We must kill it with memes just like CNN.
It is time to launch another meme war.
We must kill it with memes just like CNN.
It is time to launch another meme war.
Other urls found in this thread:
They are now taking the liberty of taking down videos that do not violate the terms of use, because they fucking feel like it.
My contribution is already up on YouTube.
why is this a surprise to anyone?
YouTube is a company, a greedy large corporation
why the fuck do we expect them to abide by their own rules? why do we whine and complain when they do whatever they want
they have the power
might makes right
You mean (((communist))). Fascism has nothing to do with shutting down opposing speech, that is a Jewish meme. Reminder that whatever Jews accuse you of is what they are doing themselves.
Can you still download their content with the API when it's banned?
We could start a right wing archival process to save content and then look for alternative places to re upload
Kim dot coms planned platform might be handy
>It is time to launch another meme war.
Send all the memes to Pewds
Better Dead Than Red, but that anthem is beautifully arranged and composed
...and why do we care about normietube? Weren't they cat video fetishists not that long ago?
Just exodus to (from both Smoogle and Zuckerbook)
We already have another youtube like site. Will not post here vecause it is a tight knit community i don't want to ruin.
I'm a mod in the old meme war II discord. Should we start her back up? Its been ded recently
>muh fascism is the ultimate evil
We just don't appreciate being censored
Only true if Google's traffic goes down
>20TB reporting in
I need a list with the most targeted youtubers.
I don't think that my current list is really the burner. Suggestions (please with reason why and example) are appreciated
>Jordan B Peterson [Partially]
>Mark Dice,
>Steven Crowder,
>Rebel Media,
>Daily Liberty,
>Daily Wire,
>Project Veritas [Checked]
>brother nathanael
>Mister Metokur
>Harmful Opinions
>Sargon of Akaad [partially]
>Paul Joseph Watson
>Alex Linder
>Computing Forever
>Black Pigeon
>Sellner [Checked]
>DVA [Checked]
>LangeR [Checked]
Also for those who like to join the archive squad
For any help just reply to the post I do my best to help.
>YouTube Just Went Full FASCIST
So they've instituted a hyper-nationalist economy in which corporate interests are subordinated to national interests?
kind of. Now they went over to book burning instead of just hiding what they don't like
we need an alternative to jewtube that doesn't suck ass and actually loads videos correctly.
I think he's just referring to the book burning
Add Jason Unruhe to your list, he is very good
wow missed that, sucks
I thought Sup Forums liked fascism?
Fascism is great when the people doing it are right. That is not the case now.
Kek, I'm going to archive the broader right wing.
/leftypol/ should get their own archiver for the broader left wing
its only good if its alt right fascism not liberal fascism
like the way isis likes isis fascism and not normal people fascism
>youtube acts like commies
>calls them fascists
I really wish you cuckservatives would stop with that shit.
What YouTube is doing isn't fascism, it's censorship and tyranny.
There can't be liberal fascism. Liberalism is the opposite of fascism.
so its just normal people kicking you out for saying stupid shit then.
reminder back then posting and supporting literal white supremacist shit on social media will get you a permaban.
why the fuck would it be different now?
Let me guess your understanding of history starts with 1945 and everything before was just racist bigot nazi
>so its just normal people kicking you out for saying stupid shit then.
No. It's the Jews and anti-Whites banning what they consider "hate speech" aka pro-White speech.
>reminder back then posting and supporting literal white supremacist shit on social media will get you a permaban.
Because social media is owned/controlled by anti-Whites.
>why the fuck would it be different now?
Because the pro-White message is starting to get out and the anti-Whites can't have that.
settle down, autist. people just want to know what's going on.
my understanding of history starts when whites leak out from their wasteland and starts wrecking other peoples countries, killing, raping, thieving non whites for the sake of their genocidal cult starting from 700 years ago
>Murdoch Murdoch
YouTube is now owned by Google so I'll just leave this here
Already archived by Doompol and cheeky videos
>archive org doom paul
>Because social media is owned/controlled by anti-Whites.
looks like its still controlled by them. why the fuck would that change?
