YouTube Censorship

As you may or may not know YouTube has started to gradually increase its policy of censorship. Recently YouTube has employed companies such as the ADL, ISD and Snopes to censor and cherry pick videos that they consider 'hate speech'. This is extremely broad, considering the ADL considers 'Pepe the Frog' to be a hate symbol.

So what is the smart thing to do?
>Start a petition.
>Gather funds to create a counter website to YouTube (Vid.Me I find to be annoying to use, due to the whole layout).

This is something that cannot be ignored. YouTube has something that has been critical to a lot of Populist movements and if we allow ourselves to be censored, we will end up with more Macron/Clinton like figures.


Other urls found in this thread:

Let's start the fucking petition

Alright, let's be organised about this. I'm fairly incompetent; I will need someone to set up the petition.


Set it up yourself. Don't grovel on Sup Forums for help, that will only lead to trolling.

What site do you prefer?


vidme is shit and censors just as much if not more

The best thing to do is to get Congress to bring the executives to testify before a hearing.


>Snopes to censor

Litrially 2 fat cunts and their cat. What an amazing organisation.

I have been shadowbanned from the Comment Section.
I'm on Youtube for more than 10 years. I know how to always have a top-comment.
My G+ inbox used to send notifications to me nonstop because my comments always had 1000+ likes and 100+ replies. My comments were also constantly pinned or liked by the people posting.
Recently I made 2 top comments on Youtube's channel videos, talking about the (((question))).
People were getting redpilled hard in the comments.
For two weeks now I no longer get any likes on my comments. No longer I get any replies.
When I try searching for my comments through a VPN they cannot be found, only in very small videos with no views.
They deny any shadowbanning, however there are hundreds of people complaining the same.
After some testing, once a video hits 10k views, my comment disappear.

ADL was formed after the lynching of a Jew who raped a14 yo white girl

theres no point petitioning and shit, and we dont want to look like niggers trying to force ourselves into places we arent wanted. youtube has made their desires well known.

we need a new place


youtube needs competition and needs to die from it, because it's a toxic overwhelmingly incompetent company that hates what it has become


FUCK that. We contribute to JewTube's success too. We deserve a place.

Kill youtube kill facefuck
this should be Trump's #1 tech and free speech priority

have a seamless to the users perspective replacement with a meshed network of competing platforms so they're not data scams hoarding all the data the users have put on over the last 8 years. you'd have meshtube and meshbook and youtube and facebook would just be one company of 10 or so competing all interlocked together so that users see videos/posts even if the friends/creators are using another platform. end this data scam rape of the public square & ideas

all data: subscribers, views, comments, likes, photos, friends people have produced and typed up over the last 10 years (which they own, not the Data Scammers like they would have you believe) is on meshtube and meshbook the day this law is passed. for pewdiepie and his viewers nothing changes except they are no longer censored and facefuck is a $1billion company again like it should be. holding people's data hostage is not providing a hundred billion dollars of value to the world a group of 10 generation Z's could reproduce facefuck in a year it's not a special contribution to the world, what is valuable is the data (which the people typed up not facefuck). facefuck and ADLtube need a harsh wake up

end Zuckerfuck Data Scam Enterprises and ADL terror thoughtcrime YouFuck

If you like to help archiving, first those videos need to be downloaded

1 for several videos
>use a web search and tip in
>youtube downloader
>Copy paste link
This method can take some time, but is by far the easiest for dingle videos

2 for whole channels
>download youtube-dl
>Place it anywhere if windows
>open cmd
>Go to path where youtube-dl is saved
[cd /d PATH]
>start youtube-dl
[ youtube-dl main URL of channel for uploaded videos ]
This will download all videos in the best available format, so it will cost some space

For smaller formats
>find out which formats are available marked by a number
[ youtube-dl -F URL]
may take some time if it is a rather big channel with several 100 videos, so you can quite if you see a pattern
>Chose your format
[youtube-dl -f # URL]

For further question RtfM

itll just be another few months until they start pulling shit again. it'd be better to just move to a platform thgat supports free speech and take our money away from jewtube

You're going about it the hard way. YouTube is a business that makes money. Want to get YouTube to stop doing stupid shit: focus on getting as many people as possible to use adblockers.

