Is it too late .??
France thread...
Is it too late .??
France thread...
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Btw, we say "la grande", not "le grande".
What's france, you mean the country that collapsed into the false song of globalism and now francistan?
Socialism and politically correctness are the problems in France.
>dixie flag
>confederate flag
How is the local nigger majority treating you ?
>no wall
>no muslim ban
>jewish orange puppet in the White House
simbly ebin :DD
when do you take the power back?
Macron seems to be revealing himself as a dark horse. No one could predict the level of megalomania with this one. I think that he has monarchy envy. He's a wild car. The liberals/bleeding hearts/champagne socialists have been duped. That is of course if his globalist masters can't rein him in.
Yes, France is probably the worst of country in Europe concerning demographics and no go zones. If any country will become a caliphate it would be France
i miss the post-election time when we still had working MEGA-threads
not enough europeans lurking and memeing
wharever, at least Sup Forums is not exclusively about america anymore and we have more political discussions in general
Christianity is the only thing that will repel islam. Atheism is a vacuum that attracts islam. Either way you have a religious future. It's sad to see liberals blind to this harsh reality, but then your atheists (led by jew elite) did the same thing in 1789 when they destroyed the church and state.
Shut your trap, Francois.
There are certain areas of the south like in dark blue that have high, 50%+, concentrations of blacks. Also, FYI, southern country blacks are far nicer to Chicongo, Milwaukee, Detroit, Baltimore gangbanger niggers. If you as a Frenchman drove through the country and stopped at some black establishment, they would smile and greet you kindly. A black cashier in Cleveland or South Side Chicago will just blindly stare at you and hand you your money and receipt, often with animus in their eyes.
There's a difference between niggers and decent black folks. Also, enjoy your black Muslims who are going to gang up on you with the Arabs as their population soars, while you Frenchman and sipping wine and stuffing croissants down your throat, collecting welfare, and not procreating.
Macron seems pretty based. Just read news article about him saying he wants to clean the streets from immigrants.
>Christianity is the only thing that will repel islam
islam doesn´t matter. the church is having more people joining than ever, due to immigrants becoming christians. i don´t care that much about religion as much i care about my race. everything else is civic nationalism
>dude... based churchnigger lmao
>yeah we are shit but so are you
nice logic, you got their
of course i despise islam. after the foreigners are kicked out, the muslims will follow. best both at the same time. afterwards we hang the christians f´giving food to poor africans
best political waifu
The black population is stable. The reason non-Hispanic whites are going to be only around half of the population in thirty years is because Hispanics have such high birth rates.
Hispanics come from many different countries, and they're of varying degrees of civilization and IQ levels, but you, France, and the UK are all set to be northern Ottoman clay when (hopefully if but I don't know at this point) when the Muslims take over.
No creeping Sharia to worry about with our Pablos and Tyrones. I'm very comfortable as an American, and Trump and the Republicans are set to cut legal immigration in half if the cuckservative RINOs like McShitstain and Grahamnesty don't get in their way.
or maybe she is the best
but even better is this
Forgot to source. I got worried there and I was hoping God Emperor Trump wouldn't forget about the RAISE Act. It fell off the radar since February.
>the turkish population in germany is stable. The reason non-germans are going ot be only around half of the population in a few decades is because of refugees having such high birth rates
france has highest native birth rates in europe
>then we hang the Christians
Atheists. Every. Time.
Perhaps you missed the part where i said you have a religious future. An atheist state is a temporary anomaly, and kikes like you are why this is so.
no it's not because pol told so
> hispanics high birth rate
They are religious (Catholic), Atheists dont have women who have large families, thus atheism is suicide for a culture. Pious 19th century Germany populated most of europe and america before they gave up on God and God gave up on them.
>high birth rates
Only religious people breed. Atheism is suicide, maybe your country will figure that out before you die off.
ffs burger, make your multicultural christian state with lots of mixed mongrols.because having lots of fucked up genes is nothing but trying to make shit look better by adding more shit. all you are left with are designated shitting genes
France is atheist since the revolution but had the highest birth rate in europe since then
Enjoy Islam. You'll be bred out of existence unless you fully embrace Christianity. Your fantasy of a prosperous atheist state is as laughable as it is tragically misguided. You have two choices:
1. islam
2. Christianity
Only Christianity includes a white population.
have you any identity besides being christian?
I'm pro-Christian, though my faith is shaky. I've gone through particularly devout periods, but it should be noted however that secular Scandinavian countries like Sweden have high birth rates for their natives, while Italians who are more pious and traditionalist on average have some of the lowest birthrates in Europe.
Religiosity isn't a direct indicator of birth rates, but it can be. In the US, you can pull up articles on this, white birth rates correlate directly with how red a state is. The Democrats would have a long-term demographic disaster at hand but for Hart-(((Cellar))).
t. 54% White country