On the whole, do you believe people are good?

On the whole, do you believe people are good?

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I believe people are stupid enough to believe in the concept of good and evil. I believe most people will willingly or unwillingly (without care or reflection afterwards) do something bad. Most people operate out of self interest and nothing more. It just so happens to be in their self interest to be good.


what is good? The term is subjective.


WE at Pol share a Master morality. It doesn't matter if it's a Stormfag or a Turkroach, you clearly see the citizenry of Kekistan clinging to their Master morality.

Obviously whatever it means to you.

It's why I'm asking you, rather than lecturing you on my own subjective opinion

Yes unless they voted for Hilary then I'm suspect

I think most people are good just so dumb that kikes can easily control them. Not kikes, kikes are just pure evil and should be exterminated.

this picture has me wanting to make a pol themed pepe game. pepecraft the dating sim. man wouldn't that be something. you have to compete against chad to win over the cute girl.

No everyone is out for his or her self. Even our parents

People will ultimately try to enforce what they deem good, yes.



The Bible pretty much confirms it too.

Only when ruled by the iron fist of a righteous leader

The average person is only good for his self interest. It's normal

Archailects when?

Master morality is good. Most have been conditioned for slave morality - they must awaken before our line is ended. To end the line is evil, to continue the line is good.
Arise great warrior arise.

There's always an ulterior motive.
Some people act that way to feel good about themselves. Some people want something from you. At the very least they fear the legal consequences and/or social scorn.
When all those things are off the table, people show their true colors.

Under the spreading chesnut tree
I sold you
and you sold me.

Absolutely not.

As like it's "built-in"? No.

People help other people for the feel good rush it gives. The whole morality thing really isn't about what's right or wrong t bh it's more of being afraid of the repercussions


I'm good because society and I have conditioned myself to feel good when I help others. Also helping humanity helps "me" in the long run because I'm more than just one beating heart. I'm a conglomeration of genes and memes that are also found throughout humanity.

Most the time its easy to be a cunt.

It requires at least some effort to be awesome.

sociopaths are the only good people because they understand people are trash

Absolutely. Most people in the world are good people, otherwise crime rates would be way higher.

>sociopaths are good

admitting the evil of man isn't the same as being better than them.

who cares

people are trash

I agree with you, but one might say crime rates are low because of fear of reprisal from the state and the community.

I would say fear of reprisal from childhood when your parents spanked or guilt tripped you for misbehaving conditioned you to be good, not that you are constantly weighing your risks every time you have an opportunity to be bad.

I tend to think people strive to be what they are told is good. Whether they are or not is something I don't usually judge unless the actions are overt and individual knew better. Subjective contexts within morality no withstanding moral subjects can be broken down into more or less relational components, waste being the exception and something I personally consider to be a sin in the truest of terms. Violations of person-hood in various ways are evil especially those perpetrated against the defenseless or naive. Violations of property are usually evil if done for gain though more complicated if a situation of survival. Other than those three though it gets pretty fuzzy and resolves down personally held values and integrity on some level or another which is usually subjective if taken in part but form a more objective moral lens if viewed in whole.

This site is 18+. gb2 reddit

Human beings are not good.

Even the best of us fall short in the eyes of God.

That's why everyone needs to accept God in their lives. Without Him you will stumble and fall. You will be tempted and fail.

People are not good

Most people want to think they're good. It's just that humans, like most animals, are naturally selfish creatures who are most likely to determine what is and isn't good on their personal preferences. Doing "good" is always easier if it benefits you.


I believe most people do not act with the intent to do evil. I believe most people who act evil do so, because they believe they are doing the right thing.

No, only a small minority of people are good natured. The rest are essentially animals who are slaves to their impulses. Even most of the good people are still dumb and can be controlled with their materialistic desires into doing bad things.


This was my first red pill when I was like 12

>mfw when misanthropes itt
Mom's going to FREAK!

Yes, civilization wouldn't exist otherwise.

People do have a hard time going against their desires though. But discipline can fix that.

People are good. Good for making mems that is. Humanity is the greatest source of memes in the universe and those memes keep me and others like me well fed. Truly our most precious cattle.

Not one fpbp even a single (you) and just a bunch of repeated retardation. Absolute faggots ITT

>On the whole, do you believe people are good?
No. I thought I was a good person. Then I cheated on my private ed, cute af, posh gf with a Russian hottie while I was on holiday. No people aren't good.

I think people are pretty good but we're all pretty selfish when it comes down to it.

Because it wasn't a fpbp, nigger. Graduate from HS.

