Making fun of my boss
Hes taking out his frustration on us. It's hell. Please stop engaging with zuckercuck
Making fun of my boss
Hes taking out his frustration on us. It's hell. Please stop engaging with zuckercuck
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Does he pay you well?
He is a jew, so take a wild guess, user.
No. And you don't understand. HE LIVES ON Sup Forums
He knows everything
Hes becoming a super Jew
you should go back to India
Wut? I heard he was an atheist.
He considers himself a god so it's kind of true
He smells like bad old spice. I think he gets the shitty smells for free
He needs to be skullfucked.
Hes lactose (((intolerant))) and the only reason I know is because I needed to take a chipotle dump in the staff offices once but it was before the ice cream social so I went to the secret bathroom on the executive level (ice cream social started I was cool)
But zuckerberg was first in line (like he always is) and got his Sunday with way too many sprinkles and toppings. The dude doesn't know how to make an ice cream anything he ruins it with appropriation but I digress.
Fast forward half an hour. My poop clogs the toilet and I start freaking out because I'm not supposed to be there let alone beat their toilet. So I'm trying to unclog this behemoth and leave to get a plunger.
When I get back the doors locked. I should've prefaced, its a one person bathrooM. Gender nuetral
I knock on the door and hear zuckerberg groaning and the sound of what I can only explain as Jewish diarriah.
The toilet was clogged and I left. I missed the social but the next day zuckercuck got his own bathroom and no one is allowed to use it. Not even for the sink
You should have recorded it.
wtf is an Ice Cream social?
You get ice cream: then be social while trying to eat it
Apparently it's different in gay communities
sounds fucking gay already
If i did that I'd be fired and blacklisted on sillycon Valley
It's more about support and teamwork
why ice cream though, why not burger social
>Body language analysis of Fuckerberg
Zuckerberg can't eat red meat. He's on a strict hormone regiment and if he gets too much testosterone he needs to up his estorgen and when he does that he usually makes an emotional poorly thought out decision
what happens if your refuse to go to these ice cream socials?
There aren't any real consequences but the only way to get in is thru a secret Facebook group
Once you refuse to go you're out of the group and zuckercuck sends passive agressive memes to everyone but you until you decide to quit
Hes really a prick bro
I want to believe
What do you think it means? What does ice cream mean? What does social mean?
Being a friendless koala, this was probably made more difficult for you. It's literally just a little get together where you just talk and eat ice cream that is provided. You get chocolate or vanilla, maybe some toppings to put on it. The point is, you suck. I can't stress that enough.
we don't have ice cream here it's too hot
Shut the fuck up zuck you fucking homo.
Everyone hates you but you're too well off for them to admit it.
How do I into job at Silicon Valley, user? Can I just make my way over there and do ground work?
I'm sorry. As an american, I can only imagine the toil that is your daily struggle in a world without ice cream.
You need to be related to an executive or pledge your first born to the cult that runs it
>remember 7 sisters in Korea? Kind of like that
Wouldn't that have to mean he would find this thread...?
It's ok, I'm trying to check out the cults around there thats actually why I'm interested.
Kill youtube kill facefuck
this should be Trump's #1 priority
replace them with a meshed network of competing platforms so they're not data scams hoarding all the data the users have put on over the last 8 years. you'd have meshtube and meshbook and youtube and facebook would just be one company of 10 or so competing all interlocked together so that users see videos/posts even if the friends/creators are using another platform. end this data scam rape of the public square & ideas
end Zuckerfuck Data Scam Enterprises and ADL terror thoughtcrime YouFuck
That's the plan
Tell him he has a weirdly deformed head shape. It's like one of those drawings of 3d mathematic graphs. Look it up.
How old are you?
Does Zuckerberg know that Americans would not elect a lukewarm bowl of oatmeal that knows everyones secrets as President? Or does he think he can win them over?
Old enough to party.
anyone who doesn't vote for him will be banned from jewbook
Sup Forums is 18+
Then give us some proof you actually work there and aren't just a larp faggot
7 at least 7
He also owns a BMW car, how is that relevant?
Pic from my commute this morning
Then tell your sperglord (((boss))) to not give people reasons to make fun of him.
I don't think people understand that no american will actually vote a jew into the white house. That's why they are always having to use proxies via the legislative, judiciary, media, monetary, etc., because at the end of the day, no one wants to see a jew in power.
Here's my license.
that's London
source: I live in London and get the tube
Does he realize what an unlikable goofy creep he is? I hope he runs for office so when he campaigns in my city I can laugh in his face.
i´ll stop complaining about this sperglord when facebook is dead and gone
What retard uses a single account for everything these days? Even worse, who makes accounts on different platforms with the exact same name? Just look at how that turned out for Linkara.
