Why do black people walk so slow?
Pic unrealated
Why do black people walk so slow?
Pic unrealated
Because they're trying to show off they're "muh dick" to everyone.
They also tend to walk directly in the middle of the side walk and either sing loudly or have horrible "music" blaring from their phone.
It's not like they're going to work or anything.
they never have to worry about being late to work
or school, or their kid's birthday party, or their father's funeral
they never have to get to the bank before it closes
>Walking in public
>Oh fuck, it's two jiggaboos shuckin and jivin along ahead
>Coons completely unaware of their surroundings unless it's got a pussy
>Not only do I have to slow down and hear their loud spook speak, have to smell their monkfunk
They're also indecisive as fuck. Ever get trapped behind a nigger in a Subway when they try to order a sandwich. They Change they're damn minds about what they want every damn time they select a topping.
bcz we run fast nigga
You got a problem white boy?
I've had nigger DOCTORS walk in the middle of the sidewalk, yapping loudly with their nigger pals, oblivious to oncoming foot traffic.
Niggers are just despicable.