I am an Australian of Chinese descent and china is fucking garbage. If you are from china and youre living overseas fuck you. Stupid fucking chinese. I am ashamed to be associated with you people because of my chinese heritage. I would give everything if it meant being white. Kys stupid chinese. China sucks
From 2nd gen Chinese-Australian born and grew up in Australia.
Yes keep making fun of me i love it. I should start a youtube channel talking shit about being chinese and make fun of all chinese wih my chinese face.
Fuck china
Cooper Nguyen
ching chong chang post your chinese face so i can make fun of it ching chong chang
Kevin Gutierrez
Sounds 10/10 would watch.
Levi Cruz
Who was this other asian youtuer who keeps shitting on china and sucking up to trump
James Garcia
He's a faggot. Don't be a fucking faggot.
Evan Cox
I've never seen his vids but know of him. Did he have an american accent or chinese accent?
Brayden Jackson
David Wilson
Can't remember his name just saw a video on here that he did, thought it was kinda funny then saw the rest of his videos and he's a fucking faggot.
Christian Garcia
The thing is there are just literally too many of you in Aus right now its an obvious try at economic takeover, so there arent that many other places we can send the overspill back to.. any suggestions?
Eli Martinez
Have the chinese take over the parliament because the current anglo politicians are softcocks. The chinese will then oversee Australia's economic future by having all RELEVANT capital cities occupied by a chinese majority. Relocate all remaining anglos to regional towns e.g. Newscastle, geelong, woollongong to let them live a comfortable simple life. Regional towns will also have to undergo major urban redevelopment to suit the increasing needs of the modern day anglo Australian I do not know how the chinese will fix Australia's multicultural problem with the arabs, wogs, and non-anglos as a whole but they'll figure something out
Jason Smith
Sounds about right unless we actually do something and make an Enthostate like it should have been from the start, gently or not if needed rebuild the native european population and dial down the middle east and chinese in the country
>I would give everything if it meant being white. You can one day
Dominic Martin
What do you mean? You will have your ethnostate. Just let the chinese run the parliament and assimilate Australia into China and viola you have your chinese ethnostate. The chinese will make all the hard decisions for you.
Xavier Ortiz
REEEEE (reminder of some of the culture that we would inherit)
Robert Lee
No, i want to be white not a racist.
John Green
Cool story bro, now give us back Hong Kong
Dylan Long
r/hapas false flagger.
Luis Butler
Shut up you middle eastern filth. I just want to be an anglo-celt
Hunter Perry
>I am an Australian of Chinese descent And my Doberman is of Hippopotamus descent
Aiden Perry
Go back to China and be Chinese
Charles Wilson
You cant just leech off us and take our work, make your own people great it took us a long time to get to where we are.
Thomas Long
>I am Chinese
Chill chour chelf
Gabriel Jones
Soon my friend. My ant receptor development has been defective due to being brought up in a world with empathy. My dad has forced me to go live in China to complete my ant transformation and to face disciplinary action for my lack of contribution to the chinese takeover plan
Hudson Kelly
Just pretend to be Japanese lol. We will never know the difference.
Isaac Perry
Dont talk to me france.
Wyatt Collins
Why the fuck haven't you left yet faggot?
Chase Perez
Theyre not my people anymore. Havent you seen the film called 'warm bodies'? I cannot be with them anymore. My ant brain development got fucked over with empathy, i did not evolve enough to be able to manage my emotions but because i am given emotions i now have trouble managing myself.
Kevin Brooks
It got postponed
Isaiah Cooper
why should i you dirty leb
Cameron Hill
>I am an Australian No you're not, you fucking chink
Jackson Jones
i am an Australian according to the government. The leaders and globally acknowledged regulators of my country. You are under no authority to deny my Australian status and by extension the government.
I suggest you let that sink in.
Elijah Hall
So what you're saying is.
It's time for the mouse born in a horse stable to move to his mouse house and learn to be a mouse before returning to his horse stable?
Owen Collins
WTF! I really hate this shit! I can't fucking stand chinks but I fucking hate seeing people hurt and in distress, even if it's the chinks!