Don't be a stupid moron like me and do it trial and error, think you got it all and waste 6 hours downloading 40 GB of material without sound

Here a list about who one may archive
This list is just an idea, no one is forcing you to do anything. So please keep kike screeching at a minimum

Jordan B Peterson
Mark Dice,
Steven Crowder,
Rebel Media,
Daily Liberty,
Daily Wire,
Project Veritas [Checked]
brother nathanael
Mister Metokur
Harmful Opinions
Sargon of Akaad
Paul Joseph Watson
Alex Linder
Computing Forever
Black Pigeon
Internet Aristocrat Archive
Tim Pool
China Uncensored
Vee (gypsy)
The truth factory ( filthy leaf with a cat)
The outer light (nz sheep shagger)
Highimpactflix (steroid abuse)
No bullshit ( sperg)
Doctor of common sense ( upstanding black genital)
Indipendent man ( who cares)
A Glock Fanboy
Forgotten weapon
The White Wolf
RV Truth

For uploads.
>your mothers anus
Be creative

shadowbanning is rape of the public square and an insidious rape of your mind gaslighting you into thinking you still have access to the people of the world and your community

>Youtube is bad. They are censoring me. Boycott Youtube.
>Here is my Youtube link, watch my video.

Private entity. They can do whatever they want.

Case closed.

>YouTube has something that has been critical to a lot of Populist movements and if we allow ourselves to be censored

This is why they're censoring and this is why you can't win. They're working with people who want blanket bans on anything that is popular with young people and leans rightward.

This will include lukewarm retards like Sargon and What'sherface. Lesser known people like Black Pigeon will be gone before you know it.

Notice how they're talking about how this is concerning terrorism. I'd take a 1 million dollar bet you'll still find weird child porn vids, ISIS propaganda, muslim extremism a year from now. What you won't find is anything popular and right leaning. All contrarians will either be banned outright or put on the Youtube death list with no exposure or monetization.

They haven't even talked about what's certainly part 2 of this attack; going after end users based on their comment and view history. Look forward to shadowbans.

Free speech is dying because the left is sick of people disagreeing with them.

And it really is that simple.

Time to archive all the content of value.

How to determine what is valuable enough and how to coordinate it effectively?
nice censorship you got there

When do we adopt symbols of the left and turn them into hate speech?

The point is to stop trying to save Youtube, it's going to die because I'll become a kosher/millenial/lefty echo chamber, let it die, this will only prove that feminist CEOs only destroy tech companies. Every person with a brain with move to a new platform.

I don't get it. The right owes it's control of all three branches to the internet. Are they just going to stand by and watch the platform be stripped away from them? Don't they want to stay in power?

Is there a mirror of Murdoch's shit anywhere?

They divorced, and the cuck is getting REKTED in court by the corporation that owns his ass.

Alright, I have devised a mini essay for the petition.Now I need a forensic grammar checker. Also, feel free to develop:

When you think of one of the redeeming qualities of Western civilisation, one of the first things that comes to mind is the ability for one to express themselves freely. If one thinks about what freedom of expression has led to, it is evident that it is one of the core factors behind the recent transcendence of science and lifestyle.
What will happen if we allow our European/American values to be tainted by global organisations? Who knows what our way of life will be like in the coming years? Perhaps like Orwell's book 1984. But I can assure you that it will not be an enjoyable prospect. As many previous authoritarian regimes can demonstrate. Let's not let the wisdom of our ancestors be destroyed. Let's not let their fight for a better world go to waste. Let's do them proud.

quite aesthetic, I have to admit
More than one

>The right owes it's control of all three branches to the internet.
elaborate one post by this ID

Imagine if companies held all the property outside and could force you off it and back into your home if you said something "wrong". Imagine one company held 90% of that property. Yet people tolerate this because its online even though we now spend a good portion of our lives in social media.

