Which is better: MBA in Finance or Entrepreneurship and Global Business
MBA if top 20 and network as hard as you can.
i don't even know what the fuck the other thing is, sounds like a meme basket weaving degree.
good luck user.
There are two concentrations at my local state college (near Bay Area): MBA in Finance, or MBA in Entrepreneurship and Global Business.
I have a percolating job opportunity with a cryptocurrency as a sort of Communications Chief, developing trusted relationship with the founder. If I can nuture that, then this degree would compliment that. But I primarily the degree should lead to as many options as possible. I'm leaning toward Finance as it can be applied to any business. It teaches more of the technical aspects of investing, real estate finance, securities, etc.
Thanks user.
the fuck is mba in finance?
an mba is what you get after you already have a degree that is industry related. some faggot with only an mba is 100% useless
you sound like a business degree autist
I might be.
An MBA in Finance is an MBA with a concentration of classes in Finance.
However there are plenty of people that change careers by getting a graduate degree in a field they want to go into. I'm 41 and have spent years working in the trades, and some in retail management. I took pre med classes in my mid thirties but realized being a doctor is just a version of a high end wage cuck. There is anohter option of an MBA in Business Analytics in Healthcare, which may provide more specialized training to get a job in that particular field.
This program is designed for working professionals, so obviously getting on full time with that crypto currency would be ideal while I pursued this degree.
Just kill yourself fuck it man why not
My billlionaire real estate mogul friend/mentor was supportive of the move so maybe you should learn to suck a dick? Singular focus would suit your autism well.
Cant you do both user? Wouldnt they both further eachother?
Sorry if the post was unclear.
They are two different concentrations of the MBA program at my local state college. You have to choose one.
Read it wrong user, not sure.
lol Did he go to college and start his own business by then having worked his way up to that position or was he given an already developed business created by his family i.e. mom and dad?
entrepreneurship sounds like better and cooler word than Global Business, I would go with that one
He's completely self made. Originally wanted to be a PhD in psychology while he was building houses, and was married at a young age. He ended up being given the deed to a house when the owner bolted town on a house he had worked on. The bank let him assume the loan for free (this was the 70s). He then got his real estate licence and sold houses for a year, while learning to flip them. He was worth 10m within 5 years, then got into housing and apartment development in early 80s, and mid 80s recession, played it safe, and was only man standing in his metro area (only guy banks would lend to), and by early 90s recovery, had the run of the place and basically built a couple towns in Colorado. Now assets fully shifted to west coast and strictly in apartments.
He dives a honda accord and lives in a 2000 square foot house in a nice neighborhood. He's one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet but you get the feeling he's an absolute killer when needed. He's basically like a second father/uncle to me.
Man I need to learn write more clearly.
The two options are "Finance"
And "Entrepreneurship and Global Business".
All of this is just self-glorifying paper-shuffling where you learn a whole lot of nothing then fellate your way through positions
It's garbage and you're moron for spending a single cent on that bullshit
Also, the Finance concentration might make it easier to work for him, as there are classes on Real Estate financing.
What do you do?
I thought the thread was about you ?
Propping your ego up with some paper from a dipolma mill won't make up for the fact you're a lazy nigger who couldn't be bothered to dedicate himself to learn something useful and resorts to sucking millionaire dick
Keeping your money and just starting a company is best.
Don't get sucked into the MBA nonsense scam. Unless that MBA is from a top 10 school, it will not help you.
Billionaire you jealous fuck.
I was a finish carpenter for ten years and when I finally injured my back for the final time I was working in high end custom homes. If my body held up I'd love to be able to keep working with my hands. I applied for a shop boy job at a glass shop and they wouldn't hire me because they know I want to go back to school. I'm caught in the middle right now and I need to find something I can do that doesn't involve physical work, and I'm not going to sit at a computer all day. Business is exciting and interesting and involves people, which I'm good at.
