Good job Germany! You genocided yourself! I fucking hate you.
22.5% of German Population Are Foreigners
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Ahh, the pureblooded ubermench speaks out
100% american phenot- oh wait
>I fucking hate you.
Shouldn't this make you happy then?
I hate Germans and I want that number to be 100%
>let me tell you about your country
you do realize that these 22% are mostly europeans, right?
And i cant wait for them to become a minority.
You realize that every african gentleman who steps on Italian shores is an European and German by define, right?
>Imolying every Achmed and KoontaKinte that steps on italian or greek shores isnt immediately considered European
nice bullshit, mind showing me your evidence?
Only 7% are from muslim countries. Everyone who immigrated after ww2 is considered "someone with a migration background". Dosent mean they are foreigners.
racist person sees enemy's army
german sees high school exchange students returning back to homeland
If this is a german census sudetengermans and so on are immigrants too plus half germans
In some years non euro immigrants will be go over 10% shit is really going down
The article defines it as anyone who is first or second generation.
Shut the fuck up, cucks.
Kys maori subhuman
You have access to internet search engine, you have found Sup Forums, on Sup Forums board. Still deluded and brainwashed like a typical nu-german. There is no hope.
Top of the cucks
refugees are NOT a problem. there hasnt been a major terror attack in germany yet!
>pol btfo
explain yourselves
>brainwash germans for 70+ years under threat of destruction
>run their nation as a puppet state
>hurr durr fucking germans
>There is no hope.
But there is. There will be far less Germans in the future and some day we won't be around at all
If you hate us as much as you claim why does this not make you happy?
Why are you not looking forward to German free Europe. Sounds like an Utopia.
Could happen around the same time the Gaulois becomes a minority.
There doesn't need to be a major terror attack. Germany will become a third world nation in just a few generations.
>tfw anglo
>tfw not a top cuck
Now imagine if Hitler won the war, and eventually the entire Greater German Reich eventually became cucked and turned into a shitskin infested shithole.
That's not even the worst part. The worst part is that native Germans are way older than the immigrants, which means they'll be a minority within two generations.
b-b-but what about all the women and children?!
why would that happen?
Before you go build a wall around your country. Thanks.
Keep telling that to yourself
Germans moved to America,to Argentina, to Russia, to poland, to australia, to south Africa
Yet people come to their country and they get all angry? Haha fuck that. Nobody gives a shit what you think Germans.
>is an European and German by define
theyre right there user cant you see them? next to the doctors and engineers
They've been constanrly imported to west germany and you are forgetting about the rapes/killing sprees and occupation after ww2, which led to an obvious replacement of the 'real'/pre-ww2 germans
The mass migration doesn't matter because you screwed germany beyond repair - all we can do is share this happy situation with everyone until enough countries are forced to act
All thanks to Americans, Britons and Russians.
Funnily enough we're still the whitest country of the 4.
Yeah only stabbings, sex assaults and shit like that.
Fuck german women right? A little bit of the ol migrant-fingers in the arse is worth the enrichment.
Germany fucking destroyed Europe with that self-hating bullshit. Fuck you and fuck germany.
ikr, to be more cucked than us is bad
Germany died in 1945. It's like watching a dog hit by a car lying on ground, suffering on it's wounds. Just put out of it's misery. There is nothing we can do to save it.
Enjoy it while it lasts, Lars. Or is that illegal there?
Not true.
They didn't count 2nd generation immigrants either, otherwise the numbers would be much much higher.
They consider pakis that are 2nd generation in Germany native Germans. so that means that the situation is much much worse than you think.
Dont worry, our car industry is on the verge of collapsing and then all the fugges will move further to the west.
Germany needs to be nuked, they deserve death.
France is on the same way
Difference is that france has a culture worth protecting and nobody will cheer when you are gone.
Because Germanic peoples have a genetic predisposition to being cucks.
No we don't you stupid faggot
>even government admits that by 2060 25% of Germany's population is muslim
>not counting in niggers
>government always underestimates these numbers in their official documents
>in reality there will be even more muslims maybe even 50+%
>government says there is no plan
>elect same government in 2017
yes you fucking do
my cousin lives in germoney and he is considered a native german
kill yourself
Just wait till we fight back and throw out the garbage merkel brought into our country
Iam half german half spanish. But because my mother isnt german iam counted as some one with a migrant background.
>10℅ of the german Population are foreigners
>12℅ have a""" migrant Background""""
>Germany is still fucked
Btw darf ich mich deutscher nennen?
t. 54% White
It's so amazing how fast it happened. America is 62% non hispanic white but that started in 1965 when the democunts pushed their open borders immigration act. Europe has completely been ruined in less than a decade. ((German)) efficiency I guess
>They didn't count 2nd generation immigrants either
They literally do you fucking faggot
No you can call yourself "Can I have a siesta before I'm going to kill myself in the evening"
>Btw darf ich mich deutscher nennen?
Why would you want to? If I had a second half or anything not german in me I would completely disown my German side. Especially on Sup Forums
Also it is amazing it is not your mother that is german. It is usually the mother.
