retarded tripe I bet you think hitler was conservative
Hunter Peterson
You actually believe this.
Jason Price
There isn't one of these for wisconsin you twat wiffle. What do I do in this case?
>I used to be like you. >Came for the lols stayed for the happenings >got red pilled in the process >it gets better with time Most of us are incapable of going back to being a Normie >pic related mfw I "REEEEEEEEEE" so often that my friends now will free too some of them even browse here.
Michael Morales
No, but the other side is very loud.
Gavin Diaz
>voluntarily believing in misinformation >literally coming out as a jewish commie shill >exposing your nefarious intentions >proving our suspisions >thinking your safe now that the board is full of your kind >expecting goy to peacefully take the red pill
>being this retarded
Oh boy, I hope someone with the right set of skills doxes your ass, kike.
John Peterson
Blue pill* Jesus I need to go to bed.
Nolan Foster
Wtf I love breaking standards.
Isaiah Gutierrez
Also I woke up disorientated and to get a drink, I just happened to wander on here within 5 minutes of waking up. Sorry for that. I'll sign up for this shit tomorrow. Oh and I've recently moved within the last year, does that destroy any eligibility?
Grayson Clark
does that destroy any eligibility?
No. It's not nearly that formal. Remember, there are tens of millions of registered Republicans in the US. Simply registering isn't hard or that big of a deal. You'll have to make a bit of an effort if you actually want to get involved. Literally, just walk into your nearest field office and ask if anyone can give you some advice in getting involved on the ground.