Americans really got their priorities backwards. What is a bigger security risk? Some non-existing country that is going to be bombed by the carrier group or the millions of illegals streaming across the border?
13 billion for an aircraft carrier, 1.6 billion for a border wall
We're too busy paying your defense bill.
>We're too busy paying your defense bill.
Then stop it. Remove your soldiers from Europe. Stop payments to Israel. Start building a wall to keep out the illegals, start implementing an ID system that stops all illegals everywhere.
USS Gerald Ford was well into the works before Trump and his additional border security measures.
1.6 billion is enough for 28 miles
This shit isn't going to ever get done st this rate
This is impossible. He stated multiple times that the wall would cost 12 billion or so
dude, I wish
>Getting money from the taxpayers to pay for a fraction of the wall built by jewish companies.
>most immigration is actually from Asia
>1.6 billion is enough for 28 miles
Wow, so by your expert opinion, the wall will cost nearly 115 billion dollars?
That's a wrap, we're done here.
>38 billion to pay for Israel's army
I did not criticize Trump, I criticized America. Your priorities are not right.
Wolfpacks are worthless anyhow. China has subs invisible to our sonar and supersonic anti-ship missiles we can't shoot down.
$1.6 Billion would be $1.066 Million per mile. That's a metric fuck ton of concrete.
However, the $1.6 Billion is only a down payment. It's going to cost anywhere from $8 to $20 Billion. It will be far more effective than the wall that currently covers Mexico's entire southern border
>Wow, so by your expert opinion, the wall will cost nearly 115 billion dollars?
100 billion for a wall is a good estimate.
15 billion for a double fence with sensors and anti tunnel measures.
I think they are anticipating some r&d costs here.
You've earned your yoke twice over, vassal.
>100 billion for a wall is a good estimate.
50 million/mile is not a good estimate. thats user pulls numbers out his ass type estimate.
Zero.... on moderate rebels
What's important is they're finally about to create the infrastructure needed for the project. Hire people, have a design settled on, material contracts completed, shipping starting, and construction underway, etc. Once they finally begin it will be much easier to get more and more funding later.
Even if it's 100 billion it's worth it.
I heard it was more like 6 gorillion dollars a wall from a veriable source my goy
>50 million/mile is not a good estimate. thats user pulls numbers out his ass type estimate.
It is considering the American wall is supposed to be higher than 4m and is supposed to be unclimbable at 15m and higher with sensors, pathed roads and watchtowers etc. If it were just pic related (Turkish wall to Syria), I'd say cut the costs by 90%.
Paul proves his loyalty after Reince goes, how fortunate for him
>Don't plug this leak - there's also a leak over there.
Do you have any concept of how much money $50 million is? That's $9469 per linear foot. Concrete is ~$300 per cubic yard
Cali alone spends $30b/year on illegals. Anyone saying the wall costs to much is fucking retarded. Obama's website cost $5b and didn't even work right.
>Concrete is ~$300 per cubic yard
Even for walls built in Israel and Turkey, the cost of the concrete was in the single digit percentage of the total cost of the walls built.
Anyway, how do you get to your calculations? At 20m (several meters under the surface) and a 3m base and a walkable 2m top, I get to around 50 cubic meters of concrete per meter of wall or 50,000 cubic meters of concrete per km. That is around 5 million in costs for the concrete per km wall. If we assume a very favorable estimate of around 15% costs of concrete of the total construction costs, then we end up with 35 million per km of wall.
The prototypes of the wall structures alone cost over 100 million USD and that is not even a km of wall (and not even an operational wall).
Daily reminder that all Navies are outdated pieces of shit that have no place in modern warfare.
All navies use 'point defense systems' to protect them from incoming missiles.
The catch?
No point defense system on earth can defend against Hypersonic missiles, only supersonic and slower.
The U.S, China, and Russia all have hypersonic missile technology now, meaning in a global conflict all ship would be sunk in minutes.
The only use navies have now is bullying 3rd world countries that fight with sticks and stones.
this is some convoluted plot to botch the wall somehow
>I'd say
May I ask what your expert wall building portfolio looks like? Even the most biased and outrageous estimates are less than half of that.
>It costs 57 million for 1 mile of wall.
LOL, American education never fails to impress me.
Can people who are anti wall explain how China 600+ years ago built a 13 000 mile long wall, why it is considered a wonder of the world, and then please continue to argue against a 2000 mile wall that is obviously needed and can benefit both the USA and South America?
Better to keep the fighting on someone else's border than at your own.
I know you don't understand borders given the flag.
400,000 people died making that wall.
It wasn't 6 gorillion though, so nobody cares.
>May I ask what your expert wall building portfolio looks like? Even the most biased and outrageous estimates are less than half of that.
Actual construction projects. Our building material costs are never the main cost factor.
>explain how China 600+ years ago built a 13 000 mile long wall
Took 250 years to complete. 2 million people built it.
>Actual construction projects
they could have gotten 2000 miles done in roughly 39 years, fagget, with incredibly primitive technology. We got the gasoline and bad machines and people who need the work, eurocuck.
By my calculations, the wall cannot be achieved becaus its racist.
fuck, that's it goys, lets pack it up, no wall.
Europe, especially Germany, cannot be trusted at this point
1.6 Billion is just a down payment, more $$$ is coming
> 13 billion for an aircraft carrier
If Hilary won, this would be 13 billion Food Stamps
>1.6 billion for a border wall
If Hillary won, this would be 1.6 billion in transgender soldiers
Umad blackboi?
>Remove your soldiers from Europe
Then stop starting world wars
the (Western) Germans had a delusional love for you after you "saved" them during WW2
if you hadn't constantly taken a shit on them and did your best to prove at every turn that you do not see them as an ally, let alone a friend, they'd be absolutely loyal to you
US can shoot down Mach 16 satellites, not too much problem with any missiles.
No sub is invisible to active sonar.
Military is expensive but the stuff by and large works very well.
You are talking to a Leaf...
>Yes its better to attack some insignificant enemy that isnt even a treat to you when enemy army is already on your land raping your people.
t. Australian """"""intelectual""""""
Id happily accept the asians over the spics.
This place is turning into mexico I cant fucking stand it.
You honestly have no idea how bad it is unless youre in socal. Especially LA area.
>The border wall allocation includes $784 million for 32 miles of new border fencing in Rio Grande Valley, as well as new $498 million for 28 miles of new levee wall in that area, and $251 million for 14 miles of secondary fencing in San Diego.
>32 miles of new border FENCING
>28 miles of new LEVEEs
>14 miles of secondary FENCING
Can someone explain why fencing is so expensive? how much would an actual concrete wall cost (or are we just going to get more fences?)
>building ships too expensive to lose
did they learn nothing from past wars?
hes not backing the wall hes looking for some political brownie points for backing this years defense expenditure on the wall. Next year its uncertain he will have the same enthusiasm.
>Which Trump repeatedly pledged Mexico would fund
No, he said Mexico would pay. These people are so fucking retarded.
>Can someone explain why fencing is so expensive?
I explained it above, another American citizen essentially called me an idiot for explaining why engineering projects in the West are expensive these days.
Why should I explain it again?
>Daily reminder that all Navies are outdated pieces of shit that have no place in modern warfare
That's a stupid thing to say and you are a stupid person for saying it. Every country in the entire world disagrees with you. I'm going to listen to them over a nameless faggot on the internet.
Countries are like properties. Your house has a wall so should a country.
reveal your flag or you're just another larping leaf cuck
You are a liar. Nobody believes you.