share this shit before it gets shoa'd by youtube
share this shit before it gets shoa'd by youtube
the video is unavailable.
Doubt I would have believed it anyway.
Available for me.
Would Goy webm it?
I dont think they are speaking hebrew that seems to be a video of isis but i dont know.
Sounds like snackbars
jews, isis, whats the difference?
Arabs asking Arabs "where are the weapons?"
did you take a video of Muslims killing other Muslims and just arbitrarily inserted IDF into the description?
Because that's hardly very honest
same here.
There are no muslim civilians, peace flaggot.
The differnce is that israel is a democracy that is cucked by its supreme court to give free healthcare to even pa and hamas leaders family.
Isis is a bunch of psychopaths that burn , behead , quarter and torture people alive.
arent like 90% of israelis, slavic jews from russia?
Jews would never harm any non Jews like that. They are civilized and view all life as equal, like in that Schindler's list movie told me
They are the good guys, we should do what Israel wants and kill all Muslims
>we should do what Israel wants and kill all Muslims
Are you sure it's us that want it?
I wish.
False flag poster. Disinformation.
Show your real face you fucking kike.
Birtbro wants to remove kebab but represses it.
Jewbro is falsely acused of removing kebab but wants it too.
Lets all be honest here , we all want to remove kebab.
That's ISIS, not IDF you dumb fuck
-Brown skin on soldiers
-Speak arabic not hebrew
You want to see a real IDF execution? Watch this
Webm is too big.
0:13 - 0:17
Azaria was right
More like 20%~
I wish I could believe it to be true
Just isis doing israel's dirty work
Not Israeli forces. some muslim rebell group probably. Since when does teh Israeli army use ak47 as equipment? uniforms are wrong too.
some units of Israel's armed forces do use Ak-47 because of it's remarkable ability to work in harsh conditions.
But yeah uniform is all wrong.
>IDF brutally massacres civilians
They're speaking Arabic and have AKs. Those aren't even IDF uniforms. Fucking hell.
>b-but ISIS is just and Israeli puppet anyways
You can have that line of thinking and still not use it as an excuse because you're wrong.
Whenever you hear "area Z liberated from ISIS control" you should remember this video and others like it.
ISIS really fucked shit up during the last few years and opposing forces will happily massacre and cleanse suspected collaborators without hesitation.
Fight an enemy long enough and you're bound to inherit their essence.
They are speaking arabic. I doubt they are jews
>Fight an enemy long enough and you're bound to inherit their essence
>some units of Israel's armed forces do use Ak-47 because of it's remarkable ability to work in harsh conditions.
why not just use Galils?
>not speaking israeli
My knowledge may be a little out dated
what? your not allowed to watch it?
yea i can watch it too
some moon speak a few people lying dead another guy sitting there and some one is squirming in the small pile of dead brown people. they get shot a few times then anotehr brown guy talking moon speak who is sitting who is wounded is shot a few times then they waste a bunch of ammo spraying dead bodies with bullets
not sure who either side is. this might be in iraq for all i know. pretty messed up i doubt any context would make it seem better. odd that israel cant watch it
I'll take her.
I'll even trade you a cow for her
>speaking arabic
>old soviet weaponry
Nigger, please. I dont know if thats ISIS but its not the kikes.
>being surprised when terrorists involve themselves in terrorist activities
That's not IDF you fucking isis lover.
Actually they are drop-weapons.
Who use ak47?
Same shit with american army, I dare any america soldier to use shitty ak in a real mission.
They are drop weapons.
If it's ISIS why is the gunman speaking Hebrew you stupid JIDF shill?
Difference? They are part of the same army.
Looks like they were asking for it desu, sage
What does he say?
>Arabs are civilians
>implying Arabs are human
OP is a faggot and a Saracen
Theyre (((ISIS))) tho
They actually used AKs finally which is interesting. I remember wondering what fucking idiot let them use M4 carbines with the words MADE IN AMERICA stamped right in the view of their propaganda vids, stupid ass dunecoons.
