ITT - Redpilled Vidya Characters

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Good ol Rudy

HAHAHAHA literally a Jewish puppet, kys nordcuck.



>crypto-Thalmor dog trying to destabilize the empire through his larping

off with your head traitor.

Literally a thelmor puppet

>this somehow justifies the Empire going in and raping the Nords and culturally enriching them

Pic related; the Empire.

>culturally enriching

it is unironically necessary, cuz nords are literally barbarians, if you consider them to cyrodilians

*consider => compare

>see OP pic and title
Guaranteed Replies. The thread.

how was he redpilled?

Not at all. They're traders and sailors, that much is clear.

Have you ever considered why the (((Thalmor))) wants to get rid of man-worship? Have you ever bothered to question it? Because that's what is going away if you let the Empire culturally enrich Skyrim.

Doesn't change the fact he was still a puppet of the (((Thalmor))) and the empire actually wanted to throw the yoke off them in the future

The empire is already settled into its impending removal, the Aldemeri Dominion could've taken the empire but they played it safe and made a treaty for another planned attack to take over tamrial. The Empire obviously desperately needed the treaty and they had to conform with the Thalmors enforced faggotry but now that Dragonborn is a one man army swinging dick, the Empire may have gained the upper hand and will surely work to regain their sovereignty against the Thalmors and returning the 9th Aedra, Talos back to the nords. (No reason for them to keep Talos banned after defeating the Aldemri...)

Why not blackpilled


>literally housing "refugees" 50 feet from his castle

>video games
>red pilled
I bet you play Tomb Raider and fap while your gf is playing dick rider on her night's out with her "friends".



As much of a puppet that any sort of opposition is. They'll likely get the same outcome - they state as much, but they don't know that.

In a way, you're the puppet of the Jews right now. You're destabilizing society with your fringe views.

The Dragonborn will do about as much as the Nerevarine, which is nothing. But good job getting rid of Talos worship though, the (((Thalmor))) is one step closer to godhood.

Who wrote this game and will they be back for TES6? People complain about Skyrim not being as imaginative and the world not as rich as Morrowind but on the other hand it is was clearly written by someone redpilled...

>going in and raping Nords
Bethesda writes in kid friendly shit, Fallout 3 and onward never mention stuff like that.
Sven is projecting, just because your sister was raped and culturally enriched doesn't mean that happens all the time.
Not once do they mention atrocities against the populace in Skyrim.

>the Aldemeri Dominion could've taken the empire but they played it safe and made a treaty for another planned attack to take over tamrial.
The Dominion got their shit pushed in at the Battle of the Red Ring. The treaty benefits the Empire because men can repopulate and remilitarize faster.

>they had to conform with the Thalmors enforced faggotry
The WGC was literally never enforced until Ulfric made a big stink and drew the Thalmor's attention before the Empire was ready to restart the war.

>muh dragonborn
is literally irrelevant in the grand scheme of things because the Hero always fades into obscurity once the Prophecy is fulfilled.

One honest politician


he's literally just a money hungry parasite



Anyone from Telvanni desu.

>muh dossier
Just shut the fuck up fatass

Look into TES lore and you'll find out quickly this shit ain't kid friendly. For example, I'm actually amazed they kept this for Dawnguard - Do you know how the first vampires were made? Rape. Daedric prince brutal anal rape.

>Rape. Daedric prince brutal anal rape.

i didnt see any scenes of rape in the elder scrolls, in fact i dont see sex mentioned at all. the lore might have been deep before morrowind but the modern games are designed for children.

Serana explains this, though not as clearly as I said it.

That's just the details between the lines, and in DLC. Also that's only for females, males don't get raped. My grown sibling that played Skyrim start to finish at least 10 times didn't even know about that until I told them.

Anyway, faggot, why don't you back up your sources? I know Ahmed rapes you daily, but there is no such thing as mass rapes for the civil war. Espesically since a significant portion of the Legion are nords anyway. Back it up or fuck off.

>literal globalist cucks who publically bend over for Thalmor dick
>Controlled opposition

Ulfric is a Thalmor agent after all

Wlad, play the damn game.I literally haven't played the game in 3 years, and I still know that everyone misreads that dossier.
They say that Ulfric is basically a "useful idiot", your language implies that the Thalmor literally meets with him and says "Okay, this is what you gotta do"

Both of them are cucks so I leave them tied up in my basement.

Then pay attention and stop being bluepilled.

And it ain't kiddy level shit like you wish to believe.
How dense are you?

They shut him down.


>A victory for either faction is to be avoided

What did the Thalmor mean by this?

no thanks, i dont play those games much. i prefer games with decent writing. if you think skyrim is redpilled you are a fucking idiot

Telvanni are bickering NEETs.
Redoran is the redpilled House.

