>What you’re about to watch is one of the more disturbing videos you’ll see. It involves a group of white teenagers from Milton hanging out at a pier in Quincy, when they are surrounded and then savagely attacked by a group of thugs from Quincy. While beating them the kids from Quincy repeatedly call them the n word. I don’t wanna hear any BULLSHIT about how it’s OK to use that word because so and so was a certain skin pigmentation. If you use that word when you’re savagely attacking a defenseless human being, it is a hate crime. Make no doubt about it – if the roles were reversed this would be a hate crime and the DOJ would be in Quincy tomorrow holding seminars on diversity training.
White boys confirmed for being a bunch of fucking pussies.
Hey look it's the turk roach who desperately needs the attention he missed out on as a child. Hey champ, here's that attention u crave so much
Aaron Hall
>"Fuck off cucks" >Black dudes go to a pier and cuck a bunch of weak white boys
Try harder pussy.
Jeremiah Hall
Btw these kids looks 3 years younger then them, anyways I would still have knocked that dread head faggot out
Dominic Powell
>defenseless what happened to fighting back? fucking feminized society.
Hunter Turner
Or they're just not violent chimping out monkeys who respect the law and are not subhuman scum who use violence to solve everything
John Ward
Jaxon Ward
There's a huge difference between defending yourself and acting like a Chimp. Sadly, in this case these white boys are vaginas. Holy fuck America you better breed yo white bois into fighting machines or else you'll get cucked like this.
White men, do something about it. Holy fuck man.
Aiden Hernandez
They'll end up in prison for ten years for this attack.
Josiah Perez
Why fight back when they can sue? They're clearly rich white kids. Not to mention they could probably get them the maximum prison time.
Luke Cruz
>Another episode of "Grown Ass Nigger(s) Beats Up White Kid(s)"
Dominic Reyes
Why fight back when you can put the monkey in his cage where he rightfully belongs? He'll be collecting money from that cotton pickers family for the rest of his life. Nigger.
Kevin Johnson
White people will eventually uncuck their shit and eventually start beating niggers down.
Just like it took the right-wing some time before they stomped Antifa out
Lucas Harris
stfu this is a bunch of fucking middleschool faggots. stop spamming this shit and go post it in the nigger hate thread you dumb faggot.
Grayson Hernandez
when so many black on white hatecrimes happen on public transportation daily that the industry has to go in full cover up mode to prevent the release of the videos hatecrime laws only benefit blacks and they are actively trying to destroy white identity
Evan James
suing != criminal charges
Carson Roberts
I forgot niggers don't have money
Carson Reed
You have to homeschool your kids. They indoctrinate them to be pussies at public schools.
Grayson Walker
No just parent your kids properly. Homeschooling turns them into autismo spergs who never have any chance to experience confrontation
John Perry
Nah you just need to arm them for in case niggers show up like this. Shouldn't have to fight slaves in order to get through our day. If whites were really evil animals they would have killed them instead of releasing them all
Liam Gomez
>grown 'adult' niggers beating up children
Yup, them white bois sure are pussies.
Jose Sanchez
oh no whites do something niggers do on a weekly basis looking at crime stat omg evil white devil! go fuck you you fag you didnt care when blacks overwhelmingly do worse stuff on a more consistent basis all because of skin color and the left playing them for the fools and stupid idiots they are. so again go fuck yourself you cunt.
Zachary Rivera
Its not about that anymore. We are breeding a generation of weak boys whi will turn into weak men.. if you dont learn to defend yourself in these types of situations then you wont be able to fight back when it counts
Daniel Wright
YouTube link for anybody that doesn't want to go on that subhuman's website.
i weep for the negris who has to suffer such a animal but as a rule those that study wildlife are not to interfere when filming
next time on wild chicago a small pack of sambos attacks some niglets in a territorial dispute and the tarbabies migrate south for the winter
Xavier Mitchell
>Why fight back when they can sue? what little baby acting like a fucking bitch lmao
Jackson Jones
Did someone say nigger hate thread?
Ryder Sullivan
Josiah Collins
They are KIDS. my dick is taller than they are
Matthew Nguyen
Do turkroaches think they are black? i dont get it
Logan Evans
No it's a pussy white boi thread
Alexander Ramirez
Nolan Wilson
He's just a fag that likes bbc.
Levi Gutierrez
hes a roach larping as a nog. Roaches have low IQ, they think it's desirable to be a nigger. When you look at them, it's easy to figure out why they don't want to be roaches.
Xavier Wright
eventually you autists are going to overdo it and cause the meme singularity
Hudson Clark
>Go to link >see ad at bottom >Pepe's Italian Restaurant
Blake Phillips
wha... what did Kek mean by this?
Jayden Green
>niggers commit heinous acts of violence >turkroach thinks this is a knock against white people
fucking kek
Brandon Taylor
nothing important wh*Te dogs getting humiliated as usual
Jose Hughes
What did he mean by this?
Robert Campbell
>We are breeding a generation of weak boys whi will turn into weak men.. if you dont learn to defend yourself in these types of situations then you wont be able to fight back when it counts
yes and no. but mostly no. we here in the West did not get to be first world countries with a great standard of living because of our citizens fighting prowess in the streets. We enjoy our comforts because of our organization, and our discipline. What the clip doesn't show is the very organized men in blue uniforms who have or most likely will, show up at these thugs houses and drag them off to a metal cage. That part for the majority of us isn't what is broken.
