The Drumpf Regime is OVER!
Hes fucking finished, this is huge!

Other urls found in this thread:


>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.

>that prose
Fucking fantastic

G. R. R. Martins masculine ideal is a castrated beta orbiter.

>Jul 12th
nice b8, referring to Martin too who obviously has to know his own characters and how this is bullshit

why do mentally ill libshits insist on comparing fantasy novels to real life? everything's a GoT or harry potter reference, it's fucking sad

also george rr martin is a fat sack of shit and will likely die before Trumps first term ends


GoT is Harry Potter of current year

i know

it's just like 1984

As if I care about the opinion of a fat fuck that can't finish a 7 book series in 20 years. I don't even care about his opinion on ASOIAF anymore since D&D cucked him into sloppy seconds, why would I take his opinion of world leaders?

Does anyone else here hope he dies before finishing the books, just for the incredible butthurt?

> btw this is not an ASIOAF thread

hm. I don't follow Game of Normies but the few parts I have seen (bro & sis watch it avidly) that had Jeoffrey in them made me like the character.
Ofc they got triggered when I said that. When I asked them why they hate him the answered some normie-tier reasoning like "he ordered the assasination of Nerd Stark :(((."
It's basically a matter of thinking vs feeling I guess.

>Not at least reading Brave New World and Island in highschool instead

nicely meme'd tho

>not reading half of BNW*
BWN second half is insufferable and if you don't drop it you are a confirmed brainlet (not even joking every person I have talked about this with that had an IQ of 135 or more dropped it after the whole reserve bullshit)

This guy does not write literature. He's a fucking hack among hacks. There is a reason everyone laps his shit up. It's easy reading/viewing.

Nah, the guy was an all around dick. Having Ned killed made a lot of sense tho.

What's wrong with the shit post-reserve?

Brave new world is essential reading, not because it has much merit in itself, but it is supplementary reading to a lot of Huxley's other work. I really cannot recommend Island highly enough and Ape and Essence is pretty good as well.
Never forget that Orwell was a Trotsky supporter who volunteered to go from England to Spain to fight for international communism, literally the most Jewish sub-group of communism .

But the Lannisters are clearly multicultural neoliberals, similar to the Clinton family. And they are opposed by the truly noble Aryan nords of House Stark, who are so noble that they are literally incapable of comprehending deceit.

In the real world, the Lannisters would be elite, cosmopolitan rulers of some corrupt shithole like Brazil, while the Starks would certainly be card-carrying Nordfront NatSocs.

Why do these fucking losers have to bring up their own retarded stories to compare Donald Trump to?

Makes me want to kick Rowling in the vagina and this guy in the balls.

>Ramsey Bolton not his most sadistic character.

>le sunset found her squatting in the grass man

dunno past the part that has the kid find that Shakespeare book. Dropped it after that.
For me it was unentertaining and very strange, like the whole book had changed to another theme.
For me it was like all the important information / points was treated in the first part.

Came here to post his.

Oh boy a liberal arts person who made a tame version of Warhammer Fantasy doesn't like a semi Right Wing president! Who would have thunk!

Shame he keeps killing interesting characters


I don't get it, what exactly is it Trump has done that's so fucking horrible, sadistic and despicable? Did I miss something?



I read it all, but the second half is miserable, though- the ending does kind-of make it worth the slog


It gets a bit wonky for a period of time there, but I think the Savage proves a very interesting character. Especially since he essentially proves the complete opposite of BNW's society. Highly emotional, religious, and masochistic. It feels like the book changes because it does. The Savage's perspective is entirely different from all of the others.

If nothing else, I think it's worth reading on for his conversation with Mustapha Mond, and eventual death.



They still talk about him like he hasn't took over. They know he hasn't done anything wrong but gotta circlejerk still.


Is that from the book?


Warhammer is so fucking based

It's amazing how many things take from it and try to cover it up as 'nerdy slog,' despite some of the biggest franchises coming right out of the universe



Yes, it's after Daenerys rides Drogon.

>Euron Greyjoy not being most sadistic character.


>Davos not secretly being the most sadistic character, and an onionlord

> Arya not secretly being the most sadistic character

Trump was obviously stannis and cersei was obviously hilldawg

Bernie is dragon lady who all the cucks like but she cant so anything but fuck up ineffectively everywhere she goes

Or a knoght cuck who watches a middle easterner plow his queen while he says "dont worry mlady, ill cure diseases for you!"

>Tommen not secretly being he most sadistic character, and Ser Pounce not being Azor Ahai.

Top Kek

> Hot Pie not being Rhaegar

Piss off podesta

>The Warlocks of Qarth not being the Blue Wizards from LoTR

(I unironically desire nothing more than for this to be true.)

I wish Pratchett was still alive so he could write a Discworld book about current events.

Joffery was a good boy, he didn't do anything wrong except thinking with his dick and trusting the Tyrells.

Trump is like Darth Vader when he blew up Alderaan but when he took off his mask he was also Voldemort

Oh no, a dude that writes incestuous fiction had an opinion about something. Why should we give a fuck what this asshole thinks?

>obligatory "IT'S OVER" post


>Calling him "literally Hitler" wasn't bold enough
>sick, brainwashed, or both

Trump is the best thing to ever happen to corporate media, bar none.

hey faggot martin. stop fucking yapping your gullet and fiish your books you useless bloated faggot cock gobbler
if you dont, SOMEBODY (wink wink) will slit your fat fuck throat. nigger boy


>muh pop fantasy references

gee his books seems so redpilled, i think he does this just to appease the left.
There's no possible way to compare Trump to Joffrey:
>a charismatic real estate mogul thats also a TV star x the host hate-able boy ever conceived in fiction
>a guy that won the elections against all odds purely thanks to his cunning and strategy x a brat that was literally put on the throne
>a guy thats being attacked by every side rentlessly x a cunt whose ass everyone is eager to kiss.
To be honest he could compare Donald with Robert, who was a fool, or the Mad King - both of which hold more similarities. But Joffrey?

It might be worth to give it a read after all.

Reality is reality and the media is the media.

Ironically enough, one of the major themes in the series is how nice things would have been if everyone just left all well alone

Sure, Joffrey is awful, but by constantly trying to play the political game things just get worse and worse for everybody.

If Ned had just bent the knee just for the sake of peace, things probably wouldn't be so bad right now.

All of the bad stuff is there just so George can say "the only winning move is not to play"

Dafaq? Isn't Ramsey the most sadistic? Did that guy even watch the show?

>Tommen suicided


Isn't there a quote from Orwell where he says that fascism is preferrable to communism and socialism?

I really wanted to like Trump, but if the fat homoerotic fiction writer doesn't like him,. than neither do I.

Tolkien >>>>>>>>>>>>> game of cucks

I swear to god that im so glad those jews didnt succed destroying ourculture, thank franco

So liberals have established that Trump is Voldemort, Joffrey, Darth Vader, Jack the Ripper, the boogerman, Rumpel Stiltskin, Bane... who else?




>pic related
fucking kek!

>be a fat loser
>spend 30 years of my worthless life writing the backstory to a book series i cant even finish
>whole story is simplified by tv producers anyways
>90% of the people watching the show only know jon snow and dragon girl

George R.R. Martin really needs to kill himself. Do famous people not understand that when they say their political beliefs they just become shit?