An user in this thread claimed to be a lover of Awan's and dished out the real story behind the scandal.

Here's a basic Gesalt:

>Private servers are kept compartmentalised (unconnected to the wider network)
>Private servers are run by both dems and reps for LOBBYING
>Often these servers contain mostly domestic files (very few have clearance for anything more juicy)
>DWS was running a parallel server for COMMUNITY ORGANISATIONS to lobby
>The whole of congress is using loopholes in the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995
>An act signed in by CLINTON to allow back room deals

here's the juice
>Most of congress is implicated in using these parallel compartmentalised servers
>The real juice is that DWS' server was separate from circumspection by DOJ/NSA however...
>Now that it (could be) involved in a court case, it can be swooped and snooped
>And that server contains the real juice on astroturfing, campaign funding and DNC corruption

Other urls found in this thread:


here's the digital infrastructure used by the private IT companies to avoid government oversight.
it's a pretty simple way to ensure that all lobbying servers remain unchecked - back room dealers now have a server to host their documents within congress, without oversight



this is interesting....

screenshots from this thread

here's an archive

pic related, to do with Awan's arrest and DWS damage control.
she's not as stupid as her hair looks. she has manipulated the narrative into being about the muslim brotherhood to exploit right wing fears, and heavily linked it with Seth Rich to obfuscate the narrative
Awanon was right when he said we'd go after the glamorous foreign spy angle rather than the domestic corruption angle. but the private lobbying servers is very much a US issue
it could blow the whole lobbying game in the USA if we can force the DOJ and tptb to investigate

Yes, Islamophobia is a real problem.

not what we're saying.

DWS and the DNC are using islamophobia to cover up the real enchilada.
hate muslims all you want, but this muslim in particular was running a
>Private IT service
>To allow back room lobbying
>Of members of congress
>and the practice is widespread
>and highly undemocratic

Some leftist LARPing as imrans faggot lover. Sounds a bit like bait/derail

"We" are saying that hard working Muslims, like the Awans, are the real victims.

This is bait/derail faggot shit.



No need to sage as the matter being discussed is being slid pretty bad

read the full enchilada amigo, i'll happily be disproven but through many iterations, the story is watertight
not sure why he needed to add the gay lover part but welcome to current year

Awan was still running a corrupt server / IT operation, he's not a good guy.
you're playing into DWS' hands by making it a race issue though m80.

If this was just about private lobbying servers, none of these higher ups would be freaking out as much as they are now, and Imran Awan and his family would not be trying to flee the country.

Hard working Muslims never infiltrate foreign affairs, that's not what Muslim brotherhood is all out. Islam is a race. We need to stick together because Islamophobia is racist.

Goddamn retards like you are the real problem.


Check the thread

Awan was caught trying to take $12,000 out of the country, fully in the knowledge that $10,000 was the legal limit. He intended to be caught because he is safer in custody, than in Pakistan or Washington.

yh but stop replying to the cunt, he's wasting valuable reply space

You are being stupid to assume that Awans were working for ISI. They would never sell information, nor work as a liaison for foreign nations into congress. You are being very dense.


>Powell went on to offer Clinton a friendly warning first reported last week when the FBI released notes of its now closed investigation into her handling of sensitive information. “However, there is a real danger. If it is public that you have a BlackBerry and it it [sic] government and you are using it, government or not, to do business, it may become an official record and subject to the law … Be very careful. I got around it all by not saying much and not using systems that captured the data.”

Archive or screenshot please

>theguardian com/us-news/2016/sep/08/colin-powell-hillary-clinton-email-state-department

Forgot because I found something interesting.

Hillary was advise to use a private email server and device by collin powel so that it would not become official record and not subject to the law.

that's so insane.

I'll read the full quesadilla when I get home from work. This faggot lover and also some other minor stuff made it seem like a LARPing lefty to me, but I'll read it all an a little while

me too, it's 9am here.

And what race is Islam? Retard shill

OP is right on this one.
But no worry, we just need to push this angle too.
Fox news is heavily pushing the spy shit and if what Awan's friend said is true, that story will fall to pieces and this the backroom trading, pay to play will continue. Its both congressional parties guilty of this practice. Neither wants it to end.
Private server, pay to play.
These fucks make our laws.

