Does anyone else find that mixed children have the best features, like I don't know what it is but their faces are so aesthetically pleasing.
Does anyone else find that mixed children have the best features...
Just you OP.
Those fucking noses, come on man even you gotta admit they look ridiculous lmao like a pig
Is this a joke
I find they look ugly until they are basically teens
Oh look, another Pedo thread where the OP asks a 'simple question' so all the other Pedos can gather around and comment on baby photos of mixed children
Totally normal. Nothing to see here. I'm sleepy. Going to bed now.
Top right might be good for a pump and dump later on in life if she doesn't get fat like niggers tend to do.
>Fetishing babies
Race-mixers are such obvious pedophiles dude
You forgot to archive that
>big noses
>big nog lips
>shit colored skin
Yeah, no.
Unless you're a Nog, then sure, it's an improvement.
Sage. This is the site you want.
>cherry picking
I mean top left has a fat nose, but the rest are fine.
Right because finding children adorable automatically makes you a pedo.
>Does anyone else find that mixed children have the best features, like I don't know what it is but their faces are so aesthetically pleasing.
Absolutely not.
It's Pedo Hour on Sup Forums
"But guys let's discuss mixed babies, aren't they beautiful? I mean this is just a discussion about Race. Totally just asking for a friend guys"
Why do you guys sexualise everything
Hapa kids are the only acceptable mixed race
Hapa kids almost always just look Asian
>mixed children
>handpicked from 1000's of literal monkey-looking ones
>expecting them not to grow out of those looks
good example of a mixed baby is the pole/nigger one that has gotten some attention here
this, they look like a patchwork of features that might some times fit together but most of the time they look like randomized oblivion characters
>mixed children
>best features
I see Mulattoes everyday, many of them look like this
No one shows off ugly kids
Britain is as lost as Sweden and Germany.
Press S to spit on their grave.
>light skinned troglodytes with negroid features are the best
How the mighty have fallen. RIP UK.
Mulattos are orcs. Only exception I've seen so far is Michael Jackson's daughter she turned out Saxon-esque somehow (probably genetic engineering tech not available to public).
>mixed children have the best features, like I don't know what it is but their faces are so aesthetically pleasing.
They are ugly as hell and the fake blue eyed nigglet looks like will smith.
She's not her daughter.
Fuck you, finding children cute automatically means that your country has fallen?????
Cherry picking
I don't think that's actually his biological daughter, probably a sperm donor.
but that +2 Strength tho
Nigglets are ugly as fuck. I'd post my own Master Race children to prove it if this wasn't a Bavarian pudding forum.
Those are her real eyes but okay
Eh my honest 2 cents on mulattos I've seen some tourists with *cough* *cough* you know, honestly mulatto babies look like fucking albinos
Pure niggers are mixed ones aren't
Mixed children must be burned in acid
This is ultimate red pill
Reminder that americans see pedophilia everywhere because they are themselves repressed rapists and paedophiles
Interesting but when I make threads telling people that having children is selfish and overpopulation is a big problem that Sup Forums is contributing to (well probably not, kek), that's not a slide thread
mixed kids look ugly
Her real father is the kid from the musical 'Oliver!'
They look so fucking disgusting, I have only ever found white babies cute
Yes it does make you a pedo you sick fuck
They honestly don't pajeet.
You should be sodomized
Literally not
>best features
>nigger skin
>nigger nose
yeah no.
>implying you aren't cherry picking
>all these (You)s from such shit bait
might give it a go meself one day
Came back from Brazil a week ago.
No, mixed people are definitely not beautiful...
Post whitey babies or your a pedo!1!1!!!
This is future, accept it
Just you
>cherry picking
what? every mixed child has the same features
>This is future, accept it
Nobody but degenerates want to race mix. Healthy white people have a natural disgust of anything brown.
The 'best' features you see are the white features.
Have you ever seen a Paki crossed with Nigger, it's horrendous.. it's truly, truly sickening.
Adding ice cream to shit doesn't improve the shit it ruins the ice cream.
When I really am not cherry picking
It's not good to lie
Your implying that I want to race mix, a
i didn't say anything about racemixing all I did was state my opinion
They all look like abominations desu, even though they're cherry picked.