This is objectively wrong in the EU. I literally got offered a job with 150% higher pay than I would have otherwise just for spending another year after my bachelors to get an MBA.
Starting your own company can work, too, I am part of a startup that is doing remarkably well as a side-project for me, but I dont mind getting a bunch of money for sitting on Sup Forums all day and pretending to do work in a big corporation either.
Making money has never really been an interest of mine. I preferred to have meaningful work where I could see the physical results.
Life presents opportunities user. I've known this guy for 15 years. It's not even about working for him. I only mentioned him to show my idea had support from a successful person.
Who was it that touched you? It's not your fault.
Dont do an MBA, (((business))) degrees are 100% useless
If you want to get into real estate, go the finance route and network with real estate investors around you. Work for your friend for a few years while you learn the ropes. With interest rates the way they are, it's difficult to lose money in real estate.
t. real estate investor
By useless, do you mean people are commonly offered 50-75k/yr jobs out of Business school?
Where do you fucks live? Fucking Pakistan or something?
Billions matter to nobodies with low IQ like you, have fun getting suckered into bureaucracy and self-congratulating seminars, you'll probably fit right in like the boring and bland untermensch you seem to be
Finally a non neet response. Thank you Jesus.
Appreciate the honest advice.
No I live in Holland
But srsly though, having just an MBA is basically screaming that you have no skills of any kind. Its a cancer.
The only reason I'd make a ton of money is to give it away.
Seriously who was it? Your priest? It's terrible that happened to you. Get it off your chest user. Nobody will judge you.
Carpentry and house remodeling is not a skill?
What hell do you mean by "skills"?
Am I just completely surrounded by fucking loser hackers?
I've been investing for 5 years now and I'm actually just going back to finish my undergrad in Finance now.
Honestly, you don't really need a degree to make a career out of this. Just find someone willing to take you under their wing.
>What hell do you mean by "skills"?
Kek, disregard what I said, you are a perfect candidate for a business degree mister : ^)
If the pic is you you're better off being a whore. Work will always be there for you.
>giving all your shekels and then some to a college in the age of the internet
Dad you're such an asshole! Stop looking at my laptop!
Don't fall for the finance major meme.
well then most definitely entrepenerushipt and global business it has all the cool words in it
I get the feeling a lot of people here don't get how the real world works.
A BS in business is probably not worth much. But an MBA can land you a job.
You can also be successful with the right connections without a degree.
Also, there is such a thing as finance. We live in a capitalist society and just because some of you are from rural economies and hate (((bankers))) doesn't mean there isn't value in knowing how the world of investing works. A lot of you just sound really bitter and disillusioned. Someone posts an ambition on here and all you crabs just try to pull them back into the bucket. Pretty pathetic.
Oh I remember you now. Are you that roastie from yesterday with the Europe flag?
That might the route to go if my role with the crypto currency I'm currently involved with expands. There will be global activity over the next 5-10 years with that.
No but it sounds like your jack off to them was memorable for you.
And yet here you post your stupid shit on Sup Forums instead of /biz/ you fucking retard.
You are asking us about 2 options but fail to see the 3rd option which is right next to you.
hint: Option 3 kill yourself
There was this roastie going on about how good an MBA is and she responded just like you so I am pretty sure you are the same person.
Also this
My bad, I forgot pol was for ambitionless losers to bitch about the world.
But that is actually a fair point, should have posted on biz. Not worth killing myself over though. I'm not as sensitive as you I guess.
Let me guess, you do chainsaw wood carvings and sell them by the side of the road?
Got an archive ? That sounds almost as hilarious as this retard sperg thinking his middle-aged ass has anything left to give to this world
Biz is having a meltdown due to bitcoin fork and has generally been shit since 13/14 - ever since altcoins were shilled daily...
before you leave (hopefully this planet) dont forget, the more fancy words you see in the degree the better it is.
Nope, I too am trapped in the jewish construction known as college. But that job does look pretty awesome.
does this work ?
