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what did they mean by this?
Well they're both Fictional stories
>how the series is still many children's first introduction to the concept of evil
And their last, by the looks of things.
delete this you fucking gentile
Boy goy oy vey!
Fucking kek
I dont even know what jews are trying to achieve here. Are they trying to make the holocaust relevant again by attaching it to pop culture
We have known for years liberals cant understand things unless they are compared to Harry Potter
Why not teach them the Torah?
I could never understand as a kid why Voldemort was even evil. Evidently, it's because the poor white boy contracted syphilis after some free interracial love with his Hispanic co-eds. He vowed to holocaust all the filthy half-blood scum for what they did to his nose.
Does that make DBZ canon in the harry potter universe? Goku dated Anne Frank after all.
Only Jews and people who hate them know the Torah exists
Max fucking par
Holocaust canon is full of too many plotholes amnd retcons at this point. We should just reboot it with a new holocaust.
They'll do anything to make sure they keep receiving reparations even after all the 2nd-generation "holocaust survivors" die of old age.
So why do you think you've heard about Nazi atrocities and not the Bolshevik atrocities?
>youtube account deleted
Holocaust 2: electric boogaloo
Is the concept of good and evil the ultimate bluepill?
Its a really shitty villain from a really shitty book.
There is no motivation for anything. He is just there to be a big bad mean guy that they can attach to an ideology they don't like to make it look bad.
really gets my goggin jogging
Not gonna lie, I would hate fuck Rowling hard.
I kek'd out louder than I should have.
>the implication that the holocaust is a fiction with the use of the word canon
>Children's first introduction to the concept of evil.
I won't call Liberals "children" but i guess is accurate
good one
gaseous boogaloo
He's a terribly written villain. Occasionally they talk about trying to preserve pure bloods as a goal of his, which makes sense because in the world of Harry Potter, non-magical blooded people usually don't give birth to witches and wizards; it seems mostly genetic. So Rowling's constant diversity analogies in the real world makes no sense - her wizards don't want to let in non-wizards and say this is okay, but then go and act like it's evil to denounce interbreeding and causing magical ability to go extinct.
>Back in WW2 Hitler is an evil dark wizard
>He vaporized 6 gorillions jews with dark arts
>But he still lost in the war because reasons
Sounds like a shitty fanfic to me, who would ever read this, lest believe this actually happened?
>Introduce the concept of evil
Holy fuck was Harry potter propaganda all this time? All these left does is compare to Harry and how evil everyone else is with no black, white or reasoning.
Harry Potter and the 6 Goriilion
They'll do anything for shekels and to maintain their narcissistic victim narrative (which they know gives them their power).
Harry Potterstein and the Lampshade of Grandpa
im sure jk would love that
everyone knows about the torah. it's the talmud that the good goyim don't know about
Oy fucking vey
harry potter and the chamber of gas
Noice m8
Harry potter and the oblivion randomizer
lmfao harry potter and the final solution.
holy shit
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Auschwitz
10/10. Would read.
my first thought
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Auschwitz
Im convinced harry potter is a sleeper cell term or a code for jews
It's ok user
The holocaust 2 is coming to a war theater near you.
harry potter and the holocouster.
oy vey the muggles know, shut it down
include me in the screencap
You could rewrite Harry Potter to be about a nigger raised by Midwesterners well goes to a ghetto school in Detroit and it would still make sense
Jews eternally and irrevocably BTFOD!!!!!!!!
Hey, SIX MILLION elves died, you death-eater.
if we could stop pretending the second post is something amazingly witty and hilarious just for the r/Sup Forums screencap, does anybody have the archive link?
I thought it way called the philosophers stone
Harry Potter and the prisoners of Gaskaban.
Trump is literally Voldemort
Trump is literally Darth Vader
Trump is literally Joffrey Baratheon
these people are living in a dream world.
>Wizards operate in the shadows but are actually in control of the world
>Anyone who finds about them gets their memory wiped
>Thought to be superior beings because of their abilities
>Act like muggles to pass as them when they're not doing magic
Wizards are actually Jews confirmed.
They still don't know J K Rowling is /ourgirl/.
Here it is:
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Auschwitz
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Jew
Harry Potter and the One-Drop Rule
Harry Potter and The Hebrews are Stoned
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Gas
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Auschwitz
Harry Potter and The Oven of Fire
Harry Potter and The Order of the Tiger IV
Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Fuhrer
Harry Potter and The Deathly Zyklon
I appreciate you saving and spreading my picture, but my original filename was much better.
Good thing refugees and minorities dont have such thing as "mercy" and they really dont give a shit about "politics" and just murder everyone. And its the fucking leftist who dont realise it, unlike us. Yes, thing are gonna be supper fucking shitty for us, but at least we wont be murdered first like them. Justice is coming.
You win
There's probably only 30 years left until every single person directly involved in the "holocaust" is dead. Gotta keep this train going.
harry potter and the half blood kike.
>people supposedly born in death camps
>camps where they separated men and women
Thats better, and also I dont like "hebrew is stoned", but couldnt think anything else
That's a hell of a lot more plausible than the other shit they say happened
I generally think harry potter is a term used by elites to active a plan or some shit, it comes up too often to not notice it
harry potter and the schlomo's stone
You know in the actual canon of Harry Potter there is a dark wizard before Voldemort called Grindewald who Dumbledore is gay for. It is implied that Grindewald controlled Hitler and launched WWII because Dumbledore only defeated him in 1945 but instead of killing him he gets imprisoned in 'Nurmengard' (Nuremberg) his own fortress (Like Hitler's rally's at Nuremberg) with the words 'For the Greater Good' on the gate at the entrance much like 'Work will set you free' on the gate at Auschwitz. So Harry Potter's version of Hitler technically already exists but Voldemort is just that on steroids.
I'm one of the only fags here who actually enjoys Harry Potter, despite its shit author, and I have no idea what they meant by this
I'd give you an internet, but you won them all.
Muggles = Goyim
>he actually read the HP books