The time has come to de-privatize social media, enforce the first amendment online, or at least break up the monopolies into tiny tiny pieces. Google/youtube and facezucc are the best arguments against ancap I have ever seen. Fuck that. Nobody can EVER compete with them, free market doesn't work.

I'm not giving you money to be wasted on a website that wont do anything. A petition wont really do much since it will just result in a 'private company, own rules' deal. Sup Forums doesn't allow CP, so why can't youtube choose its own shit?

This is the only correct answer.

Oh, you mean private companies are doing what they want in the free market? Is it Facebook's fault that there is two billion retards posting everything on their free website?
By changing their terms of use they don't break anything, they can do whatever they want, and you are free to go somewhere else.

If you didn't see this coming ten years ago, then I have nothing to tell you. It is not like the left ever used any other tactic throughout its whole existence. I guess people will never learn from the history.

You mean JEWtube. Run by those who willingly serve the kikes.

>Imagine one company held 90% of that property. Yet people tolerate this because its online
Not like to speak good about the EU, but they are trying since some half decade to break googles monopoly. Some are even mentioning to make google services illegal
>free market doesn't work.
Not true, if we were free to hang them in the streets for being a monopoly, it could work

The best thing to do is to abandon YouTube and start using an alternative like

Just give Jewgle the big finger!

If we leave YouTube, how do we spread our point of view?

too big to fall

you cant
youtube is god

Post links to vidme on normie news feeds on twitter and jewbook

YouTube is a loss leader. Its like a free sample to get advertisers in the door for Google. This should be used as a basis for antitrust. They are taking losses in order to capture market share. This is the new strategy and this WH seems to be making moves to bust some of these big companies and their monopolies up. I hope he goes full on Teddy Roosevelt on their asses.

Why did you put (((skeptics))) on the list. They are the inside goys that sold out to become nu-media. They are at no risk of being shut down.

>Why did you put (((skeptics))) on the list. They are the inside goys that sold out to become nu-media. They are at no risk of being shut down.

there useful as baby's first redpills before the go on to larger redpills like race and iq.

>not at risk to be shut down
Tell that the German speaking jewtube sceptics
And not like with them I rather be save than sorry with the english speaking one. If you have ideas for real right wing channels, post them, or download them and upload them somewhere, I don't actually like to help create a list for SJWs too just work down

Get the creators to move like pewdiepie or else the use of those YouTube videos is lost anyway and are the creator just loosing Shekels or are their videos get removed

honestly it will just split youtube up and create factions of other sites that will fuel a competition with youtube which will end badly for them
when companies start to do things like this it always comes back to bite them in the ass in the end

history truths
expanding Overton
demography is destiny
the impartial truth

I would say those are at risk of being shoahd some have been taken down already and have come back up. Need to grab this shit. Hitler speeches etc. Anything that will be "low hanging fruit" in the eyes of the left. Then you work back to your beloved ((((alt lite))).

Is pic related a good or bad thing?

desu white people shouldnt be using Hate Numbers. youtube is in the right on this one. Sup Forums isnt always right.

>Hitler speeches
Might be blocked at my flag. Need to try if youtube dl downloads it nevertheless. But I agree, the lower they hang, the sooner the jew will shut them down

shadow banning ... interesting concept.

>that body
>a good thing
i mean its subjective i guess im not going to tell you what works for you or doesnt my man

Holy shit, at my last birthday I turned a hate age.
I went to the ADL site once out curiosity, apparently every single rune is also a hate symbol.

user, drop those assault runes. We don't want to get rough with you.

damn so if i make videos on statistics and probabilities i will be fucked for using percentages and numbers greater than 11. fuck life. Well im not life so its ok.