>TFW Alex Jones is literally right about everything

>TFW David Icke is proven right as well once the truth starts to really come out


When guccifier leak happened, the leak that contained the DNC road map documents, there was a doc file that outlined their 10 year strategy to push for felons right to vote. They outlined how by doing this, they would secure 6 million voters much like how the dems secured the gay vote through their support for gay marriage. the document, when I read it, and i'll try to find it, disgust me immediately in how strategic they about eroding cultural values for votes. Felons lost the right to vote for a reason and yet the dems see these people as a means to secure their power.


Remember this. The Osama Raid was a fake story. Most have felt so in a conspiracy way. But trust me.... many things connect.

speeches, i bet art work as well. Plus under the art ambassadorship and global exchange programs they had access to under the radar shipping containers.

This HAS to be LARPing. The only thing of value I take away from this is the possibility that, like Hillary, all of these other people could have private servers that "don't exist" to do their dirty work on. I just thought Hillary was being a dumbass, but perhaps she's just the dumbass who got caught.

>After recording, the records are maintained by the Clerk of the House and the Secretary of the Senate. Due to severe understaffing, these two offices are unable to check for illegal activities or corrupt practices, which is the most glaring shortcoming of the legislation.
>During a hearing before the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, Senator Christopher Dodd stated that “[s]ince 2003, the Office of Public Records has referred over 2,000 cases to the Department of Justice, and nothing’s been heard from them again”.

Found the document that outlined how they planned to give the right to vote back to felons over a 10 year period through activism in order to secure their vote.

Maybe these prviate servers are hiding more stuff like this.

The story doesn't check out. He claims Trump and DOJ know everything and Imran is cooperating. If that's true, it doesn't matter what angle Fox News is pushing. Trump won't go into an investigation that is a dead end, it would be political suicide.

The OP acts as if it is critical that we get the story straight so we don't miss our opportunity to nail them, but he fails to mention that it doesn't fucking matter what we believe if Trump has all the evidence.

Find it, they are great planners.
This needs to be pushed.

>DWS is getting away with it. Hillary is going UNINVESTIGATED
user warned us they would try to pin it solely on Hillary.
We won't forget her too.

Muslims are the problem, so-called 'Islamophobia' is a natural reaction to you cretins.

Trump and staff will have to if we make a lot of noise.
I remember a WikiLeaks where Hillary was talking about making backroom deals. How its like making sausage, unsavory but in the end it gets made.

the problem facing trump is

if he fully alienates the dems, he won't get any support against their rogue elements
>no more friendly dems (bernouts) against Hillary

if he reveals this lobbying scandal alone, he'll also alienate most of the GOP who are knee deep in this kind of lobbying
>no more GOP support

furthermore, closing these (gaping wide) loopholes would kill off tons of lobbying
and even though all lobbies are paying to work against each other; the one thing they have in common is a need for access/influence
>all lobbies agree that lobbying is good

so to prosecute, investigate, and out these private lobbying servers would alienate all members of congress and all of their lobbies, which is tantamount to the whole US political establishment. at that point, the swamp would subsume Trump.
as it stands, with his mandate, he has support, he needs to maneuver carefully to push this investigation forward.
if we can reveal the depth of the private lobbying server scandal to the public, then it would make for a sympathetic political climate for prosecution and closing the loopholes

>Trump has the evidence, but can't safely act upon it alone


not asking because I doubt, I just want to know because I remember when guccifer leak and how no one talked about the policy wonk leaks about electoral engineering.

>If the narrative around the facts is Imran is a traitor, DWS can demonstrate easily that Imran isn't and thus there would be no need to investigate further. DWS secret treasure trove of records from backroom dealings would remain a secret, and she would remain just a political target of the gop/right wing. If the narrative and the suspicion of trump's base is on DWS effectively undermining the lobby disclosure act, that would change what is acceptable to investigate and why and the outcome, it would make it harder for other dems to run interference if the investigation turns up anything.

and he also said this

>They are feeding you details and letting your biases fill i the rest (especially biases about muslim brotherhood) in order to scapegoat Imran in case he turns state evidence. their plan is simple

>if gop/trump supporters think imran is just a muslim traitor, there will be no political will to stop the practice of parallel infrastructure.

