The Reichland needs living space! Report to muster: >green=Wehrmacht >Red=communist filth, shot on sight >cyan=Luftwaffe >Brown=Freikorps >blue=Kreigsmarine >Pink=Penal battalion >Orange=Volkssturm >Purple=SS >Yellow=Afrika Korps Reroll all other colors
Numerals: >1-3 Eastern Front >4 Italy >5 France/Low Countries >6 Africa >7 Reich guard >8 Balkans >9 Scandinavia >0 Shot for desertion
Doppels Iron Cross holder Triplicates Commendation from Deer Fuhrer Quadruples promotion to High Command Quintles Reich wins the war
>"kys yourself" >ys in kys stands for "yourself" You first, turk
Grayson Lewis
kys yourself. also: roll.
Hunter Bailey
How are you going to be in Africa, but not in the Africa korps? Or in the Africa korps but not in Africa? OP you're a faggot
Lincoln James
Luftwaffe Iron Cross holder on the Eastern Front. Not bad.
Kevin Bailey
I'd be cool with Luftwaffe.
Mason Ortiz
>american edjyoucation
Dominic Howard
>what is "meme"
Brody Hughes
Ryan Torres
Adrian Ortiz
Did you learn that English from the turks who gangraped your mom last night? Kill Merkel and then kys Douchelander
Angel Mitchell
>kriegsmarine >eastern front okay
Dominic Ramirez
reporting in
Noah Cox
Rollin for the reich
Matthew Price
Reporting in
Adrian Morgan
FUCKING SS Reichguard Best in the reich
Asher Cruz
Julian Wood
What is Baltic Sea campaigns, 1939-1945 Alex
Luis Ramirez
David Cox
Rolling for Freikorps Dönitz.
Christopher Anderson
Hudson Fisher
>What is redirection of troops to reinforce offensives/defend >What is Desert Fox commanding divisions in France Faggot
Nathaniel King
Kevin Howard
Ethan Cooper
>I'm upset I spelled something wrong and he pointed it out so now I'm a meanie to him, that'll show him! this is why people hate our country. don't be such a cunt or, better write in english
Ryan Jenkins
Nolan Price
Jawohl, Herr Kommandant!
Samuel Lee
Carter Fisher
Reporting for duty
Evan Scott
Afrika Korps reporting in.
Gavin Diaz
Owen Rivera
We both deserted and got shot
Josiah Perez
Easton Moore
>better spelling >doesn't capitalize after periods What is punctuation, commoncore nigger?
Wyatt Taylor
What do quads get?
Hunter Nelson
Where to?
Ian Long
I am not shooting myself for that Bohemian corporal!
Oliver Robinson
Present and reporting!
Chase Smith
Angel Morgan
Landon Rodriguez
checking in.
Caleb Lewis
Heil dir mein Vaterland
Hunter Phillips
Aiden Wood
luftwaffe pls
Christopher Wood
Check deez colors
Charles Allen
hitting that rollerino
Gavin Brooks
Logan Wright
oh fugg
Asher Lewis
hitting that rerollerino
Henry Baker
time to kill some prisoners
Zachary Bennett
third rerollerino
Kevin Wood
Grayson Ward
Wyatt Williams
Kreigsmarine ftw. I wanna fuck people up in a uboat.