why the fuck is the pro-life, pro-choice argument even real
why cant we just let individuals decide if they want to get an abortion or not?
is having abortions really that bad for the society?
Why the fuck is the pro-life, pro-choice argument even real
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Well it's my sperm so i should decide what happens to it.
It's not your sperm. You gave it to the woman.
people gotta get their dead babies for child sacrifice somehow, might as well convince people to do it willingly.
yeah except when abortions are outlawed, medicaid funding is going to rise from coat-hanger infection treatments.
now they are spending your money instead of purchasing an abortion
I support you being aborted, but not anyone else.
Nuttin matters bro, we're all just specks of asteroid dust floating on an even bigger rock hurdling through space. Besides babies aren't even conscious until birth
>You get to existence while dictating which organisms deserve the same shot at existence you got
What the fuck?! Liberals are the nazis of our generation
What a pussy
im all for killing your own children out of womb and outside womb. but when the society has contributed some amount of money to the child (be it more welfare, school) the child is no longer solely yours and you dont have the right to kill it
>Implying women are capable of making decisions.
Slider if I ever saw one.
OP is a big time degenerate faggot
This, most abortions are amongst single black women. Would pay way more in the long run for little niggS prison sentence or welfare checks.
The disabled and those on government assistance, so basically niggers, should not be allowed to have children. If somebody gets pregnant, they get a forced state sponsored abortion. If they somehow do manage to have a child, it gets taken immediately and put into foster care far across the country without letting the parents know where and sealing the record forever.
No one should be forced to carry a fetus against their will. The unborn have no special right to someones body, the same way any citizen cannot conscript another to act as a bloodbag, and kidney.
Abortions in and of themselves can be useful tools under the right circumstances. The issue is that when you commit to a moral and social philosophy under which abortion is justifiable outside of extreme circumstances, you must also commit yourself to other manifestations of this philosophy/order which are absolutely backwards and abhorrent. Abortion is basically the ultimate in free association, yet it is only leftists that push it. If one has bodily autonomy, why is one then committed to working to feed their child once they have been born? What's the fucking difference between taking a fetus at 4 months and pulling it out and saying that because it cannot fend for itself, and I (the mother) do not wish to undergo the necessary actions in keeping it alive, it must die and doing the same with a child just born? The only difference is that one grows inside the mother while the other grows outside. By this logic, it is also moral to take an educated guess as to the earliest a fetus will survive outside the womb and then remove it simply because the mother no longer feels like being pregnant, like some kind of compromise.
Big pharma is literally murdering human beings for money. It’s so fucked. And somehow it’s legal and people are okay with it.
You can abandon a foetus after it is born. Its called a baby and they are adoptable.
it's actually better for society, crime rates go down when abortions are legal and women will get them anyway it just makes them safer
>implying woman is not yours also
Do you even know what pharma is dummy
Abortion is a good thing but only if the mother is also sterilized.
Having a baby in you and not wanting it is called "Psychosis", as in "mental insanity". I could care less if people like Whoopi Goldberg died from their coat-hanger abortions, and if you leftists really think anyone is going to help and take care of you when you get yourself knocked up, then try shoving things in there for fun, you live in another reality. Only family really helps me out from time to time, but I make sure to pay them back. Now, take that, and you really think some methhead heroin junkie who wants to die is going to pay you back 10 states away? Yeah right, they couldn't give a fuck about their own lives, let alone, lives of those around them. I'm not carrying anyone on my back. Having abortions is bad for white society, it's okay for the beasts to do it (lib; "haha, but animals do it too!"). Like okay, you filthy animal, go fucking get one, and then commit suicide yourself.
I couldn't convince my ex to have an abortion, so I drugged her, kicked a stomach really hard a few times, shoved my fist up her vag and then yanked the disgusting fetus out. It was in it's 8th month so it started screaming when I pressed it in the mixer. Made a fetus smoothie to get my yearly intake of stemcells.
Instead of doing all this extra money even libs can't afford. I would see an alternative as "Give me $300 and I'll get myself sterilized" + cost of it, that would be AN OKAY THING MOST PEOPLE WOULD BE ON BOARD. But liberals just want the money TO KEEP ON FLOWING.
Were you aborted?
I met a Nazi Carnie today at the faire, AND I JUST REALLY LOVE WHITE PEOPLE MORE. There were a bunch of negro'd carnies, and even more confederate flags being flown, and people talking about how they "Hate the poles and the Jews" out loud in public. AND DAMN IT FEELS GOOD TO BE THIS FREE.