>if gop/trump supporters think imran is just a muslim traitor, the administration can save face with the supporters by trying imran as such, or dropping the investigation without fight against what will be huge huge political costs that comes from crossing the rubicon of investigating your political opponents. remember, trump himself said after the election that he didn't want to investigate clinton.

basically I am ctrl+f rubicon and he seems to say that if even Trump has all the evidence and use the DOJ investigate a political opponent, he would face obstructionism and resistance from the democrats forcing him to depend on gop.

No it's not. Go back to the first thread and read the last few posts. The Awan friend LARP is inconsistent with what is already known.

This is a disinformation op, my friends. It's to affect public perception such that when DNC connected people shift the narrative away from selling secrets to hard-to-prosecute violations of lobbying rules that there will be enough confusion for people to believe it.

It's a disinformation test run for what they believe is the hardest audience to convince. If it works here, then they're good to go.

Trump isn't alone.

I agree. He also would not come right out and say they were gay lovers.

Lies and disinfo.

Bullshit. The guy kept making claims of "Awan's innocent, believe me" while making excuses and false statements, such as "Imran Awan was arrested for having $12K on him, $2K over the limit of what you're supposed to have" and "he intentionally wanted to get caught by the FBI". It was his wife that was stopped for having $12K, not him, and even then they let her go. Hell, even the NYTimes proves you wrong:

>The authorities had also stopped Ms. Alvi when she left the country in March, and a search of her belongings showed boxes of household goods and more than $12,000 in a case, according to an affidavit. She was allowed to proceed.

>I remember a WikiLeaks where Hillary was talking about making backroom deals

show me, beucase stuff like this really gets my curiosity going.

Trump called out lobbyists in the debates...

search for 'crossing the rubicon'

>It's more than just that. The trump sympathetic media are chasing red herring that DWS wants them to chase, so she could build the islamophobia narrative to discredit their concerns.

>DWS and her spin wins again. See, after pizza gate, the dem politicos learnt how powerful and important the right suspicions are and they are seeking to learn how to use it to run confusion.

>There are NO MAGA republicans yet. Paul Ryan and all those obstructionists are koch republicans.

I don't OP said Trump has all the evidence. Trump DOJ needs some evidence to start subpoenaing other things. I think OP is saying that through the backlash he will face if he uses the DOJ investigate a political opponent, the democrats can obstruct the investigation to the point it could tank his administration by making sure Trump is doing nothing but fending of obstruction and news cycle followed by new cycle of anything and everything to discredit him. jesus christ, how is this different from now? Even now this is how the democrats are, they don't want to let trump do anything even if its good for america and they agree with it.

The Awans had no Pakistani military links.
This is all about Islamophobia and LOBBYISTS, and it's nothing to do with ESPIONAGE.

I'm convinced that he was recruited to run for president by white hats in the intelligence community and the FBI. He had an inkling what was going on, but they showed him the extent of it and convinced him.

The positive comments about Eppstein years ago were to ingratiate himself. His trip to the island was because he wanted to see it with his own eyes to be sure. That convinced him and he joined.

Can I have a burrito instead of an enchilada?

>The only thing of value I take away from this is the possibility that, like Hillary, all of these other people could have private servers that "don't exist" to do their dirty work on.

That's my take. That Awan set up parallel servers for many corrupt politicians is not mutually exclusive to him being an ISI asset, and those servers could be used to sell sensitive documents.

Right because "fuck your laws" or this isn't Sharia law. Bullshit. Follow the fucking g laws and you won't have problems. Brown carding your people's legal problems makes you no better than a violent nogg "dindoo nuffin".


The $12k was found on Awan's WIFE in an earlier and unrelated incident. She was let go. Awan was arrested for bank fraud, not for having $12k.

I'm telling you guys, this is fucking disinformation. Do you have any idea how long lobbying violations take to prosecute?

The purpose of this is to sow enough confusion that people forget about DWSs brother being part of the prosecutorial team and a Clinton Foundation lawyer representing Awan. It allows them to keep spinning and spinning such that they can avoid decimation in the 2018 midterms.

>wife stopped for having $12K, Awan arrested but wife let go.

