Norway, yes!
What's your gut reaction to this pic?
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Yeah yeah they look like burkas but they're bus seats...
The fact that people think a bunch of empty buss seats look like burkas says more about Islam than anything else. It just shows that muslims cover up their women to the point where they're not recognizable as humans.
>“I shared the post so that more people can see what is happening in the dark corners of the web.“
Someone should redpill him about what's happening in the real dark corners of the web
An empty bus?
"OP is a fag"
the old man beating a nigger
You cant be fucking serious. You would think if they spent 90% of their lives wearing those they would have some sort of graceful procedure for eating.
Nope, they eat with all the finesse and grace of my WoW character eating with his helmet on.
Why do muslim women cosplay as bus seats anyway?
They have the IQ of a monkey.
Norwegian know how to bantz
Holy freaking crap, my excuse is im pretty drunk, but I thought this image just had subtle artistic highlights.
Are they seriously not allowed to roll that shit up a little bit in order to insert spaghetti? Why even try to eat in public then?
>They have the IQ of a monkey.
I can't argue with that, but god dammit, they chose the sloppiest dish in all of western society. This webm makes me hate muslims more than any terrorist attack.
>they dont even spindle it around their fork
consider me eternally assblasted, there is no getting over this.
first thing i thought of was burqas
Islam has conquered our chair technology.
HAHAHHAHAHHA that dude's face
I keep watching this, and I keep getting more mad, I have never been more triggered in my life. Its not even funny to me, I am fucking furious.
I want to take a nap there
iiiiiiiiiiiiii busriding burcas
STOP THIS MADN... oh, hi Mark
This looks like a comedy show. Probably is.
that makes it even worse mate, satire and real life are now so much intertwined and confusion so rampart i don't know anymore
Oslo is in fact full of burqa wearing women like that, however.
I feel the same way. Take the fucking mask off and stop getting spaghetti sauce on your fucking clothes like some kind of disgusting animal.
kek got me good
"Hi, we're here for the job interview"
How the fuck are these people contributing to society in any way, shape or form?
It’s good to see that Norway has proper trash collection services.
>How the fuck are these people contributing to society in any way, shape or form?
They're saving Norway's demographic crisis by popping out at least 4-5 little Mohammeds each. :^)
I honestly had to open and zoom in to makes sure they were chairs and not KebabSexSlaves
Offending the natural human form in this way, in the name of God. White people value both nature and God, this offends me on a primal level.
>she uses the napkin to wipe the spaghetti mess further into her mask
Did the Muslims gouge your eyes out, you dumb fucking Swede?
wanna be part of my empire?
We are so intolerant that just bus seats that look like burkas makes us disgusted.
Relax dude. All he said is true. That's how the leftists think. We pay for the female sexual liberation, destruction of the core family and thereby lack of births with importing huge amounts of shitskins.
All to avoid us talking about the fact that we are fucking dying out and why that is.
Remember, they have 5+ kids each and him and his gf probably has A CAT.
I feel sad that no human beings are sitting in those seats..
looks like a spaceballs prank to me.
fuck off we're full
To be fair, we have one of the highest birthrates in the western world. It's not quite at the replacement rate, but it's pretty close.
Just a few years back, it was 1.98.