>Because the pro-White message is starting to get out and the anti-Whites can't have that.
its the same fucking shit. why the fuck would that fucking change?
fuck off from social media, they dont want to pander to your hateful neo Nazi shit
>my understanding of history starts when whites leak out from their wasteland and starts wrecking other peoples countries, killing, raping, thieving non whites for the sake of their genocidal cult starting from 700 years ago
And the holocaust happened too, right?
Flag or fuck off pisslam
Why wouldnt it be? Trump said it happened.
>looks like its still controlled by them. why the fuck would that change?
This is exactly what I expect from them. Censoring pro-White opinions but allowing anti-White opinions.
>fuck off from social media,
So you're saying that people you disagree with don't have equal rights to use social media.
Not very accepting and tolerant, is that?
>they dont want to pander to your hateful neo Nazi shit
There's literally nothing wrong with National Socialism.
But they pander to hateful anti-White shit and allow that, don't they?
>Why wouldnt it be?
Because there's literally no evidence for the Holocaust happening.
>Trump said it happened.
Well Trump's a Zionist and certainly not pro-White.
Pretty nihilistic video desu. I am sure some other video website will take off though.
Also, is it more sad that people use youtube to argue and bullshit or that we use Sup Forums to argue and bullshit?
Stick to the topic dumbfuck. Name calling gets you nowhere, you fucking Nazi shithead. Fucking no life embarrassment to your fucking family.
Your mother shat you out thinking you'd be a nobel prize winner or someshit and you wound up posting on anime sites spouting neo nazi shit 24/7.
What a fucking sad waste of protein.
...Said the anti-White that supports White Genocide.
Again, show flag and prove what you are instead of larping as something you are obviously not.
mad as fuck
Fucking checked.
Some serious checking needed in here.
>So you're saying that people you disagree with don't have equal rights to use social media.
>Not very accepting and tolerant, is that?
Social media arent tolerant to ISIS and drug cartels. why the fuck do they need to be tolerant to you whackjobs?
>There's literally nothing wrong with National Socialism.
Fuck off with your hitler did nothing wrong meme.
>But they pander to hateful anti-White shit and allow that, don't they?
banning racist and anti jew Nazi shit isnt anti white. its just common sense
>Well Trump's a Zionist and certainly not pro-White.
and the president of the US doesnt agree with you. you got no support from anybody.
oh no i can say to the public i fight these nazi shitheads everyday online and get good boy points
how about you?
Welp, looks like the kikes derailed another thread
303/808 Sargon videos downloaded
Are those good boy points what determines your political interests?
>Social media arent tolerant to ISIS and drug cartels.
Of course they are.
>why the fuck do they need to be tolerant to you whackjobs?
Because otherwise they're anti-White hypocrites. People can actually call for the genocide of the White race on social media and never get banned but if someone says something remotely pro-White, they're banned for it.
>Fuck off with your hitler did nothing wrong meme.
But Hitler didn't do anything wrong.
>banning racist
There's literally nothing wrong with being a racist.
Take you for example, your anti-White racist shit is allowed on social media. Why is that?
>and anti jew
But there's nothing wrong with being anti-Jew
>Nazi shit isnt anti white.
If you're not pro-White, you're anti-White.
>its just common sense
Then why aren't anti-White opinions and statements banned?
>oh no i can say to the public i fight these nazi shitheads everyday online and get good boy points
So you're an anti-White faggot.
>how about you?
I speak the truth and don't need to lie. Unlike you anti-Whites.
Based Kekistan AWOOO
Jews are /our guys/ XD
Germany is bad and evil but Israel is great
SJWS FUCK OFF, and dont you ever fucking say that 6 million Jews were not gassed by Hitler, that triggers me
Assad is bad because Trump said so, and Iran, we should do what Israel wants
We need to support Gab. We need parallel social media sites. Twitter, FB, Youtube, Patreon. Sillicon Valley is the enemy we cant let them control all communication online. Same with universities but one step at a time.
1 off
There are a couple of free speech alternatives to patreon now as well.
I know of hatreon and there's one other.
www.bitchute looks promising but does it remove the hate speech poz clause
Good luck redpilling the normies.
