>tfw neo Nazi rallies are just LARP sessions for edgy sad people.
have you ever read posts for Neo Nazi pages? when they organize rallies it sounds like they are planning LARP sessions, it's really cringy
They say shit like "the commanding officer of this operation is _____" and they give their rallies names that sound like something a 16 year old emo would use.
Do they think they rare intimidating? or accomplishing anything? Because every time I see neo nazi groups they remind me of shitty versions of the SCA or LARP community. They dress up and go pretend to be something they aren't for a few hours and circle jerk, when all is said and done they have accomplished nothing and people just make fun of them.
I also feel a lot of Sup Forums is just RP for edgy people as well, you see threads about things that aren't real or "happenings" that aren't happening and edgy teens circle jerking each other.
Everywhere you go the extreme right looks just as cringy as the extreme left. Neo nazi rallies and anarchist rallies are on par with furry marches when it comes to cringe and public ridicule.
There's stormfags(nazi), alt right, conservatives, commie fags, democrats, black supremacists ect... There's a bit of everything here if you catch my drift
Samuel Gomez
I could literally mass shoot those fat fucks and get away with it legaly.
Parker Rivera
I fucking despise white thrash
Charles Kelly
i dont need to be a nazi to despise the eternal jew
Jeremiah Morris
Oh great, you've come from the German hate thread to make this thread I suppose.
Liam Ross
Nah they're fed groups. Those guys don't work only live on government funding with the sole purpose of keeping these groups alive for whatever purpose the government need them for. Primarily to maintain a negative optics for white nationalist interests and identity
Aaron Lopez
I wonder if the American NAZI party still follow the teachings of Lincoln Rockwell.
I never quite understood why Lincoln Rockwell and his crew called themselves NAZI's at all because when you listen to him he rejects allot of shit that the German NAZI's were so keen on such as socialism.
Michael Watson
>some neo nazis are furries >Next time you see a neo nazi picture this
the actual nazi party was a joke for the first few years as well, and had plenty of homosexuals all the way up to Hitler's closest associate, at least until Hitler had him killed to placate the army.
the only real difference between any modern movement and the original nazis is Hitler. The closest modern example is Trump and he's a fucking clown who is only in it for himself.
Austin Butler
Let them do their thing. Freedom of speech.
And if you and others dislike it, then dislike it.
Luke Bell
You have never read a book outside of your school career in your entire life have you?
Chase Campbell
Julian Evans
>You have never read a book outside of your school career in your entire life have you?
instead of posting ad-hominuem straw man attacks why don't you address my post like an adult would.
Aaron Morales
I have nothing to prove. The edgy cioran/Diogenes pill is the pill for me. I have ways to live it..
Parker Moore
I asked a question and you do not spell Ad hominem in that way.
If I called you a retard that would be an Ad hominem.
Colton Cruz
so you don't know anything that disputes my post. thank you for your honesty.
James Cook
>the only real difference between any modern movement and the original nazis is Hitler.
Why would I refute your argument when I did it in a previous post?
There is a great deal of difference between NAZI movement around the world and Hitlers National Socialist movement.
Juan Collins
You are either an idiot or a failtroll. Link to your refutation or stfu.
Isaiah Cook
Thess guys make nazis look bad
Evan Williams
Noah Sullivan
You are are a facebook cringelord who thinks everyone who disagrees with you is a troll.
Read about Lincoln Rockwell yourself, I am not your tutor.
Robert Young
So you actually do not have even one tiny fact that you can post, and you call me silly names, and you do not realize that you are a failtroll.
I'd love to go back and forth with you for hours, but children bore me. Bye.
Logan Evans
I don't larp or dress up. I'm a fascist in normal clothes living a normal life. I like to shoot my guns and play video games. I'm descended from a great German war hero and have nothing but love for the things that he fought and eventually died for. I'll wear a uniform if we go to war and I'll kill communists and degenerates just like my my great grandpa did. I'm no larper and I've been training to kill leftist faggots since childhood when my dad would tell me about war and teach me about various ways of shooting and how to not get killed. My views are no roleplay. Killing leftists is my destiny and always has been. I've always been looking for a war I want to fight.
Henry Watson
ofc they're just fucking larpers, can you imagine if a neo-nazi actually did genuine nazi shit? Media would have a field day. There are neo-niggers on here who will look at fucking Trump - a businessman from Jew York, with a Jewish stepson who helped run his campaign, who sucks Israel's dick dry in several speeches - and think that this guy is on their side. Anyone who thinks Trump is anywhere near Hitler is confirmed dumber than a paint huffing retard.
The only way we can get more pathetic is when you realize a bunch of leftists genuinely wish that stormfags were the real deal, so now we have larpers larping about larpers. End result - innocent people get harassed over an ideology people adopt to be edgy ironic faggots. Fucking Ancap has a better chance in America. You'd think these ANTIFA fucks would look to skinheads coming out jail for a certified hood racist, but nah that would require some actual bravery.
Grayson Campbell
Calm down schlomo you know you couldnt look down the sights of a gun with your kike nose in the way
John King
Mason Murphy
Your post is cringy as fuck, you sound like a 16 year old LARPer
You are on par with fur fags and I'm gladly going to post the screen cap of your post to cringe threads
Dylan Cruz
>this is still Sup Forums
Glad I left this shithole. Leaving again, stay faggy, bye.
Elijah Kelly
>EU flag >tripfag
Yup, nothing to see here. Just another kike LARPing as /oneofus/
Nolan Gray
Watching ANTIFA and neo nazis fight is funny
Nazi LARPers VS angry collage students
Nolan Morgan
EU flag? It's the UN flag dumbass
Hudson Green
>being this much of a faggot Go for it. I don't have any respect for stupid faggots like you anyway. Stay gone then nigger.
Brandon Sullivan
>redditfags trying to use public shaming like a small child lmao
James Roberts
The NSDAP started as just that, a bunch of guys running around and beating the shit out of people. Then they became organized and forced their way into government office. Those people will be merged with the rest of the military once we rise to power. The Fourth Reich is already here but idiots will brush it off as fringe extremist groups. This is your biggest mistake. Those who mock us today and laugh will one day be marching in our ranks.
Logan Ross
You realize that the people who almost shoah'd the joos, was normal german people, just like you and I? Just your average chickenfarmers, builders etc.. Just like the average Joes in your picture. Are you sure that the real larper is not you user?
Andrew Hill
this the enemy needs to be named
Matthew Peterson
LARPing is how the streets are won. Nice damage control, SJW shitter.
>I never quite understood why Lincoln Rockwell and his crew called themselves NAZI's at all
He was a straight shooter. See pic related.
> he rejects allot of shit that the German NAZI's were so keen on such as socialism.
Nope, he understood the difference between Marxist (((Socialism))) and Prussian style Socialism.