When did you first realize whites originated from Dravidian and North African Albinos?
White Origins
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Oh fuck. Here we go again
It's exactly the opposite. Look up the Aryan migration; it's been proven by DNA.
Black bois BTFO.
I dont think so m8, I think you might be cowardly ashamed of your origins bro.
Facial structure is all wrong for negroids. I think you have autism, and nothing wrong with pajeet, he just needs to bring back the caste system and learn to poo in loo
kys nig
Nope. The haplogroup that Northern Indians have is a derivative of Eastern European ones, not an ancestor of them. They are our descendants, not our ancestors.
Post facts or GTFO nigger.
Southerners are all poorfags. I also think youre a coward who cant handle the truth.
Yeah I think your ancestors were african and looked like this.
>we wuz indus valley
fucking cumskins lmao
you share a common ancestor with the indo-aryans, not the dravidians
And niggers like yourself are retarded, what of it?
Im here forever buddy
you wish you had superior dravidian genes
germanic barbarian filth
But im not even black so here you are again proving southerners are dumb and uneducated.
Indans are the worst of the worst. Biggest cuks on the planet. "Oh please aryan masters, please come in and destroy everything"
Fuck India. The worst of the worst.
good thing i'm not indian
Nice pic, I hate india. I bet you hate your step dad faggot. And youre whore of a mother.
And who gives a shit? We all came from Africa where monkeys evolved into ooga boogas anyway.
Good think I dont care, I have a sexy white gf and I fuck her brains out.
>op has to flip from dravidians being superior to inferior mid-thread
Sup Forums is getting soft
literally who
You clearly give a shit since you do so well to hide it, like the cowards you are. " We dont care!!" - lives in artificial world hiding from own origins.
Low IQ in the action.
t. Lonely white male
second from the right kind of looks like yung lean.
So you are jealous for both whites and jews?
90 IQ is not bad, be happy you wasn't born with 65-75 like most of your kind.
Posting same shit over and over is a clear sign of being intellectually challenged, couple more years and you will maybe come up with new "banter".
Are you fucking lonely? Did your whore of amother file for divorce and ruin your pathetic little life?
You little bitch piece of shit. Fucking larping LOSER motherfucker. No game. No social skills. No women. KYS you pathetic fucking faggot.
Hmm so if i breed only albino rats i'll eventually end up with aryan rats?
Go get your step dad a beer you fucking lonely loser motherfucker.
No, you need melanin bred into them. Like this.
Why are mods not auto baning that threads?
False meme... both things are true, both subs species have problems related to their low/high average iq
Nice appeal to pussy power lol muh neckbeard virgins
But how does blue eyes come into the equation if brown eyes are a dominant gene?
Why do you guys keep responding to the same b8 everyday without saging?
"sub species"
Get a load of this total social reject.
Because I own them. Their eyes belong to me now.
Blue eyes come from albinism. Notice the tinges of blue behind an albinos red eyes. Blue for the same reason the sky and sea is blue, the way it reflects the light.
Actually albino Arab/East Africans are the closest related group to whites. It's probably where the effect arose.
>i dont know a shit about homo sapiens and evolution so im gonna grab this diagram real quick from some shady website to proof how right i am: the post
people from pol can be so retartet
Whites Begun in Europe.
God created different races and planted them in different places.
It's another part of God's computer game.
He is clearly mixed with whites.
Pic related is how native africans look like, compared to them he is a white guy.
>common ancestor near black sea
Youre clearly very lonely.
>not approved by a nig
When did you first realize OP is pic related?
>native african
>muh all aficunts meme
>every single one has an African skull structure
Anthropologists can determine sex AND race by looking at skeletons, full or partial, alone.
But, we're all the same, right?
>tfw you will never get a qt albino virgin girl
Why even live?
Nah, were not the same. But our differences are smaller than between different breeds of labradors.
The largest genetic variations are seen in the African continent, interestingly enough.
Now, as for the IQ mene and the whining about how X race is born dumb, i suggest you look up the Flynn effect and data about the enormous rise in Chinese IQ. It goes to show that proper nutrition increases IQ.
Also within africa notice how starved nations have a even worse Iq output than their peers.
If you want to be red pilled, then fucking eat the medicine, don't just read the label and consider yourself cured.
YES, africans are close to us.
YES, their IQ is less genetically related than nutritional.
But after knowing all this, the real question is: do we want to pay for their wellbeing? Do we want them to enjoy the rises in IQ seen eastwards? Is this in our social economic interest?
When you spew uneducated bullshit, you look like easy pickings to emotionally fueled lefties.