what do you think is happening in the Hillary timeline right now?
What do you think is happening in the Hillary timeline right now?
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organizing "suicides"
Left wing death squads.
99% of white men turn gay and clean their rooms while women talk about their obesity rights
i'd be dead. i had a 50/50 chance of killing myself on election night
The poor benighted timeline under Hillary is growing slowly stupider, poorer, and sicker. Hillary's backers are getting angry at her for the way their fortunes are slipping too, but there's nothing she can do; she's already doing everything they tell her to. It's just god enforcing consequences on the kikes. Again.
The entire world looks to the sky in hope.
Death and destruction.
rural and suburban retards have all been eliminated by now, leaving only ultra high IQ city people
WW 3.5
It doesn't exist. Everyone died in that timeline. It came to an end and we all shifted here. Thank jesus.
Full purge of all white males. Stalin style.
whites are being rounded up and put in death camps run by jews
Gangs of trannies and other non gender conforming communists roam the streets shooting white cis males on sight
like the antifa niggers?
Antifa, BLM and all the other radical left wing terrorist groups would STILL be rioting because they won.
I'm curious though as to how the left would be acting if Hillary won and the right was throwing as much of a tantrum as they are right now.
The right wouldn't be able to.
Having control of all MSM means the left can cry the loudest. In the Hillary timeline, the left believes the country is just fine.
Hillary-Russia being pushed hard by the right, while the media tries to paint them as traitors or conspiracy theorists.
War with Syria.
I'd certainly have a lot of fun on Sup Forums
remember when Obama won in 2008 and heaps of people spazzed out
With each passing day, I become more and more convinced that we got plugged into the Matrix some point in Obama's tenure.
January 2017:
>No fly zone over Syria
>Weaponization of government agencies to wipe out Trump loyalists/Tea Party remnants
>Small scale Nuclear war with Russia
>More thieving and stealing
>Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Hillary, makes succesful transition from human to horse. Medical experiment has proven to be a succes
>Chelsea will focus the rest of her life on human to horse HtH acceptance. Millions of mentally ill women and gays follow in her hoofsteps and try to become horses, but as they are not genetically inclined to horsedom many of them fail and die a horrible death
>Hillary announces that her first lady is Huma Abedin, and starts to rule in a Cersei-esque manner
>David Brock announces his new organization which is a Stalinist Kiddo Fiddling Kamp, where kiddos are taught how to suck a mean dick
"...further escalation over western Damascus today as an American transport jet was downed by Russian warplanes en route to an American air station near the Mediterranean coast.
President Clinton vowed immediate, decisive action against further Russian aggression while Vladimir Putin reiterated the threat made last week to move short-range tactical nuclear weapons within striking distance of American positions.
In other news, today begins the second day of jury selection in the tax evasion case of former Republican Presidential csndidate Donald Trump. Federal prosecutors are pushing for a maximum fifty year sentence for the billionaire reality tv star turned politician. The massive scandal has spread to members of his family and business associates dating back to tge 1980s.
Mr. Trump continues to deny any wrongdoing and has publically called the Tax Evasion cases a 'witch hunt' on Twitter."
North Korea tests ICBMs
Entire population of Somalia emigrates to U.S. within space of 3 months. Look out my window see burning trash fires, open sewers and tin shack shantytown.
Is that picture real? What was she doing?
They are rebuilding. Cuz the country already collapsed.
fucking KEK
excellent post
We've all been drafted and sent to the frontline in Poland against the Russians.
Guys I just switched timelines - in Hillary world all men stand outside their homes at 10AM for mandatory buttplug insertion it's hell - I don't even shit any more my poop just falls out.
She's probably posting from some obscure country because she's figured out that posting from the same general IP made her shit posting painfully obvious. Now it's just pathetically obvious.
She should be planning her retirement from politics.