today i lost my job because of posts on facebook. my country has forsaken me. inventive ways i can terrorise my boss and the co worker who reported my shit?
Today i lost my job because of posts on facebook. my country has forsaken me...
Other urls found in this thread:
Come home white man.
>having a kikebook in our police state
C'mon mate.
well... come on then what was the post?
You can suck their cocks with those absolutely disgusting lips.
believe me if i had the money to move to the real la d of the free i'd move in seconds
Catfish them and use that information to blackmail them.
>posting on facecuck
You got everything you deserve
also this
there was a couple. they weren't even racist most of them were videos from tommy robinson. one was actually a video saying known terrorists shouldn't get free houses. seriously fuck this.
Good for you
not your personal army
that pictures not me!!!!
smart. i like it.
fortunately, you can be your own PA. You will need a burner phone and a phone listing (online directory, or ideally a phonebook if those still exist in your area). Pick a date and time that you know the business will be open. Start calling businesses that visit premises for any possible reason: plumbers, painters, taxi/limo, landscaper, interior decorator, masseuse, escort, whatever you can find as long as you can schedule a housecall. Schedule an appointment with every single one of them at the same time on the same day at the business. You can also stagger them out a bit if you have enough volume to make it last longer. Watch from a nearby vantage until the cluster has peaked in volume, then call the police and report something really bad like an active shooter with hostages and many wounded. Then drink some tea and kill yourself for using fagbook, and for being a worthless faggot who can't even hold a job and wants to "terrorise" his old employer for firing him. Alternatively you could just get a new job and move on with your life, and perhaps keep your shitposting anonymous in the future.
Get married to a white woman, have children, raise them to have traditional british values. Go on to be a successful businessman so that when the country finally collapses you will have the money/influence necessary to be able to safely leave.
A hundred years later your decedents will take back what is theirs, using your name as their battle cry.
happens here too
next time you fall for some Sup Forums memes, contain your power level
can you sue for anything i've heard labor laws are really different in europe and its hard to be fired
Print out screencapped Sup Forums shitposts and put them on his front porch along with rare pepes
They are trying their hardest to do the same here I wouldn't come. America and our gun laws is the only thing giving all white nations freedom right now. The Jews know if they moved on Europe while we are still a threat it would too many people up to quickly. They know they have to take us down first so they will do some crazy shit soon. If we fall all of Europe falls. I think Chile or Argentina might be the best place to go for now.
I saw this same exact thread a couple weeks ago saying their co worker saw their phone open to Sup Forums, you a shill nigga