Maybe he is confused by the little details? I don't want to dismiss this as larper because its so eerily similar what guccifier leaked from the DNC hack. Also, when they stopped his wife for carrying $12K, did they arrest Imran?

>It's a disinformation test run for what they believe is the hardest audience to convince. If it works here, then they're good to go.

He is accusing the narrative around Imran as being disinfo to hide the bigger fish, which is DWS private servers.

I followed that thread. It was all lies and disinfo. There was enough "good info" in there to make it seem plausible (ie. talk about HTTPS to encrypt certain info), but all in all it was a "believe what I say, even though I can't show myself" thing. There was nothing in there that made Awan seem innocent and was a lot of excuses made for him.

The nytimes article said he didn't have security clearance to leak intel

>“He didn’t even have a security clearance,” Mr. Gowen said. “It is a completely utterly ridiculous statement.”

okay, this is confusing me because he also said that DWS would want to bait trump supporters into championing this Awan wuz a muslim spy narrative because it was so easy to discredit. The NYTimes, which is fake news and a mouth piece for the dems, article discredited the right wing narrative. If OP isn't a larper, OP is telling us that DWS chose this narrative because it would be easily discredited and it would insinulate her, somehow, from being investigated?

Oh, i get it: they are gonna run narratives that any investigation by the DOJ is trump being an authoritarian fascist targeting his political enemies.

Wow, the slides are strong with this one today

>an user claimed to be his lover
>sources say
We're better than this

>Do you have any idea how long lobbying violations take to prosecute?

yeah let's not bother. i'd prefer sifting through americican shartposts of dubious credibility until the end of time than have anything done about massive corruption

you're reeing at the details but not clearing anything up. post verifiable sources for your claims, keep it simple. getting this story out requires a watertight case, without peripheral bullcrap

>Hillary is corrupt
>Her aide's IT guy's brother sold a truck to Turkey but it might have gone to ISIS!

Awan is not innocent, he wouldn't have been arrested if he was innocent of all crime. The problem is alt-lite media reporting has become an echochamber just like the sjw side. this shuts down effective investigation and encourages SHOCK HEADLINES and tweets with little to no substantiation. Clickbait doesn't have a party affiliation

>Could DC IT guy be the key to Hillary pizzagate downfall? Anonymous thinks so!

that is why Trump prosecuting a political opponent is crossing the Rubicon
it sounds like something a dictator would do.
really shows you how far up the creek the USA has gone that the corrupt establisment can't be routed by a designated swamp drainer


Also, throughout that thread, the guy kept saying that Awan wanted to be caught even though DWS told him to sell all his stuff (which he did) and lay low in a foreign country (which he was caught trying to do). He also claimed that he was not a spy and didn't have access to classified info, which is blatant bullshit (see ).

It's all lies and bullshit. Again, it's all "believe me, he's innocent, I'm his gay lover" with no proof of anything offered.

>The purpose of this is to sow enough confusion that people forget about DWSs brother being part of the prosecutorial team and a Clinton Foundation lawyer representing Awan. It allows them to keep spinning and spinning such that they can avoid decimation in the 2018 midterms

this really confuses me because it doens't make much sense. Like why would they put out this disinfo that basically warns us, pol, of them trying to bait us into taking a narrative. A narrative that most on the right are taking as correct which right now is the narrative that the nytimes article goes to discredit?

why would they spin and test a narrative that warn us about dws involvement and guilt? he is basically saying that dws has a lot to hide, that she is in violation of that law. you are saying they are testing our response to this narrative.

Maybe they are trying to poison this narrative?


>He also claimed that he was not a spy and didn't have access to classified info, which is blatant bullshit

The nytimes article you linked even said he didn't have security clearance. That article debunks the claim that he did and the narrative the alt-lite/conservative media is pushing. The NYTimes article seems to be a counter-spin 'debunking' of the right's narrative of Awan being a spy.

And if it happens to be treu that he didn't have security clearance and there was no leaks of intelligence, OP said that they would stop investigation and thus leave DWS alone. DWS, in that video talking to the chief of DC police, really wanted that laptop back.

tl;dr - he gud boy dindu nuffin

This obviously a DNC shill attempt to downplay the seriousness of this affair.
Why the fuck wouldn't he or anyone else in Congress just come forward with the facts if this was all legit?
Why the fuck would he pack up his wife and kids and send them to Pakiland?
Why the fuck would he try and run off with all that money??

