Holy shit pol

Youtube is going full 1984


>More experts: Of course, our systems are only as good as the the data they’re based on. Over the past weeks, we have begun working with more than 15 additional expert NGOs and institutions through our Trusted Flagger program, including the Anti-Defamation League, the No Hate Speech Movement, and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue. These organizations bring expert knowledge of complex issues like hate speech, radicalization, and terrorism that will help us better identify content that is being used to radicalize and recruit extremists. We will also regularly consult these experts as we update our policies to reflect new trends. And we’ll continue to add more organizations to our network of advisors over time.


Early intervention and expanding counter-extremism work: We’ve started rolling out features from Jigsaw’s Redirect Method to YouTube. When people search for sensitive keywords on YouTube, they will be redirected towards a playlist of curated YouTube videos that directly confront and debunk violent extremist messages.

The organization that declared Pepe a hate symbol has been helping google to come up with ways to push people towards the correct, "counter-extremist" way of thinking. Reality is racist so you're going to have to be explicitly propagandized with every youtube or google search you make to not end up finding something that would lead you to be a bad goy.

Other urls found in this thread:


The (((organization)))

>Jewgle is a CIA operation now
no shit

Look at the kind of stuff youtube puts on their official twitter account, just by the by... Utter degeneration.


and you're surprised? they've been that way for a good few years now. its just now the deepstate is going in full force corporate wise because they are losing politically.

also checked. Kek approves.

>it can't be that bad
literally first tweet

So we radicalize harder

I'm reading the turners diary and I'm actually shocked to see that in 1971 they would predict all things that are happening now. They were right more than 40 years ago.

jewtube was shit anyway

im scared daddy

Going to be a problem if Jewtube is redirecting normies towards leftist propoganda videos whenever people search on (((who))) owns the media and the like.

This shit happened in Weimar Germany. History repeats itself.

YouTube is disgusting
It allows filth like pic related, but bans videos talking about wrong think politics.

You see this black man? Doesnt his cock look big? Dont you want to have mixed babies? oh yes you do young white girl, yes you do.


Youtube is a privately owned company by ABC Inc. It can do whatever it wants.

Fuck off with your commie shit! If you don't like it then use other sites.

>blue checkmarks
>grandiose self-awarded titles

youtube isn't a public space, what is the problem here? if they don't want hate speech on their website, it's well within their rights to delete it.

upload your shit to liveleak or whatever, there are other alternatives to youtube, and stop fucking whining.

That's very interesting, definitely will show my kids.

Social media is the new public square, and the companies that own them are communication utilities like telephone companies. Utilities are not allowed to discriminate based on politics.

If republicans and Trump weren't useless retards it'd be pretty high on their priority list. It's nowhere on their list.

>Weimar Germany.

Does that mean the Fourth Reich is coming soon then?

>Shooting themselves in the foot allowing for other business to fill that gap to provide services that have free speech

I see no problem with this
We need something else besides youtube

>Site which has been receiving negagive criticism for not listening to it's userbase, warping the recommend videos, sucking content creators dry is now enforcing even more alienating draconian level censorship

>it's their business! Somehow freedom of speech and action invalidates any negative criticism to a service which is growing awful

Meanwhile, in reality, this is still being used to brainwash millions of people as they just openly fucking admitted in the article. "Muh private internet property stop complaining" what a shit argument.

Feed the beast, watch it grow
Only way to deal with monopolies
Is to stop using them

Recently haven't you guys seen those threads asking about what's the best alt right music on YouTube going up around here?

And then all the content linked by anons disappeared.

Now you know why.

During the later part of the election, at least on my devices, and YT search for DNC-sensitive subjects such as "Seth Rich" returned playlists for porn, often with full nudity on the preview images.

Sounds related.

>(((the free market)))

kikes are shameless

That's a psy-op meant to generate positive sentiment towards censorship. It won't actually be canned until it begins somehow generating negative sentiment towards censorship. Try playing with the memes and you'll see what I mean. It's meant to force people into a satanic choice: either they can support something degenerate as artistic freedom, or they can acquiesce to actual freedoms being snuffed first in exchange for that trash being pulled eventually.