>people gotta get their dead babies for child sacrifice somehow, might as well convince people to do it willingly.
woukld you rather have no abortion and let niggers and other subhumans shit out kids the cannot raise?
Pick one.
As beasts do, beasts do. A group in Chicago called themselves Janes and would secretly take Niggers to NYC to obtain illegal abortions. Image what that ride must have been like. That's a whole lot of insanity in 1 vehicle.
A women has every right to get an abortion. I think it should be done no later than 120 days after conception though.
Nogs rarely if ever get abortions, while abortions are pushed on rich whites
whether or not you care about the woman getting the abortion (btw doesn't require mental illness, people are just animals and many animals kill their young when conditions to have them aren't favourable; humans have just found a way to do that before it's even born) the reality is that when abortions are legal there's less crime...
the people who get abortions frequently are incapable of raising children properly, and as a result the children are often the product of terrible environments (this is especially true if someone is forced to have something they didn't want, and if they don't keep it very frequently these children go on to become wards of the state costing money, and also living mostly terrible lives and being affected by that), and that typically doesn't lead to anything beneficial for anyone...
it's just better for society in general that women have abortions when they want or need one, and there's no benefit to making them have those kids... it's win/win
there's also no reason why it should be illegal
inb4: "it's murder"
so? there are plenty of instances where killing is completely justifiable and is the better option, this is one of them
The moment that sperm hits that egg, life begins.
not treu one of the major reason the nig population hasnt exploded is abortion.
i would rather have abortions for nigger only and the poor so they dont raise disfunctional children.
either way abortion are a usseful tool for eugenics getting rid of niggers and retards is always prefreble than letting them have there disfunctional ofspring.
niggers and subhumans need to be fucking sterilized AT BIRTH. in a generation they will be done. i shoulda finished med school. i could have helped in the sneaky sterilizations dept
i support abortion of liberal subhumans, but not actual people, since that would be murder.
it doesn't matter where life begins, it doesn't matter if an embryo is life or not, sometimes killing is justified
think of wars, revolutions, in certain cases the death penalty, when someone kills someone who's been extremely abusive towards them or in self defense etc etc etc
there's instances where killing is not only justifiable, but sometimes the best option given a circumstance... abortion is no different
it's beneficial towards everyone in a society that those women kill those "children" (and i use the term loosely, life or not that's not a child yet) so it's justifiable, beneficial killing that does everyone a favour...
you know what makes things worse all around though? those women having those kids... it's not beneficial for them, society, or those kids
it's not somehow the nicer option to have those kids grow up and be a part of society in many cases
there's probably some where it might have been, but there's always that risk when doing anything
unavoidable risk that's minimal in comparison to another option is always preferable
>niggers and subhumans need to be fucking sterilized AT BIRTH. in a generation they will be done. i shoulda finished med school. i could have helped in the sneaky sterilizations dept
i agree its that abortions are eugenics without the shitstorm that comes with emplimenting maditory eugenics policies.
Learn how to post without actually coming off as a faggot bigot, pig.
Not as bad as having children and neglecting them, but it's a medical procedure that is costly and comes with its own risks.
Don't bother with the hypocrisy of Sup Forums, they only care if its white babies that are aborted but encourage abortions of any other race.
>it's ok to kill white children because the third largest racial demographic that sits around 10% does it too
>Is having abortions really that bad for society?
No, in fact it's a net gain, because the types of people who get abortions are usually not fit to become parents, won't take care of their children or raise them properly, the children grow up to become criminals and deadbeats, and the cycle starts all over again.
I find it pretty interesting that people seem to care so much about caring for children but as soon as the baby pops out and is hungry and the mom can't take care of it everybody says "WHELP, SHOULDA STUDIED A STEM DEGREE!"
Nogs and spics get the most abortions
>We shouldn't outlaw murder because people will do it anyway!
You Somalian by any chance?
how am i coming off like a bigot? i didn't mention race, class, or ethnicity
i'm just talking about statistics, and the reality is when abortions are legal crime rates go up
it's also true that children who become wards of the state or who are unwanted typically have shitty lives, shitty lives often lead to a lot of issues later on in life
it's dangerous for the woman to have an abortion illegally, and it's also unlikely to go well if a woman who can't handle the idea of being pregnant and having a kid is carrying a child longterm
you ever watch a woman smoke weed, cigarettes, and drink while 6 months pregnant? i have, and it isn't pretty...
where's the bigotry in facts and statistics?
as for what i said about killing people really are just animals (regardless of ethnicity), and animals killing their young in unfavourable conditions is just part of nature... in that regard, while technologically advanced, killing a child in that manner when it's unwanted and the conditions aren't good to have it is perfectly natural
also like i said, there's many instances where killing is perfectly justifiable and even beneficial
if you could point out the bigotry in any of that do it, because i'm not seeing it...