Shit like bullshit, 100% sure its bullshit.


This is a fucking shill thread. The OP of the other thread was also a shill. There was a massive espionage ring. Everybody already knows about the lobbyist bullshit but no American expected DNC to hire and aid an espionage ring.

No one needs to cross a stupid river when the DNC is caught being traitors.

Wow finally a person who realizes his posts were bait from the stsrt

$.02 has been deposited into your account.

Awan even took money ($100k) from Ali al-Attar, an former Iraqi politician and financier for Hezbollah who is currently wanted by the FBI.

Try harder Shareblue.

no, unfortunately we are not

this kind of post should be bannable. if you can't handle that your autism about a complete non-issue isn't popular on this forum, then go use a different website that works differently, like voat. you do not like this website

I don't know who is shilling who, but I am believing OP because he points the culprit directly to DWS. I really hope this doesn't get slid off.

Bud, would I link you to Mr. Webb if I wasn't making fun of OP of this thread?

Good Job falling for a larp. AWAN has DNC lawyers.

he didn't have security clearance. but he did have access to devices with secret"""" info on it.
although it seems like the US has its shit hanging wide-open most of the time

[my speculatory answers]

>why wouldn't anyone else in congress come forward?
because it would damage the ((")"(("lobbying"))")")" industry, see. puppet strings

>Why would he go to Pakistan
DWS ordered him to leave, gives silencing money

>Why would he run off with the money
he (potentially) intentionally got caught because he saw Trumps tweet as a signal that he was gonna take the Hillary/DNC/DWS investigation more seriously

>No one needs to cross a stupid river
did kek audibly.
although there's 2 shills in this thread that keep saying, don't look into the lobbying, it's all about the muslim connexion.
I'm on both sides of the river buddy
you're the floatsam

>No one needs to cross a stupid river when the DNC is caught being traitors.

This is so confusing. OP said DNC is the traitor, OP said that if Trump prosecutes DWS he is crossing the rubicon, which I agree. OP also said that the narrative of Awan being a spy is the most easily discreditable and one baited into existence so any investigation wont go after DWS but focus solely on the questions of if Awan had classified information and did he leak it.

Shill confirmed.

Nowhere did I say, imply, or hint that we shouldn't bother. Of course we should. The key part of that is the length of time it takes to successfully bring such a case extends past the 2018 midterms. So if enough confusion can be created so that people are willing to believe a bullshit muh only lobby story, the less pressure there will be to remove obvious conflicts of interest, like DWS bro being part of the prosecution.

As far as the rest of your post goes, see the first line in mine.

big boi bump

Trump is already alienated from the Dems and the GOP, they will both obstruct him wherever it is politically possible. This "we can't go after them because it will make them mad" argument is the same one used by liberals regarding terrorists and more recently MS-13. Congress can not obstruct a DOJ investigation. If DWS is guilty of backroom dealings then she will fry, if she is guilty of selling secrets to foreign governments she will fry. It doesn't matter what the popular narrative is.

Also the OP is false on his "Imran purposefully got arrested by carrying $12,000" story. That was his wife. Imran was arrested for bank fraud.

He also claims that he only had access to logs, not actual emails, which is disputed in the above article.

There is no need to look into the lobbying to send Debbie Wasserman Schultz if there is definite proof that she was involved with ISI. Trump would face no questions in sending someone like that to the chair.

You're a fucking shill.

Just because they didn't have a security clearance does not mean they didn't have access to sensitive information. Hell, they were fired because of suspicion of trying to access congressional computers without permission:

Physical security is just as important as any other security. If you can get to the hardware, you can eventually find a way in (ie. using someone else's credentials and going directly to the machine, being able to install stuff like key loggers, etc). Since they were IT guys, who's to say they didn't find a way to put some backdoors on people's comps to get access to info. Keyloggers are a thing and they did have access to some high-level peoples stuff, like Nancy Peloci:

>read the full enchilada amigo
who the fuck talks like this? go throat a chimichanga pinche mericon

As I've said since Awan got arrested:

DNC knows they'll be fucked for something. A price must be paid. They can't get out of this unscathed.