Why is he taking E2? Does he want prostate cancer?
Is his wife hot?
Do you think he's in to being a cuck?
shes a gook just use google. he probably fucks little boys
One can only hope that Zuckerberg lurks here obsessively.
We all know the outcome of that.
But, then again, most of us don't have the "Jewish perspective" when we ate a bunch of redpills.
That undoubtedly changes things.
If he does lurk here...
He probably feels excited that a bunch of autists are more relevant and influential than he will ever be.
Death to all Jews. Let's start w this one.
HRT won't make him as Chinese as his wife
Why is he on a hormone regimen?
>HE LIVES ON Sup Forums
proof or you're the jew
I'm thinking probably to maintain a "youthful" appearance without resorting to HGH. Growth hormone would induce acromegaly, a.k.a. a "caveman" appearance, requiring regular painful facial surgery to resolve (not to mention larger hands, etc...). Still, though, E2 is just asking for prostate cancer. In men with chronically low T, breast cancer is a real risk as well.
you are so done, mark
you down own nothing kike
Do you live in Iraq or something? Sup Forums runs the culture now
No one wants prostate cancer
you're missing the point
zuck's alien features are crucial to any serious discussion about his agenda and power
Idiot. Why do you try to spread this agenda. And why the fuck would Zuckerberg even share a bathroom with anyone at any point ? He doesnt have a private bathroom in his office with showers ? He probably has a fucking closet in his office with clothes.
He is a fucking billionaire. This is like baseline comforts for even the most humble billionaires.
Hes not the brightest. He dreams of a world with a solar powered Facebook drone that beams down Facebook for 5.99/month
...r u calling him an alien?
Can't argue with that
So you think there is no way Facebook datamines their own employees ? You think there is no secret divison monitoring your activities ? They have a profile of your behaviour. Maybe they can already identifiy you based on the location and the websites you click on. You dont even need to use facebook or any of their products.
I always use private mode on my computer when I'm looking at porn
You dont work at facebook. You have no clue.
Clearly you've never been under a literal spotlight. There's no way that you're not gonna be sweating your ass off while wearing a black sweat shirt. It has nothing to do with body language.
We really just need white nationalist anons and rich donors to help set up parallel alternatives for social media platforms like kikebook, twitter, jewtube, etc.
Or do what Bannon wants and declare these all as public utilities, which would mean they can't censor freedom of speech.
Skiddie kike niggerloving commie fuck is skiddie.
I fucking hate Zuckerberg but I feel like this whole thing is really pseudoscientific. You could watch a video of anyone and make a bunch of statements about what their body language means and most people would believe it
You're probably right. However, that doesn't change the fact that you can look at the way Zuckerberg talks, moves, and reacts and see that this guy is trouble.
I didn't see the interview video until after I saw the Sam Hyde MDE skit. I thought it was some sort of exaggeration, but no, it was basically a 100% line for line portrayal
He's probably just autistic.
Could have had any woman, instead made the weeb choice.
No Billionaire is right in the head. To have that amount of power and to get to that amount of power requires a skill set that is out of the ordinary. So those people are generally somehow twisted. Unless they were born billionaires.
Well, I you get good at reading other peoples body language you pretty much straight away can decide if this person is sincere or not. It's an amazing talent to have tbqh.
That choice was actually calculated. Jews have been breeding more and more with chinks to create asian-jew hybrids that they hope will do a better job of infiltrating asian societies. Another example would be Emma Sukowicz, the mattress girl. They're gearing up for their takeover of the east.
They're holdovers from when TV had 3 channels. We used to do them at my elementary school.
Zuk here, I have the whole of the IT security team hunting you down as we speak and I will be taking the cost of replacing that executive commode out of your last paycheck. Hope it was worth it sweetie.
Rank imposter.
I am the real Zuckerberg.
Everyone on this thread is invited to my next ice cream social.
Also if you are ever near my ranch in Hawaii please drop in and bang my wife.
Serious bros. I want a son who will grow taller than four foot three.
I have deep kinship with the Jew as an Irishman
>he lives on Sup Forums
Good, he might become redpilled then and decide to gas his kind
Ended as a 2/10 LARP at best.
>please clap
Will the real Zuck Shady please stand up.
On the less than
Is this a poem?
>afraid of his boss
>calls him zuckercuck
I think it's a ruse, fellas.
His wife needs to be skull fucked while he watches
Should be Cuckerberg
I could have gone an entire lifetime without know this Youtube channel exists.
i'll take care of him soon enough