Point out one thing - ONE - that shows Australia fucking up on a global scale like the UK or the US.
>protip: you can't
Point out one thing - ONE - that shows Australia fucking up on a global scale like the UK or the US.
>protip: you can't
>shitposting DENIED
>tfw your big brother always needs your help in every war because he always fucks up
you haven't genocided all the abos
Not a global problem like Jewry or a funded government uprising.
Try again.
Or a cold war
>tfw you lose a war against emus
You also cuck for every muslim that comes in to your country
Does the eternal cucks of the UN being perpetually assblasted by us count?
How many assets have we sold to the Chinese now?
>wasting resources on subhumans isn't an issue
>when your continent is getting chinked
really activated my almonds
Muslims are a global issue, what do you mean?
Chiners aren't that bad to be fair, I'd rather Euros or Japs/Koreans but they aren't as bad as niggers or sandniggers
But they are in Australia, it is not affecting the world.
How stupid can you be?
Thats like saying cancer isn't as bad as AIDS.
Your whole country is a tiny coastline on a desolate island. Congratulations on not having the means to fuck the world up, Fosters-drinking butthole.
I can bring us down from the inside
>50% of the nation is either a migrant or the child of a migrant
>OVER 50% of those migrants are Asian born
We fucked up on a """"""globalist""""" scale right here;
>It was not until the Fraser Liberal government's review of immigration law in 1978 that all selection of prospective migrants based on country of origin was entirely removed from official policy.
Yeah dude I'm sure giving Muslims a safe place to live and breed won't cause any problems down the line for anyone.
You're an idiot.
I asked for you to point out where Australia has fucked up on a global scale.
Us accepting mudslimes has harmed us, but not the world.
Try again.
Australia's coastline is ~60000 kilometres.
>Point out one thing - ONE - that shows Australia fucking up on a global scale like the UK or the US.
we let muslims in.
With cancer you can recover, aids you have for your whole life.
Also chiners aren't beheading us, just our dogs
We have the means.
We just keep selling it all to fucking India so they can wave their dicks at Pakistan.
Why WE don't have our own I don't know.
So is the 'outback' simply unlivable?
Just a desert wasteland filled with the most venomousness creatures on the planet?
>All of Europe
Yeah I am sure it will be our fault if the muslims breed too much...
That's... Are you retarded?
yes, if you don't dehydrate to death enjoy heatstroke
They won't cut your head off they'll just buy all the land and leave you with nothing.
Yeah pretty much. You could last maybe a week if you bring supplies...
Better than the muslims still
I like New Zealand. They got rid of farm subsidies, and their agricultural sector grew healthier/wealthier as a result. Any country that truly values its economy should learn from that lesson.
Fuck off ancap, no-one wants you here.
Not really, you can fight a madman swinging an axe, how do you fight against a rich insect buying everything you need to survive, legally?
Muslims are effecting a world power's government and trying to push sharia law (australia)
>not effecting the world
You must have down syndrome to be this stupid
Show your flag..
By calling him a faggot I guess
Muslims are effecting a world power's government and trying to push sharia law (australia)
>not effecting the world
you must also have down sydrome just like the other guy
Eh, no. I mean, you CAN live out there - But you can "live" in the Sahara.
The really unlivable part isn't THAT big - Pic related Will give you an idea of the climate zones.
Tasmania (the blue one obviously) is about the size of West Virginia, apparently.
They did that buy selling all the land to Chinese and American billionaires building bug out towns.
Ok let us imagine for a moment the Australians allow Sharia law (Cronulla riots anyone?)
How will that affect the Globe?
Letting China colonize them.
The Australian demographics are far less fucked than in the US or US, but those countries' invading minorities don't have the implicit support of a rising superpower.
Pretty soon, the entirety of Asia is likely going to be under Chinese influence, the population figures are just too imbalanced. They have 40 times the population of Australia. They may very well achieve hegemony over their side of the world the way the US runs the Americas, and Australia may end up becoming essentially a colony. Hope not.
But you're singling us out for letting Muslims in when fucking troves of the cunts are in the UK.
They actually have a mudslime as their Prime Minister for fuck's sake.
Try again.
>well other people do it so it doesnt matter if we do
sadiq khan is not the pm either
Were talking about australia right now, not the UK
Try Again
I think you are the stupid one here.
I donto want Mudslimes taking over.
But the main topic is Global scale
dont worry too much about it, that problem's kind of sorting itself out
>top text bottom text memes
m8 up until a month ago we set them to a prison island that was run by savage jungle nooka nooka niggers. when they closed it we sent them to the us or back to were they came from.
fuck off were full.
