I never thought I'd say this. But what's left to fight for, youtubes fucked, left is going crazy and becoming the very thing they sought to destroy. Gaming market is being infested with feminist.
What's left guys. I don't see anything worth fighting for anymore.
I never thought I'd say this. But what's left to fight for, youtubes fucked...
Other urls found in this thread:
If the only things in your life you feel is worth fighting for are the left wing party, youtube, and videogames maybe you need to rethink your priorities.
uhhhh how about western civilization and existence free from corruption and evil conspiracy
You take to the streets, duh.
Keep fighting the good fight user
They are forcing you into the real world. Find actual things now (like gud women) and fight for them.
Level up irl, dragonborned.
That's slowly getting fucked in the ass.
Its pretty much nearly taken us over already.
If only it was that simple
The real world fucking sucks, on here all i do is shill for ww3 with north korea or russia.
It's time to create "shadow culture" our own social media, news networks etc.
I'm not sure which way the battle will go in the short-term, but if we don't win at that scale, the current system is going the way of the Soviet one. Look forward to a future of balkanization and poverty as this system collapses into internal contradiction just like every other top-down economy. The calculation problem has NOT been solved. In the long-run, liberty is still king, and capitalism will remain the true foundation of progress.
If we can't bring the rich incompetents back to safety and we can't jail them, the alternative is that they're going to destroy themselves. The dynasties have degenerated alongside the societies they attacked. Hail the consequences. :(
It's been said once, it bears repeating:
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
It's that simple.
It's time for man to return to nature and let his hobbies crumble to dust.
There is a thing called outside, OP. Begin operation GetMassive, hit the gym, learn how to shoot, become and expert at living in the real world. Read, learn, be confident in what you know to be true. If words have failed......
Yeah maybe I'll get back into it the gym and outdoors.
I was just thinking that.
Why go back
>gaming market infested with feminist
down worry buddy. in a few years if i ever get off my lazy ass and learn i might become a game developer.
currently its kinda my dream career . they wont be the best games as it might only be a 1 person team possibly with 1 other person helping, but they should be decent small ones. most important thing however is no selling out to EA or falling towards the curse of liberalism/feminism if i do get successful and have larger games.
though really have more in life than video games, youtube, and liberals...
Your priorities are youtube, the left, and video games? What the fuck is wrong with you? You were never "fighting" for anything. You're 14. Grow up.
Dude these are my hobbied chill the fuck out.
I'm just down because it's all going to hell
BWC 2.14
>BWC 2.14
BWC 2.14
>BWC 2.14
BWC 2.14
>BWC 2.14
Uncuck not kek and i missed by one no wonder gen z thinks we're fucking losers that need saving.
Fool. You have it backwards. When your rights and property and society are encroached upon, that is when men rise to fight, not the other way around.
Everything is left to fight for.
That shits already gone.
>Gaming market is being infested with feminist.
Feminist games are flopping though and Japan is dominating with actually good games since the west is all about their shitty interactive movies.
This is what we're fighting for:
Never forget this feeling.
For salt mines?
How the fuck does that get us anywhere?
The fight for a reason to fight. If nothing in this world is worth fighting for then the battle lines are drawn exactly two feet around you, that's your front now fight to expand the bloody thing and show you're worth the space and oxygen...
what's to stop you from starting today? all the development tools are free to download. Unless you are one of these "have a brilliant idea just need a programmer" people.
*don't worry* (typo correction)
iv been having that same disappointment. however my decision for game dev started about maybe 2 years ago and was more directed towards the scamming indie game companies (no mans sky, WarZ, all the other junk) but with all this liberal shit happening it seems like now would be a good time to do some shit to piss them off and get free advertising from them ranting about the game. i just hope i cant finally get to doing this stuff
It is inevitable that they become what they seek to destroy. Orwell tried to warn us, Socrates and Aristotle tried to warn us, Jefferson and the rest of the US founding father tried to warn us.
I agree that it is time to leave the city. Learn how things work, read about philosophy, and live of the land. What Marxist fear most is people who don't buy into the system. Their ideology precedes everything else and our humanity is irrelevant to them.
Marxism is great for pseudo intellectuals because they can be physically and intellectual lazy. Just as Socrates called bullshit on Plato, we do the same here. This is why they seek to control media platforms.
Jordan Peterson says we need to sort ourselves out. I think getting your shit together physically, intellectually and spiritually is the beginning but not the end.
>youtubes fucked
Youtube's been fucked since the Google buyout, they're just being open about it which will have long term ramifications from those not part of the hugbox they want to cultivate
>left is going crazy
When haven't they been crazy? Serious question.
>Gaming market is being infested with feminist.
Stop buying Western video games. Aside from exceptions like New Vegas and the Witcher, it's not worth your time.
YouTube is really going down the drain. Maybe a new platform will rise to take its place for more edgy content, we can only hope.
been dealing with depression for quite some time and just really dont feel motivated. currently i live with my mom in a renovated house for free (only 19) so we are moving sometimes soon. i dont really have a desk (using a short bookcase and a mattress) so any attempts at work would be difficult/annoying for my back/legs. i also need to get a job so like stated before moving soon so finding a job is not the best idea when im going in like a month or something.
its really a bunch of small issues that keep getting in the way, but it seems like the lack of motivation/depression is the biggest burden.
wouldnt exactly say i have a brilliant idea, just that im not going to be cutting corners like most game devs.
wait till september 23rd stop being a bitch
nothing will rise up to take youtubes place, its way to big kill google then you have somethin, the only thing that can kill google is a chinese or foreign bad ass company out of nowhere but i doubt it will ever happen
Complaining only goes so far
You need to act
Since you say gaming market is feminist infested
consider moving into the dev side of things
so that you can change that
at the very least
stop funding these AAA shitfests
if you want to do nothing but complain
you're part of the problem
You could fight for your right, to paahrteee!
then take it back
>everything is overrun by the enemy
Sounds to me like we have everything to fight for.
