Vegan logic

Vegan logic.

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Left wing nut jobs hate God and will dow hatever they can to destroy his creation.

Vegan here. I condone neither egg-eating or abortions. OP BTFO

Left one is not unethical, whats unethical is raising animals in a cage for food, without giving them a chance at life

God gave man dominion over all the beasts

Not sure why ud think every vegan is pro abortion but okay

that does not equate to "torture them for satisfaction"


This. Factory farming is wrong. Buy local.

no one tortures them. That wouldn't be economical.


Bc liberals and hippies tend to be

It's not torture to eat eggs

Im vegan and very much anti abortion. Also think all guns should be purchasable without restriction. Put that in your socially conditioned boxes of understanding and smoke it.

Vegans should be gassed on sight..

Abortion is a right of woman.

Im not Jewish, and yeah Jews are cruel as fuck, not just to animals. cruel in general

I've worked in a slaughterhouse. I'll never again eat meat that isn't raised on a local farm out in the open. The animals are diseased, they have their bones broken, open flesh wounds allowed to get infected. The dairy cows are milked so often that their udders get inflamed and the milk has to be filtered to remove the blood and pus. This is not an ethical way to do business. On top of all of that, it ruins the local economy because small farms who make a better, safer, cleaner and more ethical product are driven out of business because the shittier products are cheaper and more widely available.

It's torture to keep your chickens in dark room so closely packed together that their legs give out under them, and to feed them antibiotic sludge that drives some of them to cannibalism. It's sick.

I am a vegetarian and I eat eggs and think abortion is immoral.


Yeah I agree that organic farming is better and leads to better food, but who cares? It's a chicken it doesn't have feelings like a human being does. It's purpose in life is to feed mankind

Abortion is so fucked bro. Just think about it for a second. Big pharma is killing human beings for money and somehow people are okay with it and it’s legal. Boggles my mind.

Back to biology 101.
Chicken eggs you eat aren't fertilized.

I'd eat either

What does being vegan have to be with being liberal or a hippie? Are you a fucking retard?

just think about how the jews worked out a way to get your to pay for them killing your baby and then using the fetus to extend their lives

They do have feelings. Not on the same level as people, but they do feel pain. Causing necessary suffering to make a few pennies is the most degenerate and Jewish thing you can do. There's no good reason to cause these animals unnecessary pain and suffering when a quick snap of the neck will do. You don't have to boil and gut them alive. People who think that's ok are more likely to do the same to their fellow man. I really shouldn't have to explain this to you, sort of like how I shouldn't have to explain that it's unacceptable to kill civilians in wartime. It's just wrong.

Too low birthrates, whites becoming minorities. White people logic.

No need. It's not like they have the blood iron count to be a thread to anyone.

Vegans are delusional retards, it's not a surprise that like 99% of them are leftists

All wild animals get eaten anyway. Why should they feed other animals instead of us?

Vegans should feed themselves to animals

>Being prochoice means you are in the same boat as Soros

Why are the left the world people in human history since Soddam?

Unbelievable how so many people seem to think the only positions to chose from are histrionic SJW vegan or psychotic and ruthless kikeservative who condones torturing defenseless domestic creatures just to squeeze more profit out of agriculture. Why is everyone so mentally ill nowadays? And people say natsocs are the violent and cruel ones...

Go look at the countless YouTube videos these faggots create. You seem mad. Did I touch a nerve hippie

Most people who are vegan for ethical reasons would never get an abortion themselves. Also, they would never ban people from eating eggs. False analogy.

>Blah blah blah I'm a left wing nut job don't listen to me

That's what stupid women think.

Vegans tend to virtue signal away from eating animal products in favor of human protein.

Here's a good example. This lady feeds her breast milk to her entire family, makes cheese out of it, and regularly swallows semen as her extra nutrition.

I guess the idea is to stop using cattle in favor of using feminists for dairy...

I like this post. You deserve a fpbp.

common bro
>I know it
>You know it
>Everybody knows it