Verily I say unto you user, these thugs shall always be with us. And yes it's does make me internet mad seeing this unfold but the system can work. Our biggest quarrel and most pressing civic responsibility is that they pay dearly for their crimes by way of harsher deterrents; a judicial system that works for us the citizens and a media that reports honestly.
as for "being able to fight when it counts", well thankfully that's our other forte. Westerners are practically genetically predisposed to follow and crave order and orders. We basically win because we can queue without chimping out. We're all a uniform and some training away from making magic happen, it doesn't take long at all. Look at the Milgram experiment, it's shows that this can happen in minutes, that you and I can order another white man to electrocute a complete stranger if he feels he's been given impunity to do so.
It's your call mate, but I wouldn't stress out. We got this.
Jonathan Johnson
You're right bout the adults in blue but not the kids. It's the upcoming generations that are going to make or break the west especially when things are being pushed to them such as pic related.
John Flores
Sure sure, I hope you enjoy prison food daquan
Logan Green
I like how they always prey on the biggest little douche nozzles they can find. They couldnt look more like "beat me up and my dad will sue"
Nothing to see here, move on. weak will be preyed upon by the strong no matter what color.
Bentley Campbell
That dude has one of the GOAT v/o voices for HBO documentaries. Shame he's such a degenerate kike.
Jayden Campbell
If you fight back then you're labelled as a racist.
Anthony Jones
You're not even black why do you care
Andrew Price
Sup Forums is just one big nigger hate thread
Nicholas Harris
haha when the white kids inevitably get in trouble at school for racism, people will blame their parents because racism is learned behavior.
Ryder Nelson
Or they learned it from pol.
Colton Roberts
fuck niggers
Anthony Sanders
is that what you guys thing while begging to be let into the EU?
Bentley Hernandez
looks like a self correcting system. the less western they become the less of a threat they really are long term.
Eli Hill
Levi Stewart
Good. Quincy is for the CHINESE.
Caleb Ross
Daily reminder that niggers are violent low IQ subhumans.
Colton Diaz
this is what happens when you don't have a weapon on you. Save your life, keep that knife.
Jeremiah Rogers
This. Those kids look like middle schoolers.
Dylan Lewis
Thank you.
Aaron Phillips
Gray shirt didn't leave his buddy behind. Good
Benjamin Hill
Not owning a firearm legal or not and just gunning down dindus
Oliver Morgan
That's hawt, onan...
Dylan Foster
That's Massachusetts bud. I can't own a gun at 25 because I was depressed at 16. Also self defense laws here Re fucked.
Lincoln Miller
That's disturbing alright, disturbing to see how soft the white race is now. They jump one of them and the friends don't help, pathetic.
Michael Foster
Recently, A Cowardly White Supremacist Male pulled out an AK-47 during an 1-On-1 fight with a black male. He quickly regretted doing that
so what? blacks do that all the time to each other.
Logan Miller
Based Milton kids those nigs belong to the concentration camp called Boston.
Hunter Brooks
>What you’re about to watch is one of the more disturbing videos you’ll see
Aiden Watson
What the fuck do you think happens when you import apes into a civilised society? They'll fit in?
Ryder Ross
As in between the months of September and December in the northern hemisphere?
Alexander Davis
Josiah Sanders
sup Sup Forums I've just raped a white girl SUBHUMAN PRIDE WORLD WIDE! damn it feels good to be a nonwhite
Brandon Nelson
this took way too much effort to find
Eli Martin
flat earth 200 proofs -dubay
Cameron Foster
Carter Morales
Why are people like this allowed to live?
Henry Carter
Logan Anderson
There's no point fighting back when you're going to lose. All it's going to do is make it more likely of sustaining an actual serious injury. Look at the size difference and they've probably never fought.
Eli Jackson
The only good nigger is a dead one.
Evan Mitchell
>GET OUT OF HERE NIGGER >O-okay >*BEATS YOU ANYWAY* And they wonder why we never believe that they dindu nuffin.
Robert Clark
pretty weak desu
Noah Wilson
>adult blacks beat up white kids >it's only a hatecrime because the blacks called the whites niggers Wat is this ride
David Evans
>MFW if this happened in Texas some concealed carrier could have iced those niggers then and there.
Bentley Myers
Luke Carter
nigga u just jelus we gots a new car don't try to pretend nigga.
Nolan Watson
Well, this is a sort of redpill for these boys, and none of them got seriously hurt. They will be stronger and better prepared for the next encounter.
Luis Green
Not true! We also hate traps and fags!
Brody Diaz
only 10% of the population it feels like 99%
Luis Gomez
That really wasnt all that bad, no one got hurt, those kids just let themselves become a victim, atleast if they fought back they could hold their head up
Luis Evans
Lucas Cruz
I like that song too but Nigger Snipers is my favourite.
David Long
Wow, just fuckin wow
Asher Gray
i got nigger on my mind
Julian Perry
>beating some 13 year old who is not fighting back with your friends who are around 15-16 Real hard.