>overpopulation is something we in the west can change
>immigrants need to be brought in to prop up the economy because we aren't having enough kids
>africans and indians are having 7 kids to a couple regardless
Your retarded notion is like taking baths instead of showers to save water whilst your neighbour runs taps all day and saying 'I need to do more'.
All you accomplish by having less ids is that there will be less white people in the next generation
lol some nigger just got chalked. The offspring is blond and blue eyed, though the ape like negroid facial features are undeniable.
Why do black men hate their race so much? I guess its hard to deny that being a nigger is inferior and they want to upgrade their genes with white women. Even the scummy white women who settle for niggers instead of white men are an upgrade genetically for black men.
Better than some fat ass shaniqua with EBT points and weaves.
Are you fucking retarded or something?
Those are all pure nigger.
Even if you're just being ironic or trolling or whatever, you're still going to be killed for talking like that.
>not cherry picking
>posts one photo to prove his point of 4 cherry-picked decent looking half breed kids
Nope but I've seen many pakis crossed with white
They really don't but okay
Man, they look basically identical.
The Eastwoods I mean obviously.
>Nope but I've seen many pakis crossed with white
They look like nigger kids. What's the difference between those and average niglet?
white people>mixed people>black people
pretty much most babies are cute. They're like that from an evolutionary perspective because they're defenseless so the added empathy and bawww feelings towards them help keep them protected and alive. but then these mixed race blacks grow up to be "Swag" thugs, with big protruding jaws, fat flat noses and frizzy thick pitch black hair and you just end up with a country like Brazil. Brazilians arent known to be beautiful. Japanese and Norwegians are known to be beautiful, and they're essentially pure races.. Before the Norway blanda up of course
There's a reason every time someone posts an "attractive black woman" she basically has Caucasian facial features with black skin.
Just kill yourself Sven you're not even at the very least frightening.
Lmao you're an idiot
that's an inactive site.
The real /leftypol/ is .net and can't be found on google
>They really don't but okay
Are you one of those "British" niggers?
You should come to Brum my friend, your opinions on race mixing will change when you see some of the specimens on show in the towns here.
What you talkin bout OP's actually been replying consistently
When racemixing genes of parents are so far appart the result is way more random.
1/10 this will end up being a stunning and exotic beauty
3/10 average
6/10 ugly to fuck ugly
When not racemixing, you'll end up most of the time likely to a predictable result and more close to what parents looks like.
TL,DR Racemixing can only be a good idea if you're an ugly gambler.
>Putting make up on anyone under 10 years old
jee wiz that angers me
>British niggers?
Birmingham has to be the most disgusting place ever, I would expect the Mullatoes there to be ugly.
Oh you assumed i bothered reading this garbage, redundant, dead horse of a shit thread.
But I'm only speaking from personal Experience, many of them tend to look like this.
Of course there are unattractive ones but that's the case for even white children
holy fuck that is disgusting. how can people unironically put these children through this sort of existence?
*Even for
I do, but not those ones. Those ones are legit slide-thread tier disagreeably ugly.
WOW that baby will be the new KHALESSI! She will have dragons as pets and free slaves and sheet. Dayyyummm white people be obsolete!
come on you're joking right? You think this chick is like the ideal? I don't even believe it gr8 b8 m8
You sound a little bit salty user.
I don't think they're ugly, quite the opposite actually but okay.
How about no
I think she's cute, I don't know personal preference maybe?
you better believe it mate. the children just look dirty, except no shower will ever clean them.
NO! White children are superior! Even more so with royal qt like Leonor desu
>tfw u'll never cuddle with her
Jewish tricks. IGnore this thread boys.
>race is not real
>mixed race babies are the best
No one needs to say that white kids look beautiful, but everyone needs to be reminded that mixed ones are. Hmmm I wonder why?
>Mixed babies
>Spread of race specific diseases like sickle cell making it increasingly difficult for doctors to spot and treat
Reminder that niggers haven't evolved as much, DNA wise they are far more monkey-like than any other race. Mixing with them causes genetic degeneracy.
>Brit bong flag, check
>interracial dead topic, check
>newfags replying with actual replies, check
>That chimp nose is aesthetically pleasing
Clint improved his genes with a good white wife.
His son is better looking than he was.
Denegro made some ugly mutants like the OP pic and ruined his entire lineage.