Why do liberals love blacks and hispanics but hate asians despite asians being more of a minority in the US than the...

Why do liberals love blacks and hispanics but hate asians despite asians being more of a minority in the US than the first two groups? Is it because of their lighter skin color?

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they are successful.. libs hate success

It's because SE Asians defy their narrative of non-whites failing in white-dominant societies. It forces them to re-evaluate their entire worldview, and they can't do that, because it would break them. They've gone too deep down the progressive rabbit hole to crawl back out of it. They would never admit that Asians succeed because their focus on family and education.

>Asians complaining about "racism against asians"

I'd take that with a pinch of salt. I mean, I don't deny that statistically such thing could happen, but when suddenly all asians start crying about it it sounds like some insider meme.

This and

why dont these chinese ever complain about the chinese exclusion act?

smaller dicks, don't cause rape fantasies.

>They would never admit that Asians succeed because their focus on family and education.

And you know, SEAsians are biologically superior in intellect than the other minorities (other than the rich Indians that come over).

And as soon as you go there, you hit the "racism" area. Worldview raped and murdered then raped again.

Remember that Leftism is in the end, a race to the bottom.

Because liberals are racist and think spics and niggers are too stupid to stick up for themselves