Why do most liberals support the murder of millions innocent viable premature humans yet are against the abuse and killing of non sentient animals with barely the brainpower of a month year old foetus? If they argue that these helpless animals with barely any self awareness deserve respect and sympathy , why don't helpless fetuses have that same right according to leftists?
Why do most liberals support the murder of millions innocent viable premature humans yet are against the abuse and...
Womana logic is not the best desu
Because of selfishness.
Wtf why did that s change to a
As long as its libs n nigs killing their own im fine with it
> females have it the worst
> males are usually disposed of as soon as possible
Wow it's as if libshitstains have double standards???
Quality thread.
Because they're fucking retarded
Chickens tend to be smarter than under four year olds.
Why are you advocating for farm animal genocide?
Think about it.
>Humanity starts eating only vegetables
>Farm animals become useless and are only taking up perfectly good farming space/eating crops that would otherwise be eaten by humans
>To lower the load on the planet farm animals are slaughtered so land can be used for forestation and farming
I like diversity, without meat consumption all my favourite farm animals would have no reason to exist and would go extinct. A lot of farm animals are selectively bred to dependant upon humans to survive, they need me to eat them
It's a taste issue. Animals are not nearly as delicious as scrambled d&c
Not a vegan cuck but I think extinction is better than a life of pure suffering
T. someone that has chickens.
They will release them and treat the nuisance they create as they do with minority and female crime, as all good dindu, women, illegals apologists do. The core of this ideology is that consequences don't exist.
what happens to the male chicks though :DDD
This has got to be one of the dumbest pictures I've ever seen, thanks.
But user, surely you understandt hat being thrown into a blender is a much better and less hurting way of dying than getting tranqed and having a metal rod blasted through your breain at the speed of sound :^)
Kek. You do realise that before domestication, the average proto Cow/bull, sheep, chicken, horses and pigs only looked forward living for a few years, because they were the choice of meal for most predators. They also were malnourished most of the time, since before the agrarian revolution, competition was fierce for the most nutritious grasses. This wasn't some primal utopia. Humans brought order to the world, and made these animals lives easier by protecting them against their natural predator and by creating Pasteur. Anyway throughout most of human history, we didn't use domesticated animals for meat but for milk.
We actually did use animals for meat too, as well as leather and wool.
[Reply is over, this part is just my in general ramblings]The modern farm animals have been selectively bred into being less of a hassle and more producting than their ancestors.
So returning them to the wilds would be as good an idea as swimming in a shark tank during your periods.
Because responsibility is something they hate
Well there are always exceptions
But the vast majority of domesticated animals were either used for producing eggs or milk and milk derived foods like cheese, yoghurt and butter or for transport. Domesticated animals were too precious to be just slaughtered for meat for much of human history. A cow is more valuable alive than dead.
A ball of cells dont feel pain. A non sentient creature does.
>He doesn't know abortions arent limited to the first trimester
>condoning literal murder
t.Roastie who had an abortion