Jewtube is going full jew

Jewtube is taking new steps to silence right wing commentators. I know that alot of these people aren't exactly Redpilled on the JQ and shit but this is a path to the redpill for normies. What do?

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this is just like pamela anderson syndrome
the more you block it the more people will want to watch it
just look at happened when they did the same shit with isis

Great, right wing commentators are garbage anyways

It's not just that you dumb nigger, It's ANYTHING offensive and JewTube said themselves that it's only the beginning.

Maybe a bunch of shitlords should start Youtube channels and go full SJW retard. And get more and more retarded with each video until someone notices that "Wow... I didn't realize this SJW crap is poison."

On second thought... I don't think anyone can be as retarded as Frachesca Ramsey.

>not exclusively using wshh for all video needs

I'm more concerned about normies

I agree, normies take first priority. They are the whole point that we used Jew tube in the first place

this is actually a good thing. also take note of OP's christcuck flag

Except they'll redirect for search terms to SlimyJeW channels

Fuck off reddit. You god damn faggots with a cause

YouTube alternative:

Honestly I'm sad to say that vidme is our last hope - it has sufficient idealogical opposition from the commie community and is less easily censored

Yeah that's the point if some normies are looking up the JQ they will be redirected to some kike that tries to disprove it.

Kill youtube kill facefuck
this should be Trump's #1 tech and free speech priority

have a painless seamless to the users perspective replacement with a meshed network of competing platforms so they're not data scams hoarding all the data the users have put on over the last 8 years. you'd have meshtube and meshbook and youtube and facebook would just be one company of 10 or so competing all interlocked together so that users see videos/posts even if the friends/creators are using another platform. end this data scam rape of the public square & ideas

all data: subscribers, views, comments, likes, photos, friends people have produced and typed up over the last 10 years (which they own, not the Data Scammers like they would have you believe) is on meshtube and meshbook the day this law is passed. for pewdiepie and his viewers nothing changes except they are no longer censored and facefuck is a $1billion company again like it should be. holding people's data hostage is not providing a hundred billion dollars of value to the world a group of 10 generation Z's could reproduce facefuck in a year it's not a special contribution to the world, what is valuable is the data (which the people typed up not facefuck). facefuck and ADLtube need a harsh wake up

end Zuckerfuck Data Scam Enterprises and ADL terror thoughtcrime YouFuck

If you like to help archiving, first those videos need to be downloaded

1 for several videos
>use a web search and tip in
>youtube downloader
>Copy paste link
This method can take some time, but is by far the easiest for dingle videos

2 for whole channels
>download youtube-dl
>Place it anywhere if windows
>open cmd
>Go to path where youtube-dl is saved
[cd /d PATH]
>start youtube-dl
[ youtube-dl main URL of channel for uploaded videos ]
This will download all videos in the best available format, so it will cost some space

For smaller formats
>find out which formats are available marked by a number
[ youtube-dl -F URL]
may take some time if it is a rather big channel with several 100 videos, so you can quite if you see a pattern
>Chose your format
[youtube-dl -f # URL]

For further question RtfM

Don't be a stupid moron like me and do it trial and error, think you got it all and waste 6 hours downloading 40 GB of material without sound

Evidently vidme is also somewhat infiltrated with SJWs. They aren't as arrogant as youtube-monopoly but the beginnings are there. If vidme ever became major I see them repressing right wing just as much.

Here a list about who one may archive
This list is just an idea, no one is forcing you to do anything. So please keep kike screeching at a minimum

Jordan B Peterson
Mark Dice,
Steven Crowder,
Rebel Media,
Daily Liberty,
Daily Wire,
Project Veritas [Checked]
brother nathanael
Mister Metokur
Harmful Opinions
Sargon of Akaad
Paul Joseph Watson
Alex Linder
Computing Forever
Black Pigeon
Internet Aristocrat Archive
Tim Pool
China Uncensored
Vee (gypsy)
The truth factory ( filthy leaf with a cat)
The outer light (nz sheep shagger)
Highimpactflix (steroid abuse)
No bullshit ( sperg)
Doctor of common sense ( upstanding black genital)
Indipendent man ( who cares)
A Glock Fanboy
Forgotten weapon
The White Wolf
RV Truth

For uploads.
>your mothers anus
Be creative


This is a positive, another redpilling ground ready for the taking.

Also this, social media needs to be de-privatized. They are basically public spaces now. Imagine if companies held all the property outside and could force you off it and back into your home if you said something "wrong". Imagine one company held 90% of that property.

Private entity, they can do whatever the fuck they want.

You know why ads failed
Because of nigglets like you

>What do?
What is there to do? They're already burning everything down. Alphabet will be impaled by the spikes of its own hubris.

>Jewtube is going full jew

the have been diong this shit for ages now.

uless you can convince the ceo of kiketube and ((google)) that those sweet advertizer shekels are worth less than redpill chanels this is giong to continue ad finitum until kiketube is as sterilized of any controversial content like tv.

>What is there to do?
save the content before they burn the books

world star hip hop?
am I missing something


Indoctrinate the normies with SJW bullshit and hide anything that counters it from them, and you lose every election from here to eternity, you dumb fuck.
Lose the "Muh Sup Forums superiority" fedora and go back to school.

If you haven't gotten it by now. It was never "Muh Sup Forums superiority" but anons hiding amongst anonymous, reddit, twitter, kikebook, discords, legacy media, new media, fake news media... The kids are alt right goy, and the internet people always right

We are private entities, we are free to cause a stir when we don't like something. If Ford makes a shitty car are we suddenly not allowed to complain to Ford?

fuck normies they will be either be redpilled by force or die

spoken like a true mudslime.

>it's happening

nice vid over the AdL, potato quality

He was trying to warn us.
>mfw Trump is George Sears

I wish WE indoctrinated normies to our views. Fucking Jews are destroying everything they touch.

It's the Streisand Effect dipshit

Youtube can unfortunately do whatever they want. It's a private company. Nothing we can do. Would be great if all rightwing/conservative people start their own place like Youtube so that we don't have to keep going through this.

Implying everyone isn't right wing to someone else

>pamela anderson syndrome