I can get behind abortions, for logical reasons (child has down syndrome, low income families and irresponsible parents) but that whole bullshit about it being the womens body and the right to choose is wrong, its a living being so don't pretend you have moral superiority for choosing to end it. I don't have to like it and i would never get one with my gf but i understand the world isn't black and white. Make abortions legal, but don't bullshit me its about womens freedom.
What has a baby done to deserve death?
If your argument is just a utilitarian one, you should know that I find your death exceedingly utile.
i never go on reddit, so i guess you know better than i would what people type like there
ignoring the content and commenting on my typing style doesn't add much to the discussion though
I'm ok with it. The kind of people who are ok with killing babies shouldn't be reproducing anyways.
there's no such thing as deserve, people have a mentality that things need to be deserved in order to happen, but that's not actually how reality works
sometimes things that aren't deserved happen and are part of life
my argument is simply that it's part of nature, and also beneficial to all parties that it's legal
aside from that i don't feel that it's the government's place to make it illegal, too intrusive and too much government control
people should really put more thought into how much power they want to give a small group of people they make masters out of... just saying
How long should abortions be legal from the view of a pro-choicer?
>people really are just animals
You're sick. People have a species-being. We care about each other and we have intellect.
You are not supposed to feel this way.
It's bad enough to make me reject a woman if she's had one.
Some matters you just don't mess with.
>cuckservaties can shoot someone for trespassing their lawn
>women can't kill someone for being inside their body
huh really makes me think
Your argument presupposes that if something is beneficial to all parties, then it's deserved.
As for the government thing, I tend to agree. A society should police some crimes (such as murder), or else it isn't much of a society in the first place. I don't know if outlawing abortion is too much government oversight.
btw if my opinion opposing yours makes you think my death would somehow be advantageous you're placing an awful lot of power in my words and beliefs
i'm just a stranger on Sup Forums shooting shit
if you're worried about me doing something like voting, there's no need for that, votes don't matter anyway
it's all just a pacification and division tool, those in power carry on much of the same agenda in order to maintain power and keep people weak... the only things voting ever effects are things that people are passionate about that ultimately don't matter when you look at the big picture
it's all just smoke and mirrors, you're distracted and you're where they need you to be
beliefs and ideologies don't matter at this point because we're all equally useless and controlled no matter what they are
worry about my death if people actually unite and accomplish something that changes that if you think my opinions matter
pro choicer here man.
more abortions, less niggers
>when the baby violates the NAP by growing beyond the amount of space you've allocated for it in your womb, so you pay a doctor to vivisect it and sell its limbs on the open market
>always white baby
Free abortions for non-Whites. Ban all abortions for Whites.
Problem solved.
Abortion after the first trimester is just messed up.
I have no real interest in killing you. I'm just trying to highlight how fucking insane naive utilitarianism is.
Here is a better idea to stop the crime by people who get abortions: instead of killing the innocent unborn child, kill anybody who wants an abortion. Problem of crime solved, with no defenceless children murdered.
Yeah, but she put that person in her body. Am I trespassing if you shove me onto your lawn?
i do care about other people, i have a lot of empathy, but so do other species
empathy isn't just something humans have and no other creature understands it...their brains create many of the same chemicals ours do and in some cases that even extends to oxytocin
i understand that as a human you're elevating your own species, that's natural
but human nature isn't one sided there's a duality there, and there's a darker side to it, most people if put in the right situation are capable of murder if necessary
it's also part of humanity, and you should be able to see that by just looking around at the world and turning on the news
we're not somehow special, we kill each other, we fight over territory etc, but yes we also have the capacity to care for and love each other as well...it's not one or the other, it's both
from a logical standpoint abortion is mutually beneficial to all parties statistically
the argument you're giving me that's against it is one loaded in emotion, feeling, and void of intellect... you're ignoring reality in favour of your emotions, and that's the very thing you think you're supposed to be capable of as a human isn't it?
i care about the quality of life for people overall, and i understand that sometimes that means things that don't sit well with everyone are going to happen
you can't turn a blind eye to reality and live in a utopia
Abortions keep the nigger population in check
I don't have a problem with abortion. Just like I don't have a problem putting down lawbreakers or letting useless unemployed/unemployable fuckers die if they won't or can't work. Morticians gotta eat too.
