Why is it that individuals who are mixed european/whatever else always identify with the other race over european? They could have the lightest skin and blue eyes and still refer to themselves as black. I don't get it.
Why is it that individuals who are mixed european/whatever else always identify with the other race over european...
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They get more gibs that way.
Mods, plz delet and ban this slide thread!
Because they know that they are inferior and that one drop rule i true
Not all of them. Some identify as white. Since race is nothing more than a social concept the self-identification is subjective.
Victim privilege > white privilege
for benefits
Affirmative action. Plus the culture of le white man is le evil.
Group dynamics and one drop rule maybe?
If you don't identify to any group and suddenly you see people treating you as not being part of their group, then you automatically drift to another group as defense mechanism.
Before leaving Brazil, I never identified as a Latino, I was just a normal brazilian with tick beard and light skin. But after leaving to study, I got more and more classified as a Latino (germans even called mexican since that is all that exist below US). Then I automatically started to classify myself as an outsider, in the case a Latino. It was a defensive action, they would classify me as a stranger, then I used it as a shield.
privilege dickhead
Isn't stupid for 1st worlders on /pol to complain about that?
You guys are the first ones to preach the muh 100% european blood and shit. Then when mixed people classified themselves as not belonging to you guys, now you are all butthurt? What is the deal with the thread??
because they look more black than white
>why dont mixed people identify as white?
because were not white, genius.
why do half-elves call themselves half-elves and not half-humans?
its called the oppression olympics
one drop rule. They are niggers
One drop rule.
Mongrels will never be white &vise versa. Raceless mutts are products of a Cultural Marxist Utopia where people have no nationality or identiy
>race is nothing more than a social concept
literally changed the side I identified more with as I became more right wing
If you met a mixed person all you had to do was ask them about their heritage to find out their political views
It's like they don't want to be part of an ethnicity that's
>being scolded
>being discriminated against
>getting raped left right and centre
and instead prefer to
>indulge in gibs
>indulge in media falsifications
>indulge in self-hatred
because in the end, while they identify as niggers, they will never actually be niggers nor white.
They're a mutt-class of slave voters, exactly as prescribed in the Kalergi Plan, and they fucking know it.
Why would anyone want to identify with the embarrassing cuck side?
Why does a blind person identify as disabled, when they can still hear, smell, taste, touch???
>all ancaps are subhuman mutts
this really activates my almonds
>I'm black
>I voted for obama for gibs
>oh and first black president, niggas
Also, not to give too much credit to them for being pragmatic, because Marxist propaganda in Western thought that forces you to automatically sympathize with the underdog or lower class.
I'm half latino and half white. I'm brown but was raised by the white side of my family. I don't know what side to identify as.
>Hasn't figured out that Sup Forums is 80% subhuman mutts.
The European Identity is that we are not mixed with the lower races. Throughout the entirety of human existence we have existed as separate from them. We have evolved in separate species at this point.
>One drop rule.
Because they will be treated by society as they are -- not white.
>Impact Font used un-ironically
Go back to 2009 with that shit.
It's true. I know someone who's 3/4 white and 1/2 black. Guess which race he considers his.
Halfsies get to play the Jew game.
I'm Latino when its in my favor and I'm white when it's in my favor.
Whites forced us to.
>the Jew game
I take offense to that, fucking spic.
Because people naturally follow incentives and there is a big incentive to be a poor little helpless non-white.
Well, would whites really consider her white?
No they wont.
Minority is their destiny.
Nigger + Nigger = Nigger
White + White = White
White + Nigger = Nigger
If being white was a privilege, wouldn't they associate with being white?
really makes you think huh
Why are Finns called mongols even though they only have 10% mongol genes, one drop rule i guess
Maybe his friend is more than a woman, more than a woman to him.
Racemixing is still beastiality
One drop rule and gibs.
Because mixing a bucket of milk and a bucket of shit will get you two buckets of shit.
gotta check those digits hommie
>3/4 white
>1/2 black
That's not how fractions work.
I'm biracial and I identify as biracial. My grandparents immigrated from Germany. My mother was a descendant of slaves. I have never been told I look black, I've gotten everything from spanish to middle eastern because my features are more european and my hair is wavy/straight. I was raised solely by my white side and am very thankful for the values they instilled in me.
>No government assistance
>All government assistance
>guy who isn't white nationalist isn't white
really jostled my apostles
because mulattoes self identified as white in the 19th century -_-
one post ko
I've heard a few times that mixed people like to identify with whatever is convenient for them at the moment. some comedian said that but I forgot their name
because it is normal. you can't call pants with some dirt on it, not dirty.
white is the default race
>now you are all butthurt?
who said anything about butthurt?
this is def true for spics
white race is genuinely popularily considered as Angelic Race. Any mud want to leech off of it in order to taste heaven.
So if you are a mullatoe you wanna go black power in order to leech off of your own white part.
It's scum mentality basically.
If you were living in a pure white country some similar type of scheme would be formed anyways.
The inferiors will always wanna leech of the superiors.
Dominican user here , most mixed race people identify as white , only in the US they larp as black because of the gibs.
Pic related she is mixed and larps as white looking for a white guy to reduce her shitskin genetics.
>Why is it that individuals who are mixed european/whatever else always identify with the other race over european?
Would you accept them if they did identify as european/white? No you fucking wouldn't, especially here where almost nobody but fucking pleiadians are white, stop acting surprised you goddamn hypocrite
White people have to live up to higher expectations by society. Or maybe these mixed people realize that whites won't fully accept them as one of their own. They will always feel different. Other groups are far more inclusive in that aspect. Blacks will take anyone with even a hint of brown since they are starved for capable allies. Hispanic mixes vary so much in appearance that there is no definitive way to tell members apart from outsiders. Membership is more based on culture with them. White/Asian mixes go either way depending on the environment.
Their parents were race mixers, so they are raised (usually by a single mother) with this presented as a positive thing.
White is seen as lacking the magic mix of the other - it is suspect.
A mixed person is living proof of anti-racism, white is living proof of racism.