So if you know you're caught and you want to mitigate the damage, what do you do?

Confusion. Multiple stories. Constantly shifting narratives. If you put enough somewhat plausible shit out there, you turn some people off entirely (too confusing) and you get everyone else split into different camps of belief. There's no concerted effort on the part of the public to understand, because they're all chasing a different red herring or they've tuned out entirely.

People need to lay out the larper's story and attempt to verify each claim, no matter how insignificant it seems. There are at least three provable falsehoods:

Condition of Awan's arrest
Claim that Awan didn't know what his people were doing (he was just muh manager)
Claim that they had no access to classified material

The guy's a talented larper, but larper or outright propagandist nonetheless.

>don't look into the lobbying, it's all about the muslim connexion.

The NYTimes article which has his DNC paid lawyer even confronts that narrative. Even DWS said that he was arrested because he was a muslim.
How is confusion being created by anyone but you. OP said that the narratives we are chasing were baited by DWS because they are easily discredit, which would make any investigation according to those narratives end nowhere and if takes that forever to investigate this, it would leave DWS unscathed because she would have effectively made this matter not about lobbying but about the right's fear on muslims, which would get her re-elected because democrats eat up that shit.

OP is not easily discredit because the implications of what he says and what you say produces this type of shit that seems, to me at least, show DWS is managing the narrative to get the investigation to look into the wrong things so she can go unscathed.

I think I finally get it. If the investigation is pursued according to the narrative that awan was a spy, she can get re-elected in the mid-term elections because she can lie to her base that these allegations were just islamophobia but if the narrative around the investigation is about this prviate server to hide her pay for play shit, knowing how the democrats are getting a lot of hate from the alt-left for being establishment, she could lose an election if they think she was doing pay for play.

it's simple: she can't defend herself from her base if the allegations are a cover up involving pay for play but she can do it if the investigation is about awan being muslim n' shieet.

Accept my apologies for missing the sarcasm. Phone posting here, so rarely click links.

Originally it was all
>Hillary is corrupt, here's all the proof
then nothing got done and Trump cooled off the DNC investigation
but we didn't
eventually we got round to Seth Rich, DWS and Awan
Hillary et al were happy enough to throw DWS under the wheels as a scapegoat / sacrifice
but DWS is very wily and is pinning things on Awan, distracting the narrative etc.

In all the DNC spin operation is going well they have
>"""debunked"" pizzagate in the eyes of the public
>derailed DWS crimes with so much disinfo
>made the whole thing about Seth Rich murder
>created infighting in the investigation
>successfully kept it out of the MSM

so really we need to take stock of where we are in this investigation. it took to Awanon many many posts to hammer through his message about private lobbying servers, which should be simple enough for an user to understand (perhaps it's the flood of summerfags). even if a LARP, it highlights how fucked we are re: revealing the "truth" and forging an alternative narrative to the DNC spindoctors

we know DWS family is elbow deep
we know about the Seth Rich coverup
we know the MSM is in on it all
I guess it's just taking time to come out bit I'm worried about the lack of progress and the weakness of investigation

>There is no need to look into the lobbying
These are not the robots you are looking for

>attempt to verify each claim.
doesn't post any evidence for claims.
I'm happy to play along with you but please post discrete evidence for your claims

OMG but OP claims there is no proof and that this is the case and when any investigation is finished and finds no proof, DWS goes scott free because there is nothing there even though she kept a private server for pay for play. and if the investigation is about finding if intel is leaked to ISI, then DWS private server wouldn't have to be subpoena for that.

What if Awan really never had secret information and the investigation that DWS wont obstruct shows that to be the case? DWS goes scott free. DWS was really concerned about getting that laptop back.

Rofl DWS will never lose an election in her gerrymandered jew stronghold. He was literally plopped their after her disgraced resignation as DNC chair, with zero investment in a campaign, and it was handed to her on a platter.

some random brown will be burdened for your efforts, I will see to it

Try again.

No one gives a shit about lobbyists because we already accept it as part of the corrupt system. If people really were concerned about that shit, how the fuck did Clinton win the popular vote?

But treason gets people hot and bothered. And "easily disproven"? What planet have you been living on? The Awan's connections to the Paki government are definitive because he has FAMILY members in the government.