Do a math/stats degree with an MBA, anything else is pleb tier desu.
>takes no responsibility
>uses passive language
White supremacist my ass. More like white inferiority complex.
>>takes no responsibility
Luls, go ahead and "take responsibility" by falling for the MBA meme, you won't be the first one, redditfag.
I've thought about it.
There is a business analytics in healthcare degree as well, which involves some bioinformatics. Could go well with my pre med stuff, and also open the door for med school down the road for a MD/MBA combo.
Healthcare is obviously fucked right now and need a major innovation overhaul. That one might have best career opportunities.
Do you know a lot of out of work MBAs?
depending what you want to do OP, clearly entrepreneurship would be good if you want to be self employed but the MBA will may actually get you a job as a shit manger of McDonalds or something with hopefully better prospects as you get REAL experience of what your doing.
Personally i did 2 years of community college doing business management and i am now moving to a city to get an internship so when i am asked
>can you actually do the job we are hiring you for
i wont tell them i learned how to swim by reading a textbook on it
Entreprenuership gives you way more satisfaction. Plus, you have way more control over your life.
I wouldn't try Entrepreneurship if it isn't at Haas or Stanford.
It's a little different in the US. An MBA at a reputable school can double or triple your salary.
MBA Finance is a better option, it's the best MBA out there along with HR.
All the best!.
Indian dude has more cred. Thanks user. Was leaning that way. Great advice. You've been in the business world for a while?
idk how the student loans work in the US but really you may end up with a better education and for cheaper if you actually apprentice with a real entrepreneur than get taught by a professor with a MBA and zero experience
Most of the professors at my local state college are entrepreneurs themselves and highly integrated into local biz community. The program is designed for working professionals, takes 2-3 years, so the job I have during the program would be like an internship, but better.
It is also very fairly priced, and depending on my job, could be paid for up to 50%.
I actually wrote my Ex Gfs essays and got her through HEC Paris.
I know stuff or two about MBA.
I'm an Economist btw.
MBA's are taught how to run businesses, why would a company hire someone without experience to run their business?
Because people do an MBA from a good college only after a work experience of 5+ years.
Which is a highly rewarding college degree.
>I actually wrote my Ex Gfs essays
top cuck
Did you get an MBA in the states? Or MS in econ?
MS in Econ in India.
Everybody makes mistakes.
Actually it goes one step down, top MBA's look for the types of people you are thinking off.
Usually bigger firms will pay for your MBA
Would you say and MS in Econ has similar market value, all other being equal, as and MBA in Finance?
If you look like that, you don't need an education. In fact, you should avoid getting one altogether.
>Global Business
Globalists FO
I was hoping to get people with actual experience in the business world to respond, not teenage nazi larpers. I suppose it's to be expected.
If you expected such results from posting on a forum about politics, you shouldn't even try to get into a university. You won't pass the entrance exam. Your expectations are especially retarded when considering that your question is as vague as "which one is better".
I actually got quite a few helpful results. Sorry reading is hard for you, as is coming up with anything more than teenage level angst posting. But I gotta hand it to you, you're really good at that.
>I actually got quite a few helpful results.
>I was hoping to get people with actual experience in the business world to respond, not teenage nazi larpers.
Just go to a trade school. You need to be capable of at least some level of consistency in a university. Even in the current year.
>multiple responses of different types overwhelm the teenage mind
Thanks anons. Consensus among actual business people is Finance. Was leaning that way.
As for all you ambitionless, success hating, loser loving incompetents, microwave a fresh plate of tendies and use the good ketchup this time as a treat to sooth your hurt feeling as this was clearly a difficult topic for you. Thanks for helping meme Trump to the presidency though, creating an economy where my MBA Finance degree will make me fuck tons of money while you build birdhouses for tourists in your shitty bed and breakfast towns.
College is for cucks, if you're smart you can learn anything you want from the internet and run a business. College is for government jobs.
