Well Ruskies? Explain yourselves.
Over 50% Russians would welcome USSR back
They want the level of power and respect they had then. Not gommunism, that has been said 1000 times by now.
We want it back too, the unipolar world has not been great for us.
Russians are drunken mongoloid asiatics, what else would you expect from a race that pretends to be white?
>Soviet Union collapses
>massive spike in corruption
>complete societal collapse
>most of the nation's wealth stolen by (((them)))
>ethnic segregation ended
>nationalism dies
>get fucked in all holes by uncle Sam
Gee I wonder why...
Russia is a shithole USSR is glory
fuck all that
russians are braindead retards
nation of drunks and degenerates
Most of these are grandmas who remember greener grass in USSR and young people whom they told their fancy tales. Middle aged people who remember USSR well will never want it back.
Also, many of those younger men think about discipline, technical progress, Stalin-era aesthetics and a space program when they say they like USSR, because soviet propaganda and heritage has plenty of those. They are not real (((communists))) like your university liberals and could become a fine fascists if only they break soviet conditioning that still persists in Russian culture and society.
Good because its coming back. It never really ended. The fall of the Soviet Union was purely cosmetic.
The worldwide communist conspiracy never stopped.
Based Russia
Well, this and:
>economic crisis every 10 years
>crime rates trough the roof
>no social security whatsoever
>doctors, teaches, scientists and other people who are respected in healthy society forced into poverty
nowhere in this article does he provide evidence that majority wants back socialism. just the overwhelming regret over collapse of the country.
They got to eat during communism.
Yes please. Go back to communism so it can inevitably collapse again, but give us the chance to go back to a Cold War version of ourselves. Id kill for a 50s-80s US again.
I would be interested to see the demographics of that poll...
Its been 27 years since the fall, so I would assume that anyone under 10 in 1990 would have had no concept of what it was actually like, and with the median age being 38 I would assume that 50% of their population don't really know what soviet Russia was.
i would too, they were our one true enemy
most likely an emotional response to remembering being a superpower
>Stalin literally genocided all the smart Russians
>The only ones left are stupid enough to want it again
Makes sense.
The median age of those Russians is 60 years old. The youth generally doesn't give a shit about politics at all.
Tired of thinking for themselves. Russians are cattle, they can't live without a shepherd, be that a Germanic Czar, the Jewish Communist Party, or possibly Jewish Putin. The thought of having to do what they deem necessary without an order from above simply terrifies them.
Commie Mario Bros really looks disappointing.
And mongs actually believe that MORE of the same Asiatic dictatorship is a solution to those problems... Ruskie tatars are truly born to be fucked and killed by the eternal Khan.
>be superpower
>be Russia still recovering from the 90's
old people being nostalgic, what an allien concept, amirite?
He genocided the (((smart Russians))), yes.
This is false.
Couldn't national socialism or fascism help modern day Russia? or will the Russians sperg out "evil fascist nazi! reee!" ?
This is the same country where Putin banned drawing of Mohamed, made denying the holocaust a criminal offense and outlawed fashy/nazi/swastika symbols and parties. I know Putin is a necessary evil , but even Russia is PC in some way.
Didn't ruskies learned that communism fucked them more since Lenin kiked his way in 1917?
>>guaranteed job
>>guaranteed housing
>>don't have to think for yourself
>>don't have to flinch at asteroids
>Implying there are no famines in capitalist societies
Irish potato famine?
What about the numerous famines in africa?
Africa is pretty capitalist.
Africa is also full of niggers
>guaranteed job that pays the equivalent of a minimum wage
>can't buy anything for said money because there's nothing on the shelves because shop owners would rather sell their wares behind the counter or to "friends"
>only way to live better than a bum is to steal from the state
communism will never work until there's mass brain washing
Let's archive it
>vanityfair com/news/2014/03/numbers-vladimir-putin-doesnt-want-you-to-see
putin steals all their money.
throw oligarch in jail. take all his money.
promise not to jail the rest if he gets 50%
socialized dental care worked him wonders
>>>guaranteed housing
Well in fact people had to live for 20-25 years in communal apartmens while working on factory to get there own flat. My family had that expiriense too. After my grands moved from countryside to city they got two rooms in a flat. And in the last room lived a pretty annoying person
capitalism doesn't guarantee you success without your impact, communism guarantees you failure with work, just cause it's a shitty utopian system that has no place in reality
>socialized dental care
If only. It's almost fully capitalist and overpriced. So overpriced, Russians from nearby regions take a trip to Kazakhstan to fix their teeth.
if the USSR comes back does it mean we get the 80s back?
sign me up
Well national socialism is not a real ideology, so it couldnt, but I assure you that in Russia everything can change in like no time at all, but it also can stay the same forever, so they'll see.
You know how fucked up polling was in USA on a very clear-cut issue of presidential elections and yet you believe polling data on very obscure and poorly defined issue from Russia?
Top keks.
and 99.99% would love to see Stalin to rise up from his grave, so what?
They are a bunch of dumb and lazy niggers who want everything done for them
Actually most of the smart ethnic Russians ran away to the West during the Civil War. And they contributed quite a lot to those countries, I might add.