It's (((ISIS))) but theres not much difference
Kinda like FBI(IDF) for domestic and CIA(((ISIS))) for international jewey
>Similar to our uniform, but it's still not an Israel army uniform
>Using weapons we don't use (We use ak47 if I'm not mistaken, but not that type of ak47. We don't have that type).
Not us, dumbass.
I guess it's fine you can't tell us apart
We can barely tell Goyim apart
Why not just gas piston ARs?
>speaking hebrew
ok shlomo
>being this bluepilled
Glad we understand each other then
You see how all your proxies just look like "goyim" to us? Theyre all the same, just varying levels of whatever underneath
fuck off you dirty disgusting kike
Goyim ask for the truth but they won't look at the truth.
greatest allie loves killing children
>Gets blown out the front of the gun once you stsrt shooting
Just close your dust cover until then and dont fill it up with sand like a 5 year old
That is funny. Nobody here believes that. But that is funny.
>being this jewish
Fighting in the desert is a bit more complicated than 'close your dust cover' it get's over EVERYTHING, and the finer the dust the bigger the problem.
Which units you dumb LARP kike. M4 carbs or tavor ARs are standard.. The galil got phased out decades ago.
Jesus, how can you call yourself American and know jack shit about guns? Kill yourself commie
Thats what i mean
The finer dust should get blown out by the force of the first bullet and the dust cover easily keeps out the actual heavy sand. Check iraqwarveteran8888's tests, he shows the AR15 has some retardedly good reliability in shit conditions actually
he is not.. its arabic and they are ISIS
Well aren't you young and fresh
Maybe, if you have weak character and godless morals.
Is this what Justin Truedaea (the leaf PM) meant when he said if you kill the enemy they win?
Jew logic outdoes itself again.
You still haven't answered which units. Get off the proxy
Provide link and I'll admit I'm wrong if he shows that the gun can shoot with fine dust.
Literally, unless the chamber is so full it jams on the first shot, it blows all the sand/dirt out
He buried it in dirt with the fucking chamber open and just smacks it when he puts the mag in to let some fall out the once the first bullet cleans it out, it's pretty much good to go
רד מהסוס שלך
as much as i hate the kikes, don't think this one is them looks like Syrian jihdais
That's fucking ISIS ya dufus. But you knew that already.
Well, I was wrong.
You made a believer outta me.
Vietnam was 200 years ago
The AR15 has changed since then
Be careful of fake memes
Stop being a tit
Why aren't you all shlomos at work?
Semester break
Thank you
Why cant you all just enslave muslims/africans and stay out of white countries?
We could be convinced that even though we dont want that, you know the savages better so meh, do your thang. Theres enough of them for your 2800 slaves each too. You can pretty much have all of Africa and the middle east
Lunch break
How is it that some of you actually work?
Same reason I don't believe we control isis. Out government is incompetent, the state is fractious, corrupt and divided, jews can't agree on anything besides a collective victim complex among secular ashkenazi and stinking chosenite narrative among the religious.
That's not IDF.even though they suck too, this looks like DAESH.
I though unemployment here was pretty low.
Only the ultra orthodox don't work and live like parasites to study talmud all day. And they're as insufferable as you'd imagine
Whachoo studying?
I need to pay rent and buy girls drinks
>jews are divided except when it comes to jewry and jewing the shit out of goyim and even other jews
Sounds about right
Sorry to hear that I guess. Netanyahu calling out the Hitler haters was pretty shocking btw. Made me realize some jews could be reasonable if they just admit "ok we used a little propaganda to get ahead? So what?"
But if you work for your shekels, youre pretty much just another goyim who deserves the right to fight and conquer some muslim land. They dont exactly create utopias in the current year
Does Goy know what Goyim means?
A non-jew but a jew never works so...
Goyim means 'a people'
Right and the jews are above people
Were just regular guys ffs, not some monolithic elite.
Come on, don't play with technicalities. The origin of words is not really relevant to their practical use.
Palestine isn't a country so anyone claiming to be palestinian isn't a real person. Keep it up greatest ally =^)
I'm not gonna argue against that