Brit/pol/ - Colonialism Edition

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>Jeremy Corbyn: “wholesale” EU immigration has destroyed conditions for British workers

>Illegal immigrants able to enter Britain unchallenged because there are no checks at half of small ports

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We're fucked lads.

Isn't this guy a literal cuckold?

>it's another Hitchens write a hundred tweets in a day instead of working on his new book episode

Hitchens is working on a new book?

Yes, I think it focuses on our role in WW2, or it atleast in part features it heavily.

"Abolition of Britain" is a tough read lads.

On the chapter about the decline of the Church of England.


Wait till you get to the pill that cured morality and chainsaw massacre.

Why bother publishing a book if he believes no one will have money to buy it?
>They’ll say it came out of the blue, but it won’t have done. It’s about as predictable as next autumn, and may not be much further away.
>We have been warned, and if the Government isn’t ready with a plan, then I’m not sure what will save it from the wrath to come.

It seems some anons have forgotten the golden rule of Brit/pol/


it's the only way we can regain our based general. do not reply to tripcode users. they are farming for (you)s, they don't care about the UK.


Perhaps he can offer some kind of consumer finance arrangement on the website he sells it from.

Just get 4chanX and anonymise them you autist

The only tripfag I think should be allowed is Rightly So, but only if he does some more LBC calls

this. i filter out every tripcode using faggot i see. go into your settings, then filters, and copy their trip code and paste it there. click save and the attention whore is now gone. go to reddit if you feel the need to tripcode cuz Sup Forums isnt for you

As an Indian who hates the fact that we were colonized- kill these people. These are the traitors who are good for nobody.

Dear bongs,

Please drag your countrymen back to their colonizing imperial ways.

The yanks that miss the strong and proper British empire that we rebelled against but still respected.

Rejoin the British Empire and we can once again rule the world together

>As an Indian who hates the fact that we were colonized
May I ask why? Wasn't the basis (and some current) of your travel infrastructure British? Is your legal system not heavily based on the British model?

everyone needs to do this

>"Lee Rigby-style attack"



It's an Adebolajo & Adebowale-style attack

URGENT: Does anyone else play with the little bit of lower belly fat they have and pretend it's a womans body when they shut their eyes?



Lmao lads

No, because I am not a fat tard like you
Sort yourself out and get /fit/

Getting to kick Germany's ass for a 3rd time would be my dream

Does any of it work? Yeah it didn't back in the Raj either there wasn't anyone to make a fuss about it like today that's the only difference.

Now The Japanese colonised manchuria and Korea too but they didn't drain the countries by shipping off profit and resources overseas to their heartland and actually let industry in the colonised lands flourish.

RIP Cardiff user


Boss is losing his shit because a star employee is quitting over management taking his private office away and moving him to open plan.

I'm starting a business. If I make millions i'll fund you all because I have no family

No you could defeat Germany when Prussia still existed to chimp out militarily.
Now Germany can just make you irrelevant with its economic and soft power clout.

satan begone


And it will remain only a dream because it will never happen.

>needing to ally with the rest of the world and still only manage to barely win
Topkek shitkids, I'd tale you all on by myself.

Genuinely thought that was bait

I've not heard much from Owen "Cuck" Jones recently. Has he finally decided to pipe down?


>That flag
Knew you was always a shit

This is the guy who hacked originally and then handed control over to an American

Lol jail for him

RIP in peace Cardiff user

Why did he film himself.

I would love to, but I like my lack of monarchy and muh bill o' rights. Though we will gladly help you dominate lesser nations in the name of her majesty the queen, so long as you would be okay with paying us 15% of any profits from colonial ventures that we help you claim and establish.

He wasn't the hacker, I thought he was just filming it?

HE had the camera the wrong for a second and someone screenshotted

wasn't he just recording? I thought someone went down to record while the guy was putting the images up?

I can't imagine why he saw it fit to film his face, it's perhaps the worst possible thing he could have done, but he did it.

This is partly why I said posting that image with "brit/pol/" on it was a bad idea.


Rate my Green Man carving lads. Still not finished it yet and plan to make more.

Let's go to war again only this time, wipe the germans from exsitence

That kind of thing can easily destroy trees.

>Offensive images
>Includes a pic of a completely innocent pepe

What did they mean by this?

Top kek

Pfft, fuck off currynigger, you were SO lucky to have been colonised by us

Now have a nosh on our big British bangers and fuck right off

Any old enough to remember the handover will remember how much better we were at running your country.

Another white world war would be the end of our race.

That's shopped right?

op you actual faggot

No you weren't and I bet you aren't old enough to have seen the transfer either.
You have Historical Amnesia as a nation.

Hello Brit/pol/. I'll be back later today.

Which means it's a good thing WWIII will be an all sandnigger event

His real one is not much better desu

And we all know the OP pic isn't completely inaccurate either

What did you think of Dunkirk?

