ITT: We post screenshots of interesting posts we have collected
ITT: We post screenshots of interesting posts we have collected
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From previous thread
Good - whatever time of the day it is for you, anons.
Educating the newfags on pilpul verbal kikery is vital.
I study Linguistics and am planning on doing a PHD in it. This is interesting as fuck. Let's make new words pol.
Why the black population is what it is
Is there a fucking source for this bullshit ass post that isn't it sounds like a bunch of baloney
Something or some event being turned to utter degenerate material by use of political correctness and or Jewish tricks.
>really makes you think
>no exceptions goy
>more china history
last points are questionable, but still
OP is just not true. People can of course think of concepts before having a name for them. People often ask "Is there a word for [such and such a feeling] or is there a word for that?"
good one
or 'The Last Men' by Nietzsche
'we have invented happiness say the Last Men, and they blink' - free porn, prozac and viagra
Does anyone have the "animal competition" screenshot?
That's one of the most French things I've ever seen posted here.
The rat experiment?
ching ching wing wong
poo in loo
i would like to see a similar analysis for libertarianism, it is just as idealistic as communism
No, the one that was something like "I'm tired of competing to be the best animal in an animal competition".
Sadly I don't have one for it, but someone might post it for you; it was in previous thread but I didn't save it.
haha, one fallacy: what if food stamps is in fact the animals learning to take care of themselves
In a sense, it is.
But what if you withdraw them?
It really grinds my gears when people screencap really wide images. Books aren't spread across two pages either, it's annoying reading wide text
Too vague in description, I'll keep an eye out for you anyways.