Human life isn't particularly precious. People are a renewable fucking resource, and we have about half again as many as we need, especially bottom-feeding minorities. Encourage them to off themselves, kill their fucking babies, get fixed, whatever.
You realize what banning abortion would mean?
It would be the fucking nigger apocolypse
You want to save babies lives, come up with a better type of birth control. Something that:
>doesn't require surgery
>doesn't fuck with female's hormones like the pill
>doesn't need to be taken every single day (nigs can't do this)
Come up with something like this for both sexes, then we can talk about banning abortion
again i wouldn't say "deserved" i don't use that word because it has connotations that are inaccurate to the sentiment i'm expressing
you can keep using it as a response, but when you do you're projecting underlying meaning that what i'm saying lacks and taking me at my word is much better
i would say it can be necessary, and it can be beneficial which is why i see it as an option
it's not up to me what's deserved, and i wouldn't say it was
i think saying deserved means it's earned, and by no means is it earned... but no one earns everything they get good or bad, life doesn't work that way
necessity isn't always deserved it's just necessary
but i didnt give permission for it to enter her eggs, violating the NAP
shit formatting, didn't read
>Hurrr, don't abort the baby
>But fuck that baby the moment he pops up from vagina, he is (((responsible for himself)))
Virtue signalling faggots need to be gassed.
Because pro life people think it's literally murder to end a fetus
Kind of hard to compromise on murder
only if the sex was against her will as well, imo.
>Im an independent woman and I can fuck who I want!
>That baby chose to be there, kill it!
it's not actually insane to acknowledge reality and nature and do some things in a beneficial manner even if it's cold
you have to place your values on where the things that nurture people go, and my view on abortion doesn't extend towards everything else
perhaps you could describe this particular view in that manner, but that doesn't mean every issue is seen through the same lens
you can't judge everything with the same exact value system because the same value system isn't right for every occasion
well that's stupid, an unborn child serves no function whereas that woman might and could (in some cases) go on to have another child at a more favourable time or with a more favourable partner
ever notice how libs try to get real images of abortions hidden from the public because its "obscene" but then they brag about aborting ten thousand kids from their rotten wombs daily?????????????????
Then come up with a better type of birth control. Be an innovator, instead of spending your time micromanaging other's behavior
Quite the contrary. I didn't want to go there, but there's a little something called the categorical imperative.
(The following imperative follows simply from the fact that, as intelligent beings, any action we undertake is moral if and only if it may be universalized to all intelligent beings.)
"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law."
Maxim: I will kill my baby (another human) because it will make me suffer
Universal law: Person A will kill Person B if Person B makes Person A suffer.
Contradiction: All intelligent beings would cease to exist, meaning no intelligent being could will that the maxim become universal law
Conclusion: The proposed maxim is immoral.
This argument has already been made before and we reached a suitable solution. Make them legal for everyone but white people.
If you dont want to have a baby don't have sex. Or use protection. There are consequences for actions.
It's not her egg, she gave it to him
society compromises on murder all of the time, wars, revolutions, the death penalty, there's degrees of murder in a court of law along with charges like manslaughter
there's also castle law, and legal killing in self defense
every day compromises on murder are made, because it's part of nature and that's what society has to deal with
No my friend, a baby can be trained to be a slave or be there for adoption. He can serve much more for the general good of the people without the mother that wants to kill him. Also, he can make more children as well, while the mother having an abortion is much less likely to have plentiful healthy children. Your logic is flawed.
They do that anyways though. It's the white women who are getting the abortions en masse.
>Shit talks both pro choice and pro life people
>Argues for pro choice
What did OP mean by this?
no such thing as objective morality and suffering is unavoidable, people cause suffering to others whether purposefully or unintentionally every day
sometimes killing is justified, and sometimes it's beneficial to everyone
killing a child while they have no nervous system or concept of life in the same manner we know it as adults isn't comparable
philosophical ideas are just opinions
Please note I also said he/she could be a slave.
Most people who get abortions are single mothers, finacially unstable, and or people who aren't mentally ready enough to care for children
You don't really see married couples who have their shit together getting abortions
We're eliminating the poor and criminal populations before they can be born
Abortion is a very good thing. Only low iq undesirable low quality people get abortions; and as we know, intelligence is passed down, not learned.
thank you based aussie
>abortions are like drugs. whether theyre legal or not, people will still find a way to get them. Let degenerates do what they want, and then just stay far, far away.
>but for god's sake, stop trying to claim you didn't know you could get pregnant from having sex, and absolve yourself of all sin because "its my body"
>shellfish shloots