What is the final redpill?
What is the final redpill?
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Realizing that the bullies were trying to do you a favor by forcefully correcting behaviors that would make you a failure later in life.
That humans are the jews AND niggers of the animal kingdom and need to be holocausted before we fuck up the planet any worse.
That bugs needs to lay off the carrots
This. Gynocentrism, Feminism, and Cultural Marxism are destroying western civilization.
Closing your Sup Forums tab and never coming back on this website ever again.
traps ARE gay
The flat earth, its hard to swallow for globetards..
(((they))) are hiding the true shape of the Earth from us.
Been here since 09 and I can attest that it makes your personality worse.
Pure LARP. Go away.
kys cianigger
Getting fat and making Sup Forums pay for your surgery
That there is no final Red pill, they keep going on an on forever since our understanding of the universe is very finite in scope.
The universe was created 7 Years ago
Converting to Judaism
we are aliens inhabiting human bodies, they are aware of us but are helpless to stop us from controlling them, that feeling that we are always being watched is the human who's body we live in like a parasite
"And that, my leige, is how we know the earth to be banana shaped."
Hitler was the best thing that ever happened to the jews.
Hitler was a cryptojew.
The white pill.
You can take the final redpill only after you take the first one.
Most of the "gems of knowledge" or redpills aren't true just because user said.
Make up your own mind, I personally dont believe in the last red pill.
Civilization has its roots in beta males figuring out ways to impress women without having the best genetics. Civilization is incompatible with natural selection and unless we impose massive eugenics programs, humanity will perish due to the infection of the gene pool with subpar genetics.
You control nothing. Free will is an illusion - a myth. Everything that exists is guided by nature. What is happening is laid out in stone. Choice is simply the mind rationalizing each step along that path laid out before us. The future dictates the present as much as the past. We are all simply witnesses.
Also the Jews are shifty shekel-grabbing snakes.
Most of those are composites made in photoshop, it says that on the page of nasa's website they're published on, they even come with tutorials on how to make them yourself.
Stop pretending they're hiding anything from you.
Bugs...easy on the carrots
The World is Anarcho Capitalist but has the illusion of structure.
The black pill.
That there is no "redpills" - only choices. When Neo took the red pill he had already made his choice long before, to find out the what the Matrix is. The redpill meme downplays your own intuition. The "truth" is internal not external.
Bugs I implore you to eat less carrots
We give NASA and EESA fucking BILLIONS each year for.... fake images of earth?
Bugs Bunny wasn't a bunny.
hol up is that video supposed to convince me that the earth is a raptor shape? because it looks to me like its curved and round
flathollow earth
That most of the antifeminism/MGTOW online is bitter autists projecting their failures onto women.
There never were any pills to begin with
you're retarded
We live in masonic Disneyland. They own and run everything. They lie to us about everything. We live on the stage. They network and conspire against us in the occult backstage. The News has always been hoaxed as much as the old USSR.
None of this is real.
It's all a dream.
When you die you will wake up in a world you've never seen
Hitler was Walt Disney
Goebbels was Roy Disney
Jews are the real master race
well thats what hes sayng: thats all special effects
Ultimatelly nothing means anything
This. We should all be thrown into a black hole.
The Blackpill.
God exists and Jesus will come back in the end.