What is pol/'s opinion on illicit drugs.Not weed but harder stuff like molly and coke
Pol/'s opinion on drugs
A waste of time, effort and money.
Completely degenerate and a waste of life.
Meth is good for you.
all drugs should be legalised.
Drugs are safer than the propaganda has told you, do your own research.
but drugs are an irresponsible thing to do if you have people, especially children, dependant on you.
do mdma, lsd, mushrooms maybe some coke etc when you're young at college, but obviously stay clear of the more addictive drugs, heroin, crack, crystal meth. but obviously, nobody needs to be told not to do crack.
Do whatever you like as long as you don't hurt others doing it.
Government has no business telling people what they can and cannot put in their own body of their own volition.
many can teach you things about human interaction, yourself, and the world around you.
They are also very easy to get hooked on.
Some of it is okay in small doses. Others you should never touch. There's a fine line between taking half a tab of ecstasy and shooting coke straight into your hairy, wrinkly, veiny ballsack. Problem is, most people don't know limitations.
Hard drugs are a natural sorting mechanism whereby degenerates are removed from society and their money given to more practical people. We should legalize all of them. The more dangerous and practically worthless the drug, the better it is to legalize.
Yes goyim, join D.A.R.E. and don't do drugs like MARIJUANA. TAKE THIS ZOLOFT FROM DR. GOLDSTEIN INSTEAD.
>420 legalise it
>there isn't enough awareness on drugs
>people who do drugs are morons
The only answer. People need to realize the human body isnt complete. Drugs can improve or teach you so much about yourself (in moderate amounts). Cocaine can make you work at insane speeds, a psychiatrist might have a better insight in to the mind if he did shrooms once. Maybe thats why its banned by (((them))).
If God made the drug in nature, it's good.
If man made the drug in a lab, it's bad.
I believe their use should remain prohibited to whites but use and possession of small amounts decriminalized for non-whites.
Dealers and traffickers should be punished far worse than they are now.
Personally love drugs. But then, I don't have kids or dependents like user said, have done my research, and take them properly. The average asshole does not do their research, lacks the willpower to do drugs correctly, almost always mixes incompatible drugs, almost always drinks on top of other drugs which with few exceptions, which fucks up the experience and increases risk of bad behavior, addiction, health problems & death.
Drugs are great for people who can responsibly handle them. For everyone else, fuck off. I don't care about your moral platitudes. I don't care if retards get rekt on them. I don't care if they are illegal. I will always be able to find them, I will always be able to do them. In some ways I actually think it is good that the average idiot can't readily find, procure, and take them. Morons ruin everything nice they come in contact with their retarded behavior. Some things are not meant for the masses. Christ, the average slob can't stop eating themselves to death.
molly good.
struggling with a coke addiction
MDMA transformed me from a beta cuck with social anxiety to an extrovert in the space of 12-13 rolls.
owe my life to MDMA desu senpai, same as a bit of ketamine, everything else is dirt.
MDMA is a life saver, though.
fucking cunts lied to me about everything.
Its shit and if you do them you are a retard
I think they should be mostly treated as a health issue. They cause a lot of problems for individuals, yes, but I'm convinced now that the reason they remain illegal is that they are a huge source of funds for CIA black budgets. I think that Trump is going hard after MS13 and other gangs since they are the CIA sales force and he's trying to choke them off.
thats retarded. if it was legalized and actually that profitable then all of those companies would simply start growing it and using it in their product instead.
Well said. I would emphatically add long-term antidepressant use to your list of drugs to avoid. Recovery from the ones you named, as harsh a battle as you could face in life, is normally over within weeks. Getting off antidepressants can take years to get over, or can leave you permanently depleted in ways I suspect will be brought into the light down the road.
So would millions of others, real competition. Who wouldn't want that?
Asia's stance on drugs is the correct one. Death penalty for any sort of drug trafficking
Is that so in Taiwan, you Chinese probably learned a valuable lesson from opium
Drug trafficking can result in the death punishment but I don't know about drug use
Well opium war was just about bunch of Anglo's and Jews being drug traffickers
I feel sick reading that.
I did not even click that, cuck posting has to go
as we have learned from food, cigarettes, coffee, opiates, and a myriad of other addictive substances.
Humans are consistently strong enough to manage these substances on their own.
But he's right, you are just close minded. You compare your local meth addict to everyone who doesn't hate drugs, shrooms are great, hell most of drugs are great if you are not an asshole
>Humans are consistently strong enough to manage these substances on their own.
Nice try archive.is
I don't care what drug users do as long as they don't try to push their shit onto others.
cloud your perception and distracts you from more important things like self betterment
MDMA is a reprogramming device pushed by Israeli gangsters. Your frontal lobes have been rewired. On a fundamental level you are no longer a part of the human population
But dude why better yourself and stop being a loser when you can do drugs and be a loser?
Follow this man's example.
Drugs are a tool. Just like any other medication, any other medicine, they can be used as a crutch, to help you get on your feet until you are well enough to walk, or they can be an anchor, dragging you down into the depths from which you will not return.
In the US a project called MAPS has started to successfully treat PTSD with MDMA. This is with like a 100% success rate as well. Drugs like MD, LSD, DMT and psilocybin are the future bro.