>Be russian
>corruption rate through the roof
>richest man in the world is also your president, and can have anyone assassinated at any time
>watch state-run media and get fed constant propaganda
>watch as your government bans all VPNs and private chat apps right before the election
>think this is going to end well
>die of alcoholism at the age of 32
I imagine they'd be more pro capitalism if all of our sanctions weren't dragging their economy into the ground.
Why did you guys have to go an diddle baby Ukraine?
>said a balt who was living off the gibs from one union and now is living off the gibs from another one
this, 2bh
>Niggers can't into agrarian farming
>hurt Durr Capitalists also used famine to kill their enemies so it's OK when commies do it
I'm not sure who is the joke on, since it was capitalism who fucked up his teeth, not communism.
National Socialism and Fascism can help every country in the world M8.
Then why do the jews still rule russia?
Russians love capitalism they even stands in lines for new iphones.
current state of russia is the closest thing to fascism to ever see tge light.
>elitist authoritarian shithole
>the 1% own +70% of shit (its 40% in US)
>no freedoms
>no guns
>no fun
>television propaganda full on straight edge
>populus is like "just fuck this shit i better do korokodil and die"
How it it not fascism?
It's not the sanctions, but low oil prices. Sanctions are complete political bullshit, and they are beneficial to Putin. He can blame his shortcomings on them.
>Why did you guys have to go an diddle baby Ukraine?
You started this shit, you know right? Do you think Russia is just going to give up a country with strategical interest to Russia. And even more, a country with half a territory, that Russia conquered and took from Turks and Tatars, with cities founded and built by Russia, which have significant pro-Russian or straight up ethnic Russian population. It was a red line, that you should've respected.
>russians are cattle, they can't live without a shepherd
>kazakhstan ruled by allmighty Khan Nursultan since 1989
Before realising his own solution to the jewish question, he got assassinated. And jews took back the power.
They don't. The only kikes left are a few of the oligarchs that either bent over for Putin or fled before they could be caught.
Seriously, this. Country with eternal ruler talking shit about being cattle.
Banning everything Nazi-related is not really PC, it's for the "muh victory" narrative to stay alive after so many years.
It makes it easy for the government to make a video comparing Navalny to Hitler, for example, (which it did), so that bydlo and similar kinds of patriots will chimp out at Navanly supporters like "What are you, Nazi scum? Have you forgotten how our grandfathers fought them you traitor?!?!?!11".
Don't delude yourself. Russia is a jewish cryptocolony, same way as USSR from its very conception. And Putin is the best goy.
I'm sure you'll have lots of proofs for this claim which totally don't involve the same 2 photos of Putin in a yarmulka
They had far more security and power as a nation under the USSR.
Over 50% of brits would probably want the Empire back.
Your mentality has fucked this country up during all these years of colonization, but the people are slowly waking up.
Communist Russia has huge demographic loss due to one year of hunger in 1930s
Capitalist Russia lost same amount of people every year of Yeltsin's time in 1990s
It's only most like slavs are fighting with niggers over who is the ultimate slave race.
We do same with estonia
>Your mentality has fucked this country up during all these years of colonization
And who is ruled Kazahstan before Russians take you in the Empire? Free People Counsil or... another allmighty Khan?
An almighty Khan of course. Just like in any other nation back then.
>Africa is pretty capitalist.
No. Most of Africa was ruled by communists when I was still a kid. We are talking only 15/20 years ago
>An almighty Khan of course. Just like in any other nation back then.
Republican form of government is known since Antic times. As you know Kazakhstan joined Russian Empire in 18s century... well go back to graze your horses, my friend, history is not your field of knowledge.
>>no guns
And why do you still not bought a gun? Criminal? Psychiatric disorder? Underage?
based nord
Most of those people are not nostalgic for USSR, but nostalgic for their youth
Founded by Vikings called the Russ
maybe the older generation the younger generation don't want it back
>While even more people say they would welcome the restoration of the socialist system
Its big empire sydnrome.
Most brits are the same. They identify with the rulers and the accomplishments of the empire instead of the common man who died in the trenhes.
Its a type of retardation.
>We wuz empires and shiet.
Look at the director's connections
Tens of millions of people died from starvation/imprisonment in USSR directly because of communism. This theory doesn't work in theory or in practice.
Fucking idiots! Do they realize that the Soviets were under constant famine and if you said something wrong, you'd be sent to the gulag?
All the Russians who miss the USSR really ought to take a vacation to North Korea.
Having your productive years wasted under communism, and facing the dog years of capitalism as a pensioner is one of the worst fates possible.
Practically a death sentence if you don't have kids.
Billions you mean?
Trillions desu
>race that pretends to be white
And when they did ever do that, you retarded abo? Keep your projections to yourself.
Respect? Hahaha, thats NKtier stockholm syndrome.
>at least everybody was happy dancing and sinnging all time
It's just people wanting to return to simplifier and safer times. Same with nostalgia over 60s-80s.
If you think that people don't take vacation there and don't say how it's good, you might want to think again. Just don't be a nigger and don't steal anything.
The famine was caused by the British you mong we weren't allowed to fish and all other crops were stolen plus any relief from the ottomans was turned away by the British navy.