>stocks dropping every day
On the one hand I should be angry at these fuckers for burning my money.
On the other hand it might finally wake some people up when shit hits the fan.
readhe participated in a fucking survey you jewish fuck
they considered him as a native german
Ofc you can call yourself German...
Your fucking cousin is some inbred mongrel who doesn't even understand how these statistics work.
Migrationshintergrund includes everyone who moved to Germany after 1949, all their offspring (even if they were born in Germany) as well as everyone who only has one German parent.
They are mostly Europeans. If even Turks only are 1% then the number can't be that high.
But it still means something must be done about it.
>If even Turks only are 1% then the number can't be that high.
Turks are at least 3%
>talk shit
>get disproven
>"Uh, oh, better post a picture that shows the roach population"
Yeah, we have way too many of them. Your cousin still has no fucking idea what he is talking about and you subsequently have no idea what the statistics actually say.
I'm relying just on the info contained in this article on DailyStormer.
Could be higher, wont dispute it for there are certainly official sources more reliable.
4-8% of turks
I guess the Jews got their revenge for the Holocaust after all. Fair's fair.
Damn are they sneaky bastards.
Sorry then
In the survey they told him that they will classify him as native German.
>someone actually apologizes after being wrong
Fuck, now I feel bad for insulting you.
I mean it could still be the truth. Unrelated surveys might count shit differently. But the official one is very broad with the definition of "with migration background". Even if you are born to two german parents just outside of germany you are considerd with migration background.
I plan to travel by bicycle from Vienna to Cologne. Is it safe to do something like that or do I have to take care to avoid certain areas along the way? (I'd possibly even sleep in a tent if the weather allows it)
I'm passing mostly through cities like Nürnberg, Würzburg, Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Bonn
I guess thats what happens when you have turks and Europeans immigrating in masses to the Country i hate this fucking Goverment and i hate the fucking Immigrants and i hate the people that have fallen for the propaganda
most of the people i know IRL are right and had their grandparents fighting for Germany in WW2 but that disconects me from seeing how fucking shit the "people" are destroying everything just sad that i have been born in this time and had to grow up in this "bundesrepublik" that is German by name but isn't German in anything at all
its fine, i was wrong thats why i apologized
he was born in germany and he is blonde like myself
Die faggot scum !
See that is the normal response to Sup Forums when you tell them you are german.
I can tell you what will happen, the hordes will stay as long as our welfare system works. When the point comes that it will break, the will switch to the next state
>It is usually the mother.
Not true you dumb cuck.
Some, maybe. But you underestimate how much money they can make by sex trafficking of German girls, dealing with drugs and similar stuff.
They are genetically predisposed to favour this kind of "business".
Pretty much. None of them likes Germany for the environment, if the gibs dries up the undesirables would fuck off.
But I'd prefer it if we found a solution that doesn't require our country to be turned into smoldering ruins first.
>Czech being cheeky
Hey Gastarbeiter. Shouldn't you do your daily commute to the border?
Every half-german I know has a german mother. I guess that was just anecdotal evidence but it felt like it made sense.
Not that I don't believe it, but is there another source?
No, it is the response to a cretin who denounces hes own heritage ...
Honestly I get more hate for being German on Sup Forums than if I hide my flag and insult Germans.
Use a german proxy for a week and find out for yourself.
>be Hans
> Take your kids to school
> daughter and wife gets raped
> This was our fault not the immigrants
> reelect the same government that enforces open border policy
>wir schaffen dass
Was a fairly well reported thing in the German media yesterday, it's legit.
Another story I found while looking for that source
>Germany's social budget rises by 3.7% to 918 bn
>29.3% of Germany's GDP
I'm half German half Slavic and I prefer identifying as German since I prefer the mentality here.
If anything we should raze all holocaust memorial sites and end chastising ourselves for it, since no one lives anymore who has been in that war.
Doesn't mean I'm hating on Eastern Europeans though.
No point in really talking to that guy, he's the "we should kill every German because some people on Sup Forums said they don't like us" tard.
Breitbart has german sources:
>According to the German Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden, the number of people living in Germany has set a new record in 2016 with 22.5 per cent of people having a so-called “migrant background”. The agency states that the main driving factor has been both migration from other European countries and the massive influx of asylum seekers over the course of the migrant crisis, Handelsblatt reports.
>22.5% foreigners
>80%+ of them still white Europeans
>Germany still over 90% European
>56% white
>Arabs, turks and jews counted as white
wtf I love Portugal now.
How weakminded are you that you care what, fat society dropouts, think of you ? Such cowardliness is what is wrong with the 21st sencury germans !
>Such cowardliness is what is wrong with the 21st sencury germans !
Exactly my point. If there ever were good german they are all long gone.
thanks. Saved to show to normies. I can't really go to my friends with a dailystormer article
Its 40% amongst children below 18 in EVERY western country. Why laugh at a burning building when you're on fire?
It's all part of the plan
Well it used to be that way during the early 90s so it makes sense that most adults would know half-Germans whose mothers are most of the time German but since 1995 or the reverse is actually true and most half-Germans are born to foreign mothers and German men.