I like Australia because it lets me invite other gays over to my house to fuck my holes and its legal.
oi mate how ya'll cunts doing
even 1 muslim is too many
relevant Australian post :)
Wasn't Hitler from austria? so point proven, he fucked up by losing the war baka
Where did you find that lmao
Does your country have services where you can rent out your apartment or house to gays for a couple of nights like my country does?
yep i guess when the muslims take over australia theyll just stop there lol not a problem for anyone else
No, I'm talking about issues that affect the globe. You seem to have misread what I've posted up top in your flurry of retarded seizures.
Try again.
USA CANADA AND EUROPE are already inavded where the hell are they going to go?
1966, Prime minster Holt ended the white Australia policy.
It's all good though, cos we drowned that cunt for his treason.
>Point out one thing - ONE - that shows Australia fucking up on a global scale like the UK or the US.
Like you said in the post, were talking about australia fucking up, on a global scale. Its looking like your the one misreading, or maybe your just that stupid
umm sweetie we're talking about the GLOBE not the anglosphere
Middle east already full of them
Russia has taken in muslims as well
The only place I can think of is Japan and Poland
That has no muslims therefore not global
No, because you're pointing out shit that's harming us directly. We didn't have over 60 gorillian people kill each other over two wars like the Jews did.
We didn't have all of these countries go to war with us because of religious and fanatical shit like the Middle East did.
We haven't funded MULTIPLE rebellions to overthrow tyrannical governments and fuck shit up even more in different countries.
its really not that hard to grasp
how has australia fucked up the world
>well we didnt do these bad things that other countries did so the bad shit we did doesnt count
Not at all what I said, stop misinterpreting my argument you fucking gronk.
Theres nothing to misinterpret, stop handballing responsibility
Were still talking about australia and how they are fucking up global scale. You said were talking about issues that effect the globe. Which is it? You change your point every time you reply to my messages. And were not even talking about the US and how we have fucked up, so idk where you pulled that from.
Stfu and give me my (you)s dammit
AUS doesn't have enough power or influence to fuck anything up on a global scale.
What I was conveying was how we've fucked the globe up in comparison to those countries.
There is nothing to fuck up in auzzie land, it is just a big shithole dessert.
How could you fuck up a dessert?
(FZQLweiv) NO!
ill fuck youre mum on a global scale
There was nothing about comparison in your original post
Jizz Stain
OK, but you have to dig her up you corpse fucking degenerate
I figured you'd be intelligent enough to at least understand that was what I meant.
Knob Jockey
You said aus hasnt made any global mistakes so theres nothing to compare if were going with what your saying
>well aushiiieet
you know "security" cost aren't cheap to secure those migrants, right.
Luckily, your Liberals know that and Gibs million dollar to us, but world economy was declining now, so you must Gibs more million dollar again, so we will not let those million of chinks, pajeet and paki going to your land through here.
It was a challenge you fucking moron.
You haven't elected the ebin fish and chips lady and deported everyone who can't open their eyes all the way.
What does that have anything to do with anything? I swear you must have the iq of a nigger to say all of this
True. Australia is a properous nation of only 24 million people who relies on exonomic ties and allies to ensure its safety.
It's like a woman who sleeps with powerful men so she ends up becoming rich her self as a result. Years ago Australia allied themselves with the US for protection, just like a woman siding herself with the steongest male, and now Australia is doing te same thing again with China, Australia's most valuable economic partner.
Australia has gotten as wealthy as it did because Australia is a whore with no inner-strength so they jump on the cock of whichever country is strong. This is reflected in the average Australian as being lazy, entitled, whiny bitches just like a woman.
A country that relies on another country for strength has no pride. Just like a woman
Nbn and guns.
I'm not sure if you're shitposting or what.
Holy shit, fuck my race is dumb as shit.
How easy is it to get a $35+ per hour job in Australia?
For you morons who need to learn what Global means...
>on a global scale
Aussie don't have any effect on the global scale with how useless they are
Australia is already fucked up, in an other worldly sense. It is like another dimension crossed over onto it.
Just look at your rabbits! Giant, long legged, two legged, long tailed mutant freaks! Wtf is this? It is absolutely horrifying!
Nice anaylsis
being relevant worldwide.
And our Chickens
mfw ive been fucking with you a majority of the time and you only just now found out. I mean maybe like 3 of the comments were serious but thats about it. Still though aus is a shithole country with some of your major politicians cucking for mudslimes that want you dead
Seriously, truly disturbing stuff.
Don't even get me started on the bears