Both my parents are foresters and environmentalists. It will heal over eventually.
This tree is a little shit compared to the Beech trees all around it so don't worry

>No you weren't and I bet you aren't old enough to have seen the transfer either.

Lee Kuan Yew wrote that every Indian official he met in the 60s and 70s noted how much more efficient the British civil service had been.

Haven't seen it.

>You have Historical Amnesia as a nation.

Keep demonstrating your complete lack of knowledge about the mother nation, cuntwog, it's hilarious.

We focus FAR too much on the "negatives" of the empire as a nation.

What's the deal with white girls in UK? They don't bite back. When I was in the UK last year staying at a friends we went around to some party and there was some paki gangbangers there who had some white whore, they were sticking cooking utensils up her ass and vagina and making her crawl around yelping like a little dog then she threw up and one of them kicked the shit out of her and punched her face in. Nobody batted an eyelid. Seen same thing in a bar as well, some white whore threw up on some paki gangbanger, he punched her in the face and kicked the shit out of her on the ground and everyone in the bar just cheered. Then they left and he dragged her out by her hair, she had defecated as well so outside they were pissing on her and pouring beer over her to clean her diarrhea up.

First of all it was called the "Indian Civil Service" (now Indian Adminstrative Service) and that is an anecdote that proves nothing.
The system went through a socialist overhaul to become a "welfare state" in the 60-80s it has zero to do with efficiency of the beuracracy.

I loathe people like this. They want a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural superstate to dictate laws and govern people despite the fact that the nation and it's history that he takes for granted already provides everything he so desperately wants.

He hates Liberty though he pretends he doesn't.

He wants power thought he pretends he doesn't.

A child convinced he knows what's best for everyone around him.

I hate that man.

The fact that your argument involved nothing but personal insult shows how much merit it has.
Your national identity isn't demonised nearly enough for the wrongs your "Empire" commited.

Too cool to take Nigel's advice!


>Now The Japanese colonised manchuria and Korea too but they didn't drain the countries by shipping off profit and resources overseas to their heartland and actually let industry in the colonised lands flourish.


Which one of you guys did this.. Clapham common

You probably.


Sounds like a normal Saturday night to me.

We did nothing and let you rule your own industry. The only reason why your economy was shit, was because your economic culture and race was shit.

Take your girlfriend to see it

And there was a helluva alot of British Investment. The potential for being a Indian superpower begin with the end of the Raj. It ended with Indira Gandhi, she was a humanist not a practicalist and quickly rupted the sum the Brits left the Brits did not strip the country as they left....the natives did that to themselves.

Watching fellow Brits putting down Indians is like watching a middle aged high school sports star, now middle aged, fat and earning minimum wage, laughing at a lawyer he used to bully at school. Embarrassing tbqh.

>German name
And it still took you a year to figure out?

Knew you was always mentally deficient.

That would imply India is successful in any way, which they aren't.

They have a lower GDP than us, despite having twice the population and land.
They're pathetic!

It's funny how we seem to value GDP when talking about India but dismiss it when talking about Ireland.

We know you're of Indian descent

It's bizarre how many regular posters need to get all (and I do mean all) of their opinions from Peter 'I have absolutely fuck all in the way of solutions' Hitchens.

Read more writers, get concerned about real issues i.e. not the sound levels on the latest blockbuster.

>We did nothing and let you rule your own industry.
Oh we are renouncing the "white man burden" rhetoric in the face of facts are we?
>The only reason why your economy was shit, was because your economic culture and race was shit.
Then how do you explain this messiah complex you people project when Empire apologists harp about the good it brought the natives.
You suppressed indian industry to give your own land's industry a hegemony in one of the world's largest markets.
The Japanese were far better administrators than you on the land that they rules and left it far better.
Nobody is talking about what happened after independence, we are talking about the Raj, everything afterwards is our fault and business.

Our country is an absolute fucking mess, but you retards would prefer to LARP about an Empire that died before you were born than confront it.

Not me, I use stickers and QR codes to send people to redpill youtube videos.

Which end of Clapham Common?

You know damn well Ireland's GDP is artificially boosted by tax dodging companies

Go home poo, you're junk.

Yeah, he hates himself so much that he wants to take his culture and race down with him.

tbf, he's very insightful when it comes to the big issues, and his analysis tends to be spot on (so long as the Devil's lettuce isn't brought up, in which case he goes full autist and focuses on on aspect of much more complicated issues). There are far worse people to inform opinions. It's just, like you say, he has fuck all to offer in way of addressing the issues, and so refuses to move discussion any farther than his insight and analysis.

I'm not a regular but it's near the large Sainsbury's

Marginally lower.
Also, your tendency is going down, while theirs is still pointing to the sky. And... the sterling is gonna tank further.


Low tax is a genuine market strategy you socialist nigger
No argument.