Should you do it? Or just let them be kids and not worry about all the shit in the world until they grow up?
Will it save them from becoming degenerates?
Red pilling your kids
You raise them with traditional values and a sense of duty and responsibility.
Let kids be kids but nudge them in the right direction
Remain impartial and objective, teach them skepticism and scrutiny, teach them to see the world through multiple perspectives. They'll pick the right path.
you could always get them puberty blockers. raise them right.
You can raise children without racism and still protect them from the profane world. Just start before they go to school.
life experience will only redpill them further.
i would also let my kids watch "The greatest story never told" around the same time they start learning about germany. I was never more disappointed in myself for blindly believing germans were evil then, until i saw the narrative from the other side. i was even more disappointed in the education system.
I'm raising my kid with a strong sense of self reliance and to make her own decision about how she wants to view the world. To so otherwise would be limiting her mentally making her a shit tier person when she gets older. If she cannot think for herself it makes her susceptible to having others think for her.
You raise them right instead of spouting Sup Forums memes, you retard.
Take your kids camping. Play with them. Love them within legal limitations.
I'm concerned that by the time my daughter goes to school in 4 years, there'll already be some degenerate "trans" kids and the teachers will begin the brainwashing of telling my daughter that it's perfectly normal. I'm not about to start spouting Sup Forums memes but I still want to protect her from shit like that
That's why you send your kids to private schools of your choosing or move to a small town.
At the very least you owe your kids this redpill:
Other than raising them responsibly you "redpill" them whenever you notice they seem to hold certain views or have certain opinions that they must have gotten from someone trying to influence them (wittingly or unwittingly). From my experience it's usually women that get to spend a lot of time with your kids, so mostly teachers and possibly the mothers of your kids friends. Unlike with adults it's not actually redpilling though, it is usually enough to make sure they trust your opinion more than that of others.
I think you have to start early on to get a kid like this:
Do it
You have to tell them like it is. That's what my mom did and it worked
>should I bestow wisdom and knowledge onto my children?
what are you, retarded?
Do you feel better or worse knowing what you know now about the world?
Maybe kids should have some time in their childhood protected from knowledge that will just depress them
"Just letting kids be kids" is why the west is fucked, along with "just be yourself".
Only Nigger brain women think that children should be raised I n a sheltered, neutered environment. Obviously one shouldn't be playing Hitler (preferably Mosley) speeches to a bitches uterus the day a pregnancy occurs, but discipline and reality are important parts of existence. I say this as a student neet, general loser whom grew up in a laissez fair attitude (alongside abuse strangely) with no discipline.
better than blue-pilling them
Yes teach your kids about the importance of money and freedom as soon as you can