I have a newer yt channel that has 2k+ subs and picking up 15-40 new each day depending on whether or not I have a new upload. Half of my content is considered controversial and whie I havent received any hate speech violations yet larger channels with the same content have. Ive been contacted by those that have got the violations and we've discussed it. What I consider tame comments have recently been appearing in my "comments to be approved" list. I believe in free speech and approve everything thats not spam. Some of it is racist, sexist, or just a lot of profanity. I figure if your comment is offensive then other posters will balance out the opinion and they usually do. Here's what might be the catch. By approving the fringe comments i am now held somewhat responsible for them, therefore contributing to hate speech. Yt now has an out when it comes ro content. I haven't read the TOS so have no idea whether or not its mentioned in there but am going to have to sit down and sift through it. The bigger my channel gets the more comments i have to approve amd the more hate speech i am apparently contributing too.


shiet dude I have the same

and I actually see it because I always switch between 3 accounts to give them initial likes

and one of my accounts is shadowed

I post something and it's not shown on my ohter accounts

If we implement all these plans - we might be able to see which one is the most effective and which ones work in tandem with one another

Shit just realized this has been going on to me. I cant even see my comments show up on a video unless I'm logged in.

>Shill an alternative, just upload snippets to jewtube, telling your viewer where they can find the whole content. oh and on a side note. Nice pasta, saved for later


Honestly i am glad its over the internet is now shit anyway

Every site is set up for smartphone fags ruining web design, without adblock you are bombared on all fronts, almost all web sites have faggots censor shit while enabling mental illnesses, video game communities are dead and companies only focus on short term profits pandering to idiots, download sites are uninteresting because all modern media is shit

> engages in censorship and promotes channels that are already popular rather than make any attempt to boost newer and lesser known content creators
> shit service with terrible download/upload speeds with little to no support anyone who isn't either working in the media industry or creating artistic content
> is just shit

Historically there have been 2 ways to change undesirable behavior from powerful actors.

Competition and violence

Google has essentially 0 competition so they can do whatever they want. I wonder how hard it would be to start a new YouTube, free of censorship.

Because they only other option is violence, which in this day and age is nearly impossible to pull off in a first world country

It does seem to be a bit of a Potemkin village. Looks nice on the outside but you get inside you see how they are propping shit up like shutting down comment sections, using bots to create false sense of activity, and paying off contributors to spout literal lies about products and ideas.

there was a top comment on the blog post yesterday about how they "don't believe in human freedom", nowhere to be found this morning

Ive had multiple videos blocked lately and have been redirecting traffic for the last few weeks. My problem is i have 2-5 hr uploads and most other sites dont allow that size. People are also really hesitant to go elsewhere for content. A video that got 100 views in a few minutes before getting blocked has been posted elsewhere and only got about 50 views in a week. I think you're right about just posting teasers on yt. I'll try that and continue to redirect.

Enjoy the pasta

The corporate media is 100 percent left leaning. Every television program is 100 percent left leaning. They have complete propaganda control.

That's why they're so shocked about the election results.

Yea it's some stasi shit.

Honestly a bunch of the content creators that do the "sitting and talking thing" could do what you are suggesting. They could tease on YT to subscribers but then broadcast on a platform similar to twitch. I don't use twitch so I'm unsure of their stance towards non gaming shit but there might be potential in this idea depending on the content.

The solution is to simply create a right-wing alternative to Youtube that isn't owned by kikes and never will be. Seriously guys, it's not rocket science.

No brainlet. That has zero value. Normies are never ever going to leave youtube. At least in the next few decades. Creating a rightwing circlejerk site is useless for us. It would be like the next voat or Both are just the sites of the outcasts who all agree with each other but are now cut off from the precious source of normies/shitlibs to trigger and/or convert. Leaving youtube is what they want. Normies won't follow us into exile

YouTube only exist because of Google. Google LOSES money on YouTube so you wont get anyone else to take that up that doesn't have Google money backing. The gov needs to break up google because it is an anticompetitive monopoly.

