Florida confirms first sexually transmitted Zika case in 2017
MIAMI -- Florida health officials have reported the state's first sexually transmitted Zika case in 2017.
The Florida Department of Health confirmed the case in Pinellas County on Tuesday, and said there was no evidence that transmission through mosquitoes took place anywhere in Florida.
The infected resident's partner recently traveled to Cuba and was ill with symptoms consistent with Zika, health officials said in a statement. They said both individuals tested positive for Zika. "It is important to remember Zika can also be transmitted sexually and to take precautions if you or your partner traveled to an area where Zika is active. If the department identifies an area where ongoing transmission of Zika is taking place, we will notify the public immediately," officials said.
Ban travel to and from all Latin America countries on the pretext of a health crisis.
Evan Roberts
I-is that a Muslim shemale Nicolas cage?
Josiah Perez
Hells yea!
Go America!
Go team!
John Jones
>a disease that makes roasties have disfigured children >implying this is a bad thing
Isaac Reed
Luke Butler
>implying white liberal feminist 'my body my rules' whores won't give them pity fucks
But then....I don't think I'd have much to do with those types of whores anyway....
Dominic Peterson
It came from Mexico and clearly you guys are having a hard time banning travel from that one
Austin Baker
pretty progressive
Brandon Martinez
>a disease that will make your offsprings literal brainlets
Josiah Myers
Adrian Nelson
it's the first stage of viral incubation, it takes over your cerebrum and makes you head to the nearest airport
Parker Bennett
it probably didn't come from South America, the CIA probably let some loose in America after they dropped the mother load in Brazil
Xavier Sanchez
Isn't zika the virus created by rothschilds?
Charles Bennett
Jaxon Perry
Aaron Ward
Wait, does this mean they're directly responsible for the viral outbreak? Is that even legal...?
Nathan Reyes
who cares, the more people who die the better off the planet is.
Alexander Carter
There's no proof, but the virus was found in monkeys from uganda only and completely disappeared for decades
Christopher Foster
the law is literally beneath them, they can destroy the life of anyone who gets in their way
Landon Watson
t. user who was never seen again
Christopher Gutierrez
Common colds make people more susceptiple to bacterial infections. It may be why doctors are providing antibiotics. It's not to stop the cold, it's to stop other problems arising because of the cold.
>Secondary bacterial infections may occur resulting in sinusitis, pharyngitis, or an ear infection. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_cold