No problem. Enjoy your soul-crushing office job in finance in a couple of years.
And dont forget, that 6 figure student loan isn't going to pay for itself. Mr Shekelstein wants you in at 6 am SHARP!
Does he need an analyst?
I have a B.S. accounting and B.S. Finance and working on my MBA, but trying to get out of my NYC job
Why not just go for a MS in Finance (or Quant Finance)
If you want to go into a field where quantitative analysis is required (real estate valuation, say), a MS in Econ or Finance looks better than a MBA tbqhwylimho
Something to consider.
Real estate is not the end goal. I'm not looking to work for my wealth mentor. I'm looking to create options. But still, you make a good point. I have some undergrad in math from my pre med.
Look man, you have a warped view of the world from too much time on pol. The real world is a lot more nuanced, ok? There are tons of opportunities and there will only be more in the coming years because of Trump. Let go of that defeatist attitude. There are opportunities to work for small companies or start ups with guys you respect and trust, and education is a great advantage for that. I wish you all the best, no matter your path.
Engineer here, if you suck old kike dick you may have a chance to move up in your shitty meme peofession. You have been replaced by excel workbooks 20 years ago.
you'll never be anything
source: i'm something
The only "problem" with a MSF (I have one) is that a lot of the "top" business schools (Wharton, Harvard, Stanford, etc) don't actually have a program. It's relatively new to the US. So, I'd actually say a top 5-10 MBA might be better than a MSF, if only for the branding... there are a number of factors to consider. MIT, Vanderbilt, Princeton have MSF programs, though MIT is more quant and Princeton is more computational. I didn't go to a real target school, but I'm still doing breddy well.
'It's not what you know, it's who you know.' Daily reminder that there is great wisdom in almost all clichéd sayings, especially this one. Don't stress too much about education, it's all horseshit to your employers. I know 'networking' sounds like sucking dick, but you need to do it. You need connections to go places. Then once you've actually landed the job, then you demonstrate your competence.
I just looked and my college doesn't offer an MSF, but and MBA Finance isn't too too different. I checked another local (private) college that offers both and they are comparable according to them, MSF just more focused on financial services industry training, which isn't really my goal.
I'd like to be involved in the financing aspect of a small and growing company and ultimately maybe work for or put together a VC firm that focuses on health care innovation.
Good shit kraut.
Engineering is a great degree. Glad you're doing well.
>Consensus among actual business people is Finance.
Yeah I agree. Unless you want to be an entrepreneur. Also vague long winded terms like 'global business' sounds hacky and shit. You don't want them asking 'what does that involve?'
This is true too. Networking is still at least 30-50% of finding a great job. Sometimes networking opportunities come when you least expect them too
>tfw happened to sit next to and befriend the assistant director of the negotiation program at Harvard Law over some drinks at a bar
moral of the story: go out
That's true.
Also, can still be entrepreneur with Finance degree. Frankly would be taken more seriously than a degree in "Entrepreneurship".
Was considering that one though due to current role with global blockchain.
Yeah guys blockchain is really where I want to be. Not a brogrammer and no way I want to learn, so gonna focus on the money and mgmnt side of it.
Oh you mean the kike dick sucking program and Kikevard University?
Back to reality, yes. Shit like that is how business gets done. Engineer degrees are for people with no social skills. Good for them they have something to do though.
Ah. He used to do something worthwhile and then started shortchanging people.
The value of an MBA is not what you learn, that's trivial (and if you are in a disruptive startup, useless). It is the reputation and alumni network.
Some firms have a policy to always interview/hire from certain schools. Other times the name itself will carry you through the door.
The concentration is important insofar as who you want to be in class with. Finance you will be dealing with, I imagine, heavy quant types who might be manipulative math artists.
Entrepreneurship/whatever communications you will probably deal with high energy manipulative extroverts who will be conning investors out of money and manipulating developers who would do the real work of the business.
So up to you who you want to be.