This is the best option. Time to get the ball going

not even mega or
But I see what you mean, sure, without the old JT algo shilling for one, one needs to invest more time and resources into marketing, still better than being completely shut down whitout the followers knowing where to find ones content when it happened
Sure, same goes for the internet. The right doesn't control any media. It was just a big fucking attack on their unsecured fortresses when they let their defence down and they reacted so wrong by making clickb8 out of it. Now they are facing a guerillia war while having to rebuild their fortresses.

We need to get political with this and have our voices go out calling for govt intervention in Google.

If you want to stop this from happening, you can't cry about "muh white supremacy videos getting flagged" as it won't win you popular support from normies, nor will hoisting PJW as most people see him as egocentric faggot.
However, you can use moderate channels and ones with little to no political positions as supportive figures by not spurging out over videos about "refugees."

>H3H3 has had his channel hit by recent changes in youtube policy who view anything mildly adult as inappropriate
>youtube will likley put more sanctions on accounts that focus on comedic content in the next few months
>Idubbztv in a similar situation

>ZombieGoBoom is attempting to sue youtube over what they consider to be unfair practices that are tailored to hurt youtubers who've created a legitimate business around their content
>mainly using this as an opportunity to force google to explain exactly what the changes were to the content review algorithms
>very few people know of this ongoing event so they need support

>philip defranco is pretty unlikable but has been hit hard by recent changes on youtube
>gaining his support against these changes to content review would be a great bonus as he supports most forms of free speech

>popular animators are very quick to attack youtube's policies as the advertiser algorithms have always worked against them

>focus on the fact that youtube continuously promotes click bait content and does nothing to stop fake thumbnails and misleading titles from users with over a million subscribers

Pretty much every youtuber will be against this, you just have to act in a mature and controlled way to gain support and find ways to actively work against google.

Go and do so
I rather archive and upload, also on JT. If necessary porn and gore put inside toy/food review, make up videos,... videos Scare the shit out of their advertiser if one could do it bot powered


Can they at least censor the seven sisters bullshit. Fucking soft pedo.

Why not torch their server farms? The dumb fucks even give out their locations, their appearence is similar, so one could locate even unlisted ones


Make another account, ffs. Blast those sicc memes, kid. The War needs you.

All those random ass numbers but no 1488. How fucking thicc are they?

But I hate this fuckboy more than censorship.

Hi, brainlet. This is standard Web 2.0 modding retardation.

Thank fuck they're doing this, maybe there's going to be less of you fags sucking alt lite jewtubers dick now

You guys are fucking cancer

>MUHHH Lauren won't get our shekles

Shadowbanning is truly fucking vile and is only used if you're beliefs/ideology/narrative can't stand on its own.

It's attempted brainwashing and censoring at the same time. If you don't know you are shadowbanned you might believe what you're saying is off or wrong subconciously. If what you're saying really is breaking any terms of services or laws they are ethically obligated to inform you of your ban.

Shadowbanning is fucking evil. It's fundamentally psychopathic, it's no doubt a form of "gaslighting". It triggers me so fucking hard.
Just think about it and realize the psychological effects it can have on people. Pre-1984 stuff.

It's so fucking despicable.

YouTube was literally pushing anti Trump videos to my smartphone before the general election. I didn't subscribe to these channels either. I know I wasn't the only one getting them.

Fuck YouTube.

> They have complete propaganda control.

> That's why they're so shocked about the election results.

I agree completely. On another note when (((they))) took over music ratings in Canada suddenly the top charts were filled with (((their)))) music. Quite literally the day before (((they))) posted a top chart, the top trending music in Canada was Rock'n'Roll and Country music. The very next day suddenly the top trending music was pop, r&b, and rap. (((Coincidence?)))


Sick fucking bugmen in their little sjw controlled offices get a sick sort of glee playing with people online. *heehee* we banned him but he doesn't know he is banned, stupid racist haha

Its like a human experiment. I fucking HATE these leftist monopolies. Remember to not spare anyone in the silicon valley on the day of the rope