Doubles of truth
We already have a leader
We didn't start this war
But he'll finish it goddamnit
>BitChute is a peer to peer video sharing platform. Its mission is to put people and free speech first. It's free to join and create and upload your own videos to share with others.
>BitChute is run, developed and supported by a small team who have chosen to dedicate their time, energy and money to challenge the corporate social media monopoly.
>We have big plans including monetization streams for our channel owners, live streaming, mobile applications, block-chain and much more.
hmm looks promising although I can't see T&Cs
Somebody explain the eternal swede. I really don't get it
That's why I advocate real world activism.
Distributing fliers door to door, car to car in the parking lots, hitting bulletin boards at college and placing fliers in relevant books at the library.
>Battle of Britain 2.0: Electric Bugaloo Edition
But does it embed?
>link is secret
pick one, faggot
what's the point of having a video sharing site if you can't share the videos on it? apparently someone needs to grow some balls if we are to have an alternative
Do you want it in song or meme form?
I already noticed that most of my content was already blocked from traffic several months back.
Ive noticed that many words trigger an automatic filtering to mature content.
Simple words like Battle will flag my content.
If I have a thumbnail from a flagged video, it is permanently logged and if I upload it onto any other video, it will permanently flag that video.
The fucked up thing is that my content isn't even that bad.
Its literally able to be show on cable television with the very worst being sopranos hbo tier worthy with maybe a fuck.
Meanwhile other motherfuckers can upload fucked up shit AND LABEL IT FOR KIDS like babies shitting on each other and aborting fetuses and everything else while they steal copyrighted material wearing spiderman costumes or using mickey mouse drawings and thats perfectly fucking fine.
Is the first video still online as a whole on his channel, or somewhere else
>"If the Jewtube Moderators think they can intimidate us with their hidden threats, They'd better watch out, our patience has it's limits. One day we'll shut their dirty, lying Jewtube mouths." -Pewdiepie, 2017
>t. Antifa scout trying to find out where I Fuhrer stores his dank maymays
You'll have to watch every single one of his thousands of shitty 10 minute clickbait videos to find it AHAHAHAABHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHH
You should stop wasting your time on things you can't possible change.
This world is theirs and there is only acceptance.
People were practically bred from infancy in all western societies to see you as an enemy, and when they are the extreme majority, naming the Jew will only make him more powerful.
Naming the Jew rationalizes our fear and actions, in a figure of speech - they are feeding on your memes.
Rest assured you will scream, weep and deny change as the inevitable end approaches.
Instead, you should go to the fucking beach and relax.
Unsurprisingly, leftists don't understand the difference between positive and negative rights
Yid, your day is coming.
Something I want to make very apparent to all of you is that this isn't the end of the web. You all need to understand that there are a plethora of developers out there that can't stand shit like this, and if need be will on their own dime create their own platforms for you to hang out on. The web doesn't end with Google.
Also one Sargon video has been flagged down. now only 802 instead of 803 an hour ago
I feel so sleepy all the sudden...
Any idea which one?
Lol i dont even know what im looking at but it looks like some memey shit
>implying one can't archive at the Danube
Stupid kike
Time to begin the meme bombing campaign
pewdiepie is the only one who can save us. he's too big to take down, so if we could get him and some other big youtubers to speak out it could help us.
No idea. It just changed from 803 to 802.
The first not so well organized personal archive
>Mister Metokur
make sure to save his old InternetAristocrat stuff too
This is not the first time this happens and will happen.
>Pioneer men build a community, which is not safe at all
>Place becomes more evolved and trendy
>Lots of women start showing up
>Women try to put soft edges on the place, to not hurt anyone
>Place becomes sensitised and not edgy and fun anymore
>Pioneer men move on to another platform
If someone has the cartoon about women destroying hobbies it perfectly shows it.
And this video discusses it more in depth
In summary, don't try to save youtube, just create the next thing
Anyone know a good email service to use since I'm dumping Schmoogle?
happened to me too
Wait for decentralised ones
or rent your own domain, its really not hard and basically free
Added to the list