Juan Long
Can you be blindfolded with dental floss?
Nolan White
asians who assemilate and view the west the best are no problem. better than sekf hating whites obviously
Grayson Gonzalez
No, more like It's time for the mouse born in a horse stable to move to his mouse house and learn to be a mouse before returning to his horse stable?
Bentley Robinson
Elijah Cox
No i dont have autism
Blake Hughes
>taking Sup Forums seriously ya dun goofed
Andrew Young
Go to bed Tom
Adam Rodriguez
people here only speak chink and english, not arabic
Brandon Bailey
what a fucking beta cuck hapa. Elliiot rodger rofl. Be proud of yourself hapa.
Hudson King
Both of your parents are Chyna?
Logan King
Whoops wrong koala, meant for Ching Chang Chong
Alexander Sullivan
Racetraitors are more pathetic than anything
Justin Rogers
Where are the Asian dense suburbs in Sydney
Owen Ward
Sup Forums doesn't really help with it's persistent glorification of European ancestry .
Adam Robinson
probably because most of Sup Forums is white
Levi Davis
Deportation is coming soon.
Eli Thompson
Race is a dead concept
Henry Morales
You will never be seen as a real Australia.
Ian King
Deportation got postponed
Connor Lewis
How real of an Australian can i get? I already have Australian citizenship. Stupid fucking aboriginal
Liam Powell
Of course, but just because a majority of Sup Forums users are white doesn't mean everybody else is sub-human. This is coming from a white guy.
Austin Scott
Pic relate
Sebastian Torres
Well if you look like a gook your a gook. Australia is the white man's land.
Jaxson Turner
say that when you need to find a donor for bone marrow
Daniel Wood
Is that what Sydney told you?
Eli Bailey
Everyone else is simply a tourist that has begun to overstay their welcome.
Thomas Harris
According to whom?
Chase Kelly
Gooks should learn to be quiet unless spoken to.
Robert Ortiz
then they probably didn't intend on only being tourists
Jonathan Bennett
Queen Pauline
John Nguyen
Pauline hanson has sold out to the chinese. Im sorry but you're the tourist here
Josiah Morris
Levi Murphy
I thought race was dead to you
Aaron Morgan
You dishonor your forefathers.
Robert King
I'm sure you and your mate on /r/asianmasculinity all think so.
Luke Nelson
Our constitution only establishes the parliament and the gubberment you need to shut your mouth unless you know what the fuck youre talking about
Joseph Walker
When are you going back?
Jonathan Smith
You are of hk citizenship therefore you are a gook
Anthony Sullivan
It got postponed. No new date has been set
Nathaniel Brown
white australia policy should be constitutional desu
Sebastian Gomez
/r/asianmasculinity dont seem to understand that their fundamental problem lies in being an asian brought up in the west. They complain about being scapegoat of the west yet never thought to go to their country of descent to nurture inner strength because deep down they wish to be accepted in the west.
I on the otherhand hate how diverse and yet hoe well people of different race seem to integrate so well with others. I want asians to be rejected&persecuted again. And i dont want to be part of this country. I wish i was a mainlander
Joseph Harris
this is like having a conversation with a tranny trying to explain that a piece of paper doesn't define your actual gender. Except this is about race.
Matthew Ortiz
Race isnt real. Dont fucking talk to me. Im as Australian as the most Australian of Australia
Jayden Nguyen
Good luck at the referendum. Ill vote yes to instituting white Australia policy to the constitution just for keks.
Afterall, as an Australian, i do have the right to vote
Asher Thompson
did yesterdays china hate thread break you? >
sorry, but they give us the best content. pic unrelated.
John King
I ignore china hate/rekt threads because everything about it went against my personal experience of china. My personal experience > Sup Forums webms
Andrew Richardson
oh hi mate, back from your holiday to china are you?
Bentley Howard
Dont fucking talk to me about it anymore. It got postponed
Henry Hall
Eli Gutierrez
you are white if you want to be and side with pol.
Hunter Barnes
I side with the PRC and i want a ukrainian girlfriend