Except there's actually no incentive to snuff freedoms, since giving in won't stop the parts of the program that generate propaganda value. That means there's no good option here but to embrace chaos, hail Eris, and make it spread in the name of freedom. That will kill it FAST. It isn't supposed to generate freedom sentiment at all.

luckily, tesla was wrong here. which is also unfortunate for them.

Time to upload videos on minds.com

jesus christ

it's so bad

I'm saving all of my YouTube playlists offline. My channel is getting deleted soon.

The ADL is involved.

Just fucking great.


It is depressing that the public has to rely on a service that pushes such an obvious agenda.

9 out of 10 of their featured videos are cancer and the remaining 1 is garbage.


How do you do that?

Dunno. I'm saving everything of value individually like a pleb.

Hmmm... i wonder who... hmmm?????

"refugee camps"

You can download programs that rip youtube videos in various formats.

There were a bunch of stories in the media about 3 years ago saying that youtube was Google's loss leader. They stated that the enormous amount of server space needed, as well as the power requirements, far exceeded the profit yourtube was making. This was way before the elections. If anything, I would say start thinking about alternative forms of dissemination NOW. Even if (((they))) were not interested in clamping down on free speech, the sheer size of youtube and the resources required to make it work make the site to huge of a liability. If I remember correctly, they were even talking about making it a nonprofit to shield themselves from the financial liability.

This is what's worrying about a potential alternative- if Google is willing to operate Youtube at a loss, it can effectively snuff out any attempt at a competitor replacing it by undercutting them at every turn.

That's why the competitor will have to be either nonprofit or work in some sort of public capacity. Public servers protected by the first amendment. It's not too much of a stretch these days, and can't be that hard to implement.

Or some other way. . . but yeah, they are going to clamp down the moment they feel even the slightest financial strain. Perhaps that moment is now?

youtube-dl if you're comfortable with the command line
youtube-dlg is the same but has a GUI
lets you download playlists

That's anticompetitive and monopolistic. They would lose any lawsuit, and may even be forced to fund the competitor.

Could you imagine it? A right wing racist nazi version of YouTube that Google has to pay for because they were being monopolists? Is 2017 still the best timeline?

While it's true that they're completely within their rights as a private organization, there's something to be said about the social responsibility of maintaining neutrality if you're a monolithic service provider operating in a market with such a substantial barrier to entry.

Regardless of the outcome I feel a public dialogue on this issue needs to happen. Society as a whole should set precedents like this moving forward instead of unthinkingly slipping into the policies of small number of influential elites, whomever they may truly be.

I'm hoping this sort of censorship leads to more websites popping up and splitting userbases, these types of hosts honestly don't deserve a dime at this rate and if freedom to view/express or even learn counter opinions history is "extremist" just shoot me already.
Though it would seem that with the left rapidly becoming more authoritarian and controlling, atleast its eye opening to the average lot, typically when society becomes so laden with propaganda it creates a very strong opposition as it did in a lot of commie bloc's.

Nows the time to start up alternatives for shekels FYI.

The answer to 1984 is 1488


I don't post on the fourchannels often. But this bread needs a bump.

Google has now transitioned from its covert censorship model to an overt one. SJWs always double-down indeed. This is only going to end badly.

Are there any alternative video hosting platforms that have the capacity to help /ourguys/ keep getting their message out?

We don't support censorship fool, we want the people who are making this shit to stop abusing children.


um, hans?

Perhaps we can get the Trump admin to """advise""" YT that if they wish to retain their loss-leading monopoly they will have to give every voice equal footing. YT is all about equality, no?

>Are there any alternative video hosting platforms that have the capacity to help /ourguys/ keep getting their message out?


Current events seem to show conclusively the answer is no.

The sixty second intro video to LBRY shows several of /ourguys/, including the notorious Mr Hyde. Looks promising.

How about opening thousands of sock accounts and putting up saved videos that youtube finds most offensive (merchant minute?). Basically shill the shit out of youtube.