Considering that since the beginning of the first thing you can call human up to until a of hundred of years the "natural" way to die for humans was to get fucking slaughtered, murdered, eating and raped to death by other humans and the exception was to die of old age/natural causes (which is why life expectency was ~20 years for thousands of years)... no i dont think people are naturally "good" and i have hundrets of thousands of years to prove this fact while anyone claiming they are good has at best if you close your eyes maybe 200 years... let that sink in. Humans for 99,9% of their existence have just behaved as basically any other wild animal because thats what we are. Think about that unnatural causes of deaths were for hundrets of thousands of years the rule by faaaaaaaar and natural deaths the exception that basically no one had the luck of having.

one of the faggots I was mentioning

People are selfish.

But unlike the AnCaps, I believe that this selfishness must be controlled and channeled towards greater things. Things that I like...

No. 98% of people are garbage

There is no such thing as good or evil. There's only people fighting for their interests in a directionless and chaotic world. That's it.

No. That's why I think religion isn't as bad as militant atheists would have you believe, it keeps people in line and gives them a purpose. People can't seem to follow any sort of ethical code without religion. And I'm an atheist

You said some shit a 17 year old would say.

Graduate from HS buddy.

I believe that most people believe they are good.

yes. even marxists hold the beliefs they have because they want what's best for the world. they're just misguided.

Absolutely this. Its like companies doing "something good" for PR. They record themselves doing something good like helping out homeless people, while in reality, all they do it for, is for advancing positive views of themselves thus making it purely egoficial.

Good man. Atheistcucks need to realise that religion is based.

Yes, of course people are selfish, it is in any organisms natural self-interest to secure ones own existential success first and foremost.

The "best" way to control or channel this powerful natural drive is through capitalism, where the most adaptive, resourceful and competent end up with a huge pile of moneys, instead of standing ontop of a huge pile of bodies. History shows us so far, that it is either or.

Experience says no.

>Religion says that humanity is a bunch of losers
>Somehow this is based

>lying is better

No, but most people aren't very ambitious and don't want to look bad, so that keeps things rolling along.

I used to be one of these militant "the world would be better without religion" types, but over the years I've realised that I'd probably be happier in a Christian majority country. I wouldn't be surrounded by teen pregnancies, muslims and wannabe gangsta 12 year olds

That was not the least bit implied.

Define good, define evil, do it without moral/god crutch.

>Religion is the truth
>Religion says people are good

Pick one.


I believe that behavior is 80% genetic/epigenetic and 20% conditioning. Meaning you can be born with violent and anti-social tendencies. That doesn't mean pitbulls can't be good dogs, but it does mean pitbulls have violent and jealous tenancies that cannot be removed.

Niggers are niggers. You can train them and make a few good'uns but they are what they are. Same with white trash and the Irish.

>le moral relativism
I'm amazed you can survive with your shitty philosophy. You'd think your utter failure to discern a beneficial or self-sabotaging action would end you. I guess that's why morons vote for a nanny government.

>implying you won't repeatedly humiliate Wojack and be Chad yourself

No, but they think they are. People will justify anything they do so they can feel better about themselves.

No, people have no sense of self respect or values that they try to stick to anymore.

Premarital sex, doing drugs, getting constantly drunk, adultery etc. used to all be very big "if" decisions. Now they're all just a case of "when" to most people.

No one even considers saving themselves for marriage anymore, everyone just wants to have sex as soon as possible and with as many different people as possible.

Getting a virgin wife was almost unavoidable 100 years ago, now it's next to impossible.

It isn't fear of reprisal. It is the fact that friendliness between kith and kin is a natural behavior seen in most social animals.

Now reprisal is a very good logical reason not to start shit, but the behavior is innate, not logical.

Well technically muslims and niggers are not wired to think rape is wrong so you can't blame them.

That's why the world needs Paganism which is superior to Christianity which is just a shit skin religion meant for ethnic kikes
Atheism is communism by the way
Christianity is zionism
Paganism is nationalism

Reminder that you faggots memed this shit into reality. I mean, this is mostly for you faggot athiestcucks to ponder on.

I don't worship Pepe, he's essentially an idol. But just consider what this reality really is.

I think people act only based on their rational self-interest. Basically they're selfish. I won't make a value judgement, though. It's not good or bad, it's just natural.

That's also why dialectical materialism is correct and communism is inevitable.

Paganism made whites the equivalent of niggers.

Niggers unironically practiced similar trash with body paint, ritualistic sacrifice, and cannibalism.

It's not a coincidence.

White people received the seat of power to the world when they adopted Christianity. And now they are losing it again as they are becoming faggotty weeby athiests again. Again, not a coincidence.

Returning to paganism = returning to white niggerdom (which is already underway)

>can only formulate enough of sentence to screech out "no cuz bible"
>Can't read very good
>secretly dropped out of HS (hehe, they'll never know)
You are a massive faggot. Go grab crayons, a coloring book and fuck off for an hour or so.