>Also that's only for females, males don't get raped.
Lamae Bal raped the men who found her after she was raped by Molag Bal.
Also, I doubt Molag Bal has any particular preference, given he also fucked Vivec, and I'm pretty sure that was before Vivec became a tranny too.

You said "mass rapes", there are a couple instances in wars where a soldier steps out of line and takes a night off to rape somebody, but very rarely do wars feature mass rapes (like the Soviets).
I'm sorry that you're autistic, Sven.

B-b-b-b-b-based Caesar

renegade shepard was redpilled as fuck

well from what I remember Thalmor funded him and "nudged" him in proper direction without directly payrolling him.

That makes him an unknowing agent.
If he was a real person, and today papers surfaced that commies did something like this he would be treated as a commie cooperator and practicaly ruined

About as redpilled as the GOP lmao

No, his only interactions with the Thalmor was that he was captured, interograted and gave up useful information during the Great War (they say that this led to them capturing the Imperial City).
That makes him John McCain, but not a willingly agent.

>Yes goy, fight the Empire
>An independent Skyrim totally won't make it ten times easier for (((them))) to invade
>(((The Empire is holding us back!)))

They also explicitly stated in the same fucking dossier that they didnt want him to win.

>Invade a region thats built like a literal stronghold with only a few mountain passes in and out that can be easily defended by people who also just happen to be the most capable warriors on the continent.

Uh huh ssure

>Nords cut themselves off from the cancerous and weak Empire
>Ally with Redguards and remove dagger ears

They actually state that the best case scenario would be that neither the Stormcucks or the Imperfags win. They want a war that drains both nations of their manpower, but it's outright stated in the game that when it comes to who would win in the end, the Thalmor wants the Stormcloaks so that the Empire is more divided and weakened.

It doesn't matter if they get rid of Talos worship, if the Dominion reaches the final tower (Hrothgar) Talos is unmade as a divine and all existence is destroyed.
>implying getting rid of Talos worship means anything
It's the towers that mean something. Talos worship is just a hindrance.

Operational Notes: Direct contact remains a possibility (under extreme circumstances), but in general the asset should be considered dormant. As long as the civil war proceeds in its current indecisive fashion, we should remain hands-off. The incident at Helgen is an example where an exception had to be made - obviously Ulfric's death would have dramatically increased the chance of an Imperial victory and thus harmed our overall position in Skyrim. (NOTE: The coincidental intervention of the dragon at Helgen is still under scrutiny. The obvious conclusion is that whoever is behind the dragons also has an interest in the continuation of the war, but we should not assume therefore that their goals align with our own.) A Stormcloak victory is also to be avoided, however, so even indirect aid to the Stormcloaks must be carefully managed.

>Stormcloak victory is also to be avoided

How the hell will the Thalmor be able to fight hardened Stormcloak guerillas in Skyrim and the empire to the south at the same time?

You dumbfucking idiot, They only to reach The Throat of the World, which I might remind is right on the border of Cyrodiil.
The Empire falls, The Throat of the World falls, existence is undone, elves become gods, gg nig

>to be avoided
That's what I fucking said. They want the war to continue on as long as possible, but they would prefer that if one side won the Stormcucks did, since at that point the Empire would literally be 2 provinces. It's the same argument in EU4.

No, I didn't. I said rape, plain and simple. I'm sorry you can't read and have to exaggerate my statements to save face.

Then stay bluepilled faggot.

Which is why I said a step closer. One step is already too far.

Found the (((Thalmor))) shill.

>Ally with regards
>tfw redguards were already submitted by the Dominion years ago

>Muh landscape
>Most capable warriors
And the Thalmor have the best mages plus a professional army much bigger than the stormcucks militia

>but they would prefer that if one side won the Stormcucks did

They don't have to Bjorn, that's the problem.

>Which is why I said a step closer. One step is already too far.
It's irrelevant.
>0.1 Septims have been deposited into your purse

Why would they fight at the same time, you dumbass?
>Skyrim independant
>Thalmor invade Cyrodil and High Rock (Empire's last provinces), Skyrim doesn't care because they aren't part of the Empire
>Thalmor now surrounds Skyrim on 3 fronts, to the south, west and from the sea

>this somehow justifies the Empire going in and raping the Nords and culturally enriching them
You're making it a big deal, faggot

Tullius says it several times, even when he's about to die when he has nothing to gain from saying it.

>>tfw redguards were already submitted by the Dominion years ago
The Redguard that came for the whore at the The Bannered Mare said the resistance in Hammerfell was alive and well. Was he lying?

