Why aren't you a nihilist yet, Sup Forums? It's a fool's errand to try and save a failing society.
Why aren't you a nihilist yet, Sup Forums? It's a fool's errand to try and save a failing society
>le 15 year old nothing matters phase
>try and save
lern 2 grammar
What are you shitposting for exactly? Personally, I'm trying to help you because I feel like it.
Fuck I recognize the pic on the right
>t. /vr/
I WAS a nihilist. I raped a child. You're a fucking LARPer.
>Why aren't you a nihilist yet
I read a lot of varied religious and occult texts throughout my life and ended up forming a relationship with God and an understanding of the Christian faith.
because life is what you make it. you were given an opportunity so why not take it?
People like you disgust me, psuedo-intellectual children jacking their pathetic little ego's off on the internet. I mean sure, everyone does that to some extent, we like the upboats, the facebook likes, the comments and responses on threads ect, but there is something deeply wrong with faggots like you.
Nihilism is a concept that was, of course, invented by friedrich nietzsche as the underlying concept of what happens when you base your moral values around god and then you lose your belief in that god: the absence of a value structure. He was, however, not a nihilist, he believed in the strength of human character and re-invigorating the upward momentum of human evolution that humanity represented by re-inventing what it meant to be human itself, a new morality, a new way of thinking about the world in order to apply yourself to these rules and obligations and become a better man, the overman through this new essential humanity
and here's some jackass, calling themselves a nihilist, who's never read Nietzsche, who doesn't understand the purpose of value systems or morality in how they shape who they are as a person, just some spoiled little fucking child who reads "god is dead" and thinks that means their parents aren't home and they can stay up late and eat ice cream.
Fuck you, you degenerate piece of garbage, fuck you you childish fedora tipping shit-head.
well done.
>feeling lust
cool """nihilism""" bro
Why bother?
I know Sup Forums is pretty anti-Christian but I don't lose hope when I have my savior
When I was a nihilist, I raped 1488 toddlers with dildo made of my frozen shit. You're a fucking LARPer.
well put user
underage retard
>how... how did you do that!?
but i want to save society precisely because I am a nihilist
t. psychopathic delusional natalist
This isn't a refutation of nihilism. It is a Youtube personality-inspired and antifafu-tier (YOU HAVEN'T EVEN READ NIETZSCHE) chimp out.
As a nihilist who also knows nihilists I can tell you the stereotype is correct and the reality is bullshit. Nihilism sucks.
Behold! The "arguments" of the mad!
I once was a nihilist, nothing mattered so I was constantly getting high and being a degenerate.
What do you mean by "nihilism sucks"? Nothing can matter and you can still not be a substance abusing individual.
Truly the Sup Forums intellectual way.
Nihilism is retarded. You may only exist for the blink of an eye, but you can still make that blink of an eye happy for everyone else in your life. Maybe you can make other blinks happy?
>never read a single word of nietzsche