I graduated from UC Berkeley, retard. Seriously, you are a fucking peasant compared to me. You said peasant tier shit any 17 year old faggot comes up with, and you cried that no one said "fpbp" on your shitty post. You are fucking pathetic and should kys.

No, the people isn't good.

I'm happy about that. I red-pilled my mom about life, countries, flags, things. I'll enjoy being a bastard.

>college degrees meaning anything
The reason businesses don't like to hire no-experience college graduates is because they have no useful knowledge and require a shitload of on the job training.

That's why internships and probationary periods are a thing. You can take a chance on a new guy and easily be rid of them if they are substandard.

>Assuming I went to school for a lib-shit degree

>I graduated from UC Berkeley
Why would you admit this... You're bragging about being associated with nigger tier education. Don't eat the crayons stupid use them to connect the dots with.

People are wild and primitive to they need to be tempered by civilization to do something useful.
Noble savage is leftist mythology.

lol. Not every major is for a meme degree, user. Berkeley is one of the best schools for Science degrees as well. Check out a pamphlet at your local community college.

no. people do look after their own, but that's in their own self interest to do. they may not realize it's in their own self interest, but that's why they evolved to do it

someone who possesses true altruism and extends it to everyone regardless of genetic closeness is an oddity, it's a suboptimal survival strategy that gets bred out

I do believe that people on the whole are "civil" though. meaning most of them can mostly adapt to "civil" society, which is everyone being a selfish fuck within boundaries

Go be a bible thumping nigger somewhere else. You have nothing useful to give and clearly everything to lose.
>muh half-assed apperances

Some people want to be remembered through their children.

Some people want to be remembered through their achievements.

Some people want to be forgotten.

Some people don't care for the opinions of sheep.

I don't believe that anything is ultimately good are bad. People are people, they sometimes do things perceived as bad and sometimes as good.

I would like to know more on this friendo

No. But they can become good. All they need is some guidance.

There's a lot of Bible-thumpers that become biologists, physicists, medical doctors, and engineers. It's not that uncommon.

Sorry, my dude.

fuck moral relativism.
like said.
there is absolute truth. It is born out of the material reality of the universe. The rules that govern fundamental physics cascade and multiply and grow to create a framework of ethics and morals rooted in space and time.
Good and Evil are known to us all, for a reason.

So many people are so broken, by their family, by the society they are apart of, by the lot of their life. They are broken because they make such a big deal out of things that don't even matter. They are broken but they don't need to be. Everyone's progressing towards the heat death of the Universe. I ask you seriously, what matters then? What matters when the existence of not only you, but of everything you have ever seen or even marginally influenced freezes and collapses back into the primordial orb to start anew. So much pain and suffering, so much fretting over what ultimately doesn't matter.

Of course you get the Nihilists who begin to cry out, "If nothing matters then why bother living?" or some such variant. You also get the Broken Ones who now want a reason not kill someone or a reason not to torture animals. At first glance these might seem like valid points. The problem comes when you question the origin of these ideas. It comes from a place of pain and suffering, of caring. Nihilists, for example, care so much about their life and what has happened to them that they exclaim none of it matters so they can cover the pain in absurdity. Truly, if they didn't care, then death would seem a mere mirage because they would realize they were never alive to begin with. They are merely a fluctuation, a bubble in the ever flowing primordial soup that we call the Universe. On the other hand, the Broken Ones. They wish to do harm because it brings them some minute amount of satisfaction. If only they could step outside that paradigm they would realize they don't need to harm anything for satisfaction, they could just BE satisfied. Everything is so much easier when it's just being.

I offer you a chance to step out of it all. To realize that not only does life not matter but that it never existed to begin with. I offer you the chance to just be. To be happy for no reason at all, to be satisfied with the nothing you don't have. I offer you to be.


Only as good as the world allows them to be

I am kind of sleepy, so forgive me, but it's pretty much a core theme of the Bible. We're basically a fallen human race, more prone to evil than good. That's why we need God to guide us, we're just not good enough on our own, even if we believe we are.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

I'm honestly about to fall asleep here, so I'm probably not doing this explanation any justice. Just think on that quote above though. It's all right there.

most people only care about themselves, so no.

*tips fedora*


Though many sell their soul eventually.

Absolutely not.
Some people have more good than bad in them, and a larger minority are in a position where circumstances only cultivate, draw out, or materialise their good or at least non-evil parts.

Nope. That's leftist malarkey.
>And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother. And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth. Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me. And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.

>And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. And they were astonished out of measure, saying among themselves, Who then can be saved? And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.