Why is it okay, for some people to believe, they are better and deserve more just based on their looks?
Sounds pathetic to me.
Why is it okay, for some people to believe, they are better and deserve more just based on their looks?
It's not about belief, it's about fact,
if you look Good you get more.
I only see this in lesbians. As a man, you wanna be an ugly motherfucker with shrapnel scars all over.
Because they've received more just with their looks all their lives.
Genetics determine a lot in life. People who look good get treated better
getting more is something else, then demanding more
yes. it's pathetic, but more, it's sad.
you shouldn't be angry at these people, but be sad for them.
it's the same people that go through university and think they deserve more than a guy without elementary school.
clean suit, nice shoes is the same as having 5 degrees. it's the ancor that you can sell yourself out.
thus they are selling the outside shell, the fake shell, not what they really do.
Because people who are good looking are usually healthy, fit and take care of themselves, or their parents did and they've adopted their character traits.
Also, it doesn't matter if you actually are better, if people think you're better then being good looking is a genetic trait that natural selection will select for. It's the females (usually) who make the sexual selection choices, so just like dumb hens that pick the peacock with the nicest feathers it only matters that they think one is better than the other.
Most demand exactly what they know people would be willing to give them.
You grow up beautiful, you learn people are going to give you more.
Yeah I don't even know what to say about this. If you aren't especially genetically gifted, you need to be hard. Don't give away any validation that isn't earned, and chances are many people won't want it. Your life is just harder, and you need to be better. There isn't really any upside, other than you might be forced to find insight that most Chads never do. Live an intellectual life, because the material world doesn't want you.
we are hardwired to associate good looks with strong genetics and health
this is because it is usually correct
The most frustrating part is discussing it with your mom. Moms have to pretend that there is nothing wrong with you for their own selfish reasons. They will insist that you look fine, they will insist that there are tons of girls out there who want you..... she will not budge. Your experience in the world won't reflect anything your mother says, and your mom will NEVER change her stance. Even when she is on her death bed, and you are still single.... she will never admit that it's because you are unattractive.
I'm a fairly good looking individual and I do not feel entitled to better treatment.
But I do usually receive it because people are voluntarily willing to give.
And this doesn't tend to make you more abusive, on the contrary, if people treat you well you treat them well.
So it's kind of a feedback loop that improves my interactions with others.
I can't say why that is so for sure, but it probably has to do with natural, voluntary selection.
You mom doesn't want your psyche to get hurt, and she is right, for a man in general who is self confident will be more successful, no matter his physical appearance. (except he doesn't wash and is dirty all the time)
If you feel you need to improve by working out or by improving your social skills then do it. Asking your mom to tell you that you suck is torture to her and you so just stop it and do what you've got to do.
Confidence is a meme
Awww someone has shit genetics and is either ugly, stupid, or both, and mad that he's not getting enough sex, money, or both, for the total lack of value he offers society in return.
Tell me retard. Why does anyone deserve anything?
Protip: they fucking don't. Frig off Comrhans
It is certainly not, everyone who is confident will tell you that.
A confident person signals to people that he has himself and his lifer under control and can deal with hardship.
The will and confidence to do shit is what differentiates someone who fails miserably and someone who makes things happen.
Women absolutely love that. More than even good looks. There's a reason why all these fat Jewish comedians have beautiful wives - it's their confidence.
>Fat Jewish comedians
Have money
>Confident men know
They are confident because they are good looking
Ask yourself, how come that some fat ugly people have beautiful wives and success in business?
So it's obviously not looks that only determines success.
It is your choice if you will spend your life sitting on a couch contemplating why your life sucks (like a commie leech) or go out and make something out of yourself.
I suppose you are not mentally challenged, so you should be able to set a reasonable first goal, execute on it and build on top of that.
From this experience confidence arises.
Being able to achieve goals (even minor ones) you have set yourself.
If you've achieved your goal often enough you will feel that you can deal with almost anything.
Uglies only exist to make me feel better about myself.
Sometimes you just have a bad day, like i had yesterday. I broke my phone, spilled the coffee on the table and didn't get a work related deal. I was starting to get moody, but then i looked around and saw miserable uglies everywhere, all of the sudden i felt good and wanted to sing. That's god for the uglies.
And that's why hellfire awaits you.
ahhah poor uglyfags
I agree. White males are heavily suppressed, always have to work twice as hard to get the same same job as anyone else, never get anything for free in any country. Everything is geared towards helping minorities and women get ahead even though they are not minorities. Just overall hopelessly dumber.
t. incel
Their (pleasant) appearance has triggered a certain reaction in people every time they interacted with them - usually a positive one - for example they were given what they asked for or treated the way they wanted to be treated. This means for every future interaction they have a certain expectation of what is going to happen, e.g. how people will react to their demands.