Prove to me this isn't a girl
Prove to me this isn't a girl
That's the ugliest donkey I've ever seen.
Is that the Pokemon go kid
It probably has a penis though I don't know who it is.
It was a popular speedrun streamer who had a mental breakdown, turned trans, started streaming themselves on twitch sleeping in their bed and showing off buttplugs
its obviously a girl. most of them look like shit.
In need of a dentist some good retainers and a haircut I'm not even interested in talking hardware until it looks human...
>Cosmo Wright
I am convinced LGBT+ is a psyop on faggots to expose their literally AIDS agenda to the masses.
>all that donation money in the past
>still not enough for a trip to the dentist
Also his parents must really hate him if they didn't get that gap corrected at childhood.
Oh shit, Cosmo?
Girls don't have penises?
im out of my fcking mind
gg golly oh my
i was doing fine once upon a time
till my brain left and didnt say bye
Sorry Vlad, only in Chernobyl.
Cosmo's packing
Cosmo is no more, this thing is a disgusting creature
>all it takes to be a woman is to grow your hair out and wear a skirt
How did we end up like this?
He has billions of y chromosomes... next question?
I look at what has happened to him/it and realize that he should just be killed. It is literally the best thing for him and the best thing for everybody else.
The utter horror of modern ideology personified.
Dont even need to do that in New York, if you say you're a woman there then you are officially a woman no matter what
I have nothing to gain from wasting my effort into doing just that.
she looks like a average british women
It's sad because he was a great speedrunner.
Some SJW so thoroughly poisoned his mind that he became that warped creature you see in OP's post.
These people are truly sick.
Never thought I'd have a reason to post this outside of Sup Forums
This is just the result and logical conclusion of "gay rights".
I remember early signs, before he went full trans he talked about how he liked to paint his nails during a windwaker stream
If only we'd noticed, maybe we could have helped
Why would a semi cute guy turn himself into a hideous zhe-beast? It makes no fucking sense.
in fact many speed runners have turned trans. there was some image listing them all floating around but I dont think I have it
>I like the way it looks (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
But yeah, I remember the "Watching paint dry" streams where he literally just painted his nails.
>semi cute guy
It was the end result of an extended breakdown
>Get world record in speedrun
>declare the game dead since nobody will beat you
>some literally who beats you
>girlfriend leaves you
>upload slam poetry to youtube about how speedruns are pointless
>become trans
Because it's a mental illness where you'd rather be an ugly corpse woman than any kind of man.
Prove to me it's anything other than a fucking eyesore.
The only ones I can think of off the top of my head are Clarys/Miles and Orcastraw. Who else?
there was quite the list
this one is my favourite btw
yes, brits are fugly
And trans aside, there's so many cucks.
Elajizz even has a mudshit girlfriend.