Is this what Trump meant by WINNING?
I wanna go back this is so embarrassing wtf!!!!
Is this what Trump meant by WINNING?
I wanna go back this is so embarrassing wtf!!!!
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In a land where Hillary cheated her way to a fake victory in the popular vote, I totally believe that poll. I find it totally plausible, yo. Look at me here finding it plausible. Aren't I so virtuous and normal for finding that plausible? I demand praise for this feat of open-mindedness.
Gas yourself, kike.
Isn't it time you grew up and admitted your authority figures are raping every principle you ever claimed to care about?
You shame your younger self.
(((Who))) conducts these polls? The same people who said Trump had a .0000000001 percent chance of winning?
He's still your president, and Hillary's still in the hospital bed, shitting her bed pan.
Rasmussen did the most accurate polling for the 2016 election. They are also the friendliest pollsters that Trump has.
The GOP has been shit for 40 years. Trump is just the last turd. Cannot wait to see them all flushed down the shitter.
>constant negative media bias
>still 40%
that's pretty good
Trump is such a fucking supreme asslord.
trips of trash
This is the face of a bonafide cocksucker.
This fucking nigger should have been in the slammer 40 years ago. America, you are some stupid jackholes.
Thank you for the salt commies : )
Exactly why I'm voting trump 2020!
Cuck motherfucker. You ain't my president you fucking BITCH ASS TRAITOR
Trump the cocksucking faggot of all time.
Trump is a fucking WHORE. He fucking WHORED his old ass out to Putin. NASTY ASS FUCKING WHORE!
Nobody cares about the Marxist media and their phony polls anymore.
Forget about the 2016 election already?
You have no idea how relieved I am this vapid cunt lost.
I stand with the nation's free press. Donald the fucking scumbag dick eater can fuck off.
>(9) posts by this ID
baka baka
Fuck off you dickless bitch. Go be a conservative faggot traitor in Moscow cum queen.
Eat shit fucking TRAITOR.
What is the approval rating of a drill sergeant from the conscript's point of view?
People hate people who make them stronger.
get the fuck out of here with your slide thread you kike shill
Oh, so CNN plant. Sorry, you work for NWO-backing sacks of garbage.
Ladies and gentlemen, American Democrats.
Trump is a fucking worm. He works for us not the other way around.
Cannot wait for this VILE FUCK to fucking *V*A*N*I*S*H* so we can have our nation back.
The press has been attacking Trump for 6 months straight, it's not a surprise his ratings aren't as good as Obummer's.
Wow the shills really are out today
Piss all over the Republicans in 2018!! FUCK THESE TRAITORS!!!
>in Moscow
Um, that tinfoil hat is on just a little too tight, sweetie.
Go the fuck away ya fat fucking rapist asshole. GO AWAY.
>muh king obongo
In the USA there is no place for a communist nigger.
Why is OP posting repeatedly though user? Like is this suppose to change our mind that some nigger is raging?
You know who else is not anyone's President? Hillary Clinton
Don't tell him that. He's too stuck in his delulus and it's sort of cute.
I'd love to kick him right in the fucking nutsack. What a fake fucking cuck whore.
I thought liberals hated homophobia? So it's okay when the homo in question votes Repub? Kind of hypocritical 2bh.
Wasn't this also your problem during the campaign?
The rightwing has always been considered weak and feminine compared to the left. It's what we know. We kick ass and wreck the cops. You take bird sanctuaries and eat donuts.
We've always regarded you little bitches as betas. Always.
Someone post the poll questions. Let's see how they arrived at this number.
>I support the president but disagree about 'x'
>oy vey disapproval!
Look at this fucking rapist pedo LOSER.
The GOP is truly dead.
Make America Great Again!
Impeach and get him out! He's fucking USELESS.
Oh my fucking god you guys are so embarrassing.
>and wreck the cops
You're absolute slime, I hope you're aware of this. Being obnoxious, refusing law and order just to be "badass". Fuck you.
Yeah like opinion polls fucking mean anything.
Since the "you can't even deny the bias" US media is the thing that is driving so-called opinion.
I used to laugh at the older Burgers going on about the bias left wing media, thing is they were totally correct.
Never notice how when a Republican gets in they are always 'unpopular' but any Democrat is always 'popular'.
Even when they continue each others policies, its only good or bad depending on who is in, its beyond a fucking joke yet there seems to be this amazing double think that the average burger (more so than most other nations) is capable of.
The 2016 national polls were actually more accurate than the 2012 national polls, so nothing wrong with approval polls as they measure nationally.
Plus this is Rasmussen. Which is literally Trump's most favorite poll.
>The rightwing has always been considered weak and feminine
Literally Coybows, Oil barons, Football fans and anyone with hair on their nuts has been identified as right wing.
Leftist faggots promote homosex laws, Lgbtbbq bullshit, immigrant loving butt sex rape holes, literally everything that is effeminate. You have always been the beta in this relationship faggot. You dont "wrek the cops", you GET wrecked by cops you tulip twirling felching rim job.
>never vote for republicans, they are trash
>just let Democrats win, duh
>CNN has their own guys shilling here now
What is this timeline
>it goes in all the fields
David brock nigger faggot fuckoff shareblue kike
> 1,500 likely voters
He should clean up his White House and stop Twitter. Those may be great for the laughs but he should try it this way. There isn't any downside to that and he can always get back to it later when he becomes less despised