>Implying the Empire would fight the Dominion if they tried to take over Skyrim


How the hell would Tulius know that as a fact? Sounds like conjecture.

Same as the Stormcucks resistance in Skyrim, but the difference is the Dominion isn't undersupplied and can crush the resistance easily

Bethesda can't write for shit. They said that the Redguard dudes were resistance fighters, even though they establish that the Thalmor retreated from Hammerfell because the Redguard factions united to beat the Thalmor.
Resistance to what? A foreign army that left?

Because he's one of the highest ranking Imperial officers in the entire Empire? And he's worked with the Thalmor?
It's common sense too..Why would the Thalmor want their main rival to win the war?

Nigger this situation is literally replicating the most famous battle of ancient history


I didn't take it as them being WOLVERINES, but just that the general consensus in Hammerfell was "fuck the Thalmor" and that they were secure enough in this to send men to hunt down traitors to aided the Thalmor and had to flee to avoid being killed.

>he doesn't know about the Alik'r rebellion.
Nigs hate magic for some reason.
The Thalmor also have the best auxiliaries in the world. not to mention they don't need to penetrate into the Heartland of Skyrim. They already cracked Cyrodiil, if they make it past Bruma then the end is nigh.

Except magic isn't a thing between us humans in real life

>literally apart of the mountain range that borders Cyrodiil

You know, now that I remember that quest, they never actually say whether they were actually resistance fighters. I believe that the Redguard woman they were hunting actually said "No, I am the resistance fighter, they are Thalmor mercenaries"

It really sucked ass, because Bethesda never made it clear at all, it was literally a game of "he said, she said".

And now you're just trying to save face because you argued against something for the sake of it and lost. Just quit it, you're embarrassing yourself at this point.

I don't actually believe that it is pointless. If they can't get up there, they're not destroying the world.

Never trust the roastie.

Yeah, but what if the whore was actually telling the truth and they were just mercenaries?

>telling truth

And as we all know, mountain ranges are very easily traversable by large armies.

>Armed nigs

the empire are puppets of the aldmeri dominion since they lost the war, what else do you think the golden concordat is?
the empire is literally enforcing aldmeri demands on a land that is neither of the empire nor the aldmeri dominion

>I don't actually believe that is pointless
Who cares? It's still pointless, it's not like it wasn't a forced psyop to stir up contention between the Empire and the Nords.
The sooner the war is finished between the Empire and Ulfric the sooner they can focus on whatever the hell it takes to keep a buffer region between the Dominion and the Tower.
>If they can't get up there, they're not destroying the world.
They don't have to peak the summit, we actually don't know what the fuck they do, but if they get within a few miles of the Towers they destroy them.

I lost, because you made a shitty argument
>The empire be doing bad stuff, ya goys
So you brought up the rape stuff, had no sources to back it up, and justified it by saying "Well it happens because it happens, it must of have happened now!"
No sources, didn't happen. Eat shit, Sven.

Its pretty explicit in the games that magic is on roughly equal footing with traditional combat.

>Honorable man heir of a great lineage
>Trained by elfs, becomes a badass guardian
>Bangs an 10/10 elf waifu
>Make women wet wherever he goes (Eowin)
>Unify mankind against the ordes of evil
>Gives epic speach that gives +3 proficiency in all attributes for all his comrades
>Becomes king and marries immortal 10/10 elven waifu

Literally most badass red pilled character ever.

>implying they need a large army
The Nords are the ones who need a large army since they are primarily melee fighters. The Dominion just need to get close, this can be done easily.
Also, wasn't the Empire able to funnel an army in too?
Couldn't the Dominion do something similar and come by Sea and the from Cyrodiil at the same time?

Redguard are not niggers, Argonians are.

>white niggers chimping out and weakening their already fucked state is redpilled

>nig whore
The Archetype of the Western Man

Redoran wants a Dunmer ethnostate. The moment the Legion withdrew during the Oblivion Crisis they filled the void, purged the fuck out of (((Hlaalu))), and de facto seceded from the Empire, though remaining formally because they're Lorkhan-bros.

>the final tower (Hrothgar)
Even if we assume that White-Gold and Red Mountain are inactive (and there's reason to believe that they aren't), AND that the Thalmor have succeeded in destroying Green Sap, that still leaves Ada-Mantia, the unnamed Akaviri tower, and possibly Orichalc. And that's also assuming the Hist aren't sitting on something and Numidium isn't activated again.


Literally cried at "For Frodo" at the movies like a fag, but god damn it did that not just hit the spot

>come by sea
And then get crushed by the Nord's greatest ally, The Ka Po' Tun.