You tube has it's merits with the DIY and self education aspects. However, as a political and personal expression platform, I think they just killed themselves.
There is a big difference between rebellion and revolution
The left are revolutionaries they seek to replace one form of power with their own form of power. We rebels just what to stick our middle finger at the system and laugh at the reaction.
" The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers"
Checked. It's fight for our race and culture or capitulate and lose everything.
Why would anyone give up
>he hasn't realized that there is nothing left, and the only logical recourse is sit back and watch it burn mode
Although things like meming Trump into office have been genuinely entertaining tbhwuf
Just become the crocodile hunter like you were destined to be.
>search engine
based user expels dark thoughts with legendary visions of hope
>YouTube's fucked
You fail to recognise the opportunity this presents, the only ones to get shoah'd will be the sceptics who though aligned with us were never really on our team, many of these sceptic channels are beginning to stagnate now that feminism and SocJus is on a steep decline but with these moderate sceptic voices silenced by YouTube before they could fully peter out and have their audiences lose interest you'll have a huge number of moderate alt-lite types floundering looking for direction. They'll be angry and they'll be uncertain, to a moderate so intoxicated with the lies of liberalism as to still be against us even after having gone against the grain to be "redpilled" so to speak this is exactly the catalyst necessary to promote massive growth of the alt-right.
You always here talk of these moderate sceptics saying "if I'm gone the next people won't be so nice". This is what they are talking about.
Alright. Let's keep on fight
real talk now, how many meme wars will it take and what will spark the next one?
After the 1st, normies discovered memes and started out normemes, but it seems like the worst is behind us now.
>all those spelling mistakes
>that grammar
>that syntax
Sorry lads it's late.
Perhaps a meme war using Jewtube against itself?
Well, Breivik took revenge against evil people.
>le sad face
>i never thought id say this but...
this pathetic psyops shilling is really scummy
sort of like the rotten slime that dribbles down your chin
go fuck off to the advice board you fucking whinging faggot
Boo hoo. Take that tinfoil hat off and fuck yourself with it
I feel as if this is still a while off since it will start and end with 2 outcomes:
1) A freer, semi-popular video site proves it's worth and we meme it to fame and glory
2) Or a giant shitstorm of autism hits YouTube but doesn't have a large lasting effect.
Either way, would be interesting to see and take part in
It maybe on the decline, but these people are ideologues. For them this is religion.
If you watch the Rubin Report with Thaddeous Russell, he spells it out pretty well. This is a secular religion with all of the same morality judgements. They need to put people into sinner and saint categories so they can be judged. Their version version of social justice is not about fairness, but about judgement. They are no different than any other evangelical.
Why not both?\
Fuck normies
>muh streets
>muh anarchy
I just read books. The left can't stop me from reading literature by fucking white males. Though I regularly get angry roasties hate-messaging me on Goodreads because I don't read enough books by women.
ok, to start with an idea, i'd say vid . me would be the best to back since it still has the sort of YT feel to it and the name is catchy, which is one of the most important part of selling something
As for a massive collective shitpost attack, i've got nothing creative ATM
>I don't see anything worth fighting for anymore.
Your people, user.
Fights is fun.
Fight to take as many of them with you if you get backed into a corner.
Fight to preserve knowledge for future generations, regardless of race, that our species may one day conquer the stars.
Fight because it makes right.
Hard times create strong men.
The most important thing is to have fun.
Do things because you want to.
Youtube started with awesome cat videos. Why? Because somebody thought it was funny. SJW's are not funny and hate people who are creative. It is why they all look and think the same.
Money corrupts creativity. So we need to go where shit is free. As soon as money becomes a motivator, you have sold out... Fuck that.
Remember livejournal? Myspace? Zanga? Just wait, and keep an eye out for any alternatives. Given time, I'm sure someone will figure out, "I can make a killing off a free and open forum/video stream service," All people have to do is just quit these sites because of their bullshit "policy politics," in favor of an open air service that isn't tone deaf like our current counterparts.
have personally only been around a year or two, so call me a newfag if you must; but I think I've grown enough as an intellectual.
With that out of the way, I have never been apart of any sort of raids and was fairly passive in the First Meme War, so I'd be more than delighted just to take part and act silly with my one IRL comrade who feels very similar to us.
Christian values yo - being back traditional values by being one with Jesus. Think about it... it's the only way to bring back true bliss such as old school content, better movies, games and above all wife's
Maybe your eternal soul? Turn to Jesus and you'll see that all you mentioned wouldn't fulfill you even if they were exactly the opposite of how you mentioned them to be or if they were exactly as you wished them to be.
Nothing in this earth will fulfill you outside of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ once you repent and ask forgiveness of sin.
Raids are not really my thing. Express yourself however you see fit. If you embrace chaos, there is no right or wrong. Just say fuck it.
>Posting TTGL
>Not knowing that your drill is the drill that will pierce the (((heavens)))
Hello (((Anti-spiral)))