Casting this as a lobbying issue ratchets down the intensity and allows them to drag it out such that it doesn't affect the midterms.

The reason you two are accusing OP of disinfo is largely because you don't want to accept a possible outcome of awan being cleared of leaking foreign intel and how an investigation into this would keep dws private servers away from the investigators. Courts have to find reason for discovery, and if dws can demonstrate that the court can find its evidence elsewhere, the courts wont let the government go on fishing expeditions and she would eventually tell her supporters that the investigation clear awan, that it was politically motivated and she goes scott free, gaining some political points from her base.

if this is true, dws is playing 4d level chess.

if the investigation and narrative is about DWS private servers, the government would then be crossing the rubicon because? ... the government would be investigating political enemies, not traitors.. Any sort of investigation would subpoena other things, like visitation logs, finances.

>The guy's a talented larper, but larper or outright propagandist nonetheless
Thanks, that's a nice complement.
I was very irritated by the OP in the previous thread, where he denied that Awans had any access to confidential data, and at best were only able to capture logs. We already know that Awans had passwords for some congressmen's devices from the wikileak emails, so that's only one step away from keyloggers. Moreover, they destroyed hard drives and were in possession of government issued hardware, which probably had sensitive data.

>DWS private server wouldn't have to be subpoena for that.
Why don't we wait a few days?

I just hope the nice lady gets her laptop back.

this basically

>Anatomy of a derail:
Hillary investigation > DWS investigation > Awan investigation
>where's the prosecution?

we're not gonna stop you crap-posting about the Pakistani government
>just please post decent evidence
(which you have not done once yet)

Either these threads are the best quality LARPS ever seen on Sup Forums...or this fucking guy is telling the truth.

Which one?


Phone posting, so linking ain't easy.

If you want sources for my claims:

Go to NYT for Awan's arrest circumstances and that the 12k had nothing to do with it.

Zerohedge links to an article about the Iraqi money

__0hour1_ on twitter posted public domain documents showing Awan's have a cousin in Pali govt 3 days ago

If you go in for anonymous "sources", there are several articles available by googling CIA Awan ISI.

>Try again.
>No one gives a shit about lobbyists because we already accept it as part of the corrupt system. If people really were concerned about that shit, how the fuck did Clinton win the popular vote?
>But treason gets people hot and bothered. And "easily disproven"? What planet have you been living on? The Awan's connections to the Paki government are definitive because he has FAMILY members in the government.
>Casting this as a lobbying issue ratchets down the intensity and allows them to drag it out such that it doesn't affect the midterms.


Kamala harris is causing a HUGE HUGE divide amongst the democrats to the point that the progressive wing will split, to the point that all these democrat talking heads are bashing the "alt-left" for being into bullying politics.

Holy shit, the rabbit hole. it's fucking deep. I 100% believe OP.

It isn't us who she is trying to confuse and misdirect and mushy up the issue. It's her own party because if she is a lobbyist shill, she might cause a split in the dems if they think she is doing a repeat of the DNC shit but if she pins this on awan and claim its the right being anti-muslim, her base wont flinch and when/if it is investigated as such and shows that awan didn't leak intel to foreign agencies, she will be re-elected to office and then spin again to cover what's up on her private servers.

>Why don't we wait a few days?
Because it will take years to get that subpoena answered and enforced by the courts. See

DWS isn't playing 4D chess. DNC is. This is bigger than DWS, and you can be sure that they'll let her hang for lobbying violations if it keeps their crimes hidden.

Am only going to post this and nothing more. Awan had access to DNC and over 50 members emails, files and related documents. DWS tasked Awan with compiling a lump of emails and other files of a fairly innocent nature to drop to wikileaks to coincide with the Trump/Russia collusion narrative. The Russia story was their fail-safe if they had lost the election. They had arranged everything from the start, they baited Don jr. with their smoking gun meeting in which the Russian party had offered them "incriminating" H information. We know now what really happened at the meeting. One month later Awan dropped the DNC files to wikileaks, thats how they set the timeline. It was so immaculately planned. Everything this guy is posting about is true, but Awan is guilty as a mofo.

>right's fear on muslims
Actually it's the common people's fear of foreign espionage. It's got nothing to do with Islam other than what Deb has her crony media peddling.