"The Man In Black destroyed everything in my world..."

>"The Man In Black destroyed everything in my world..."

What a coincidence; the black man is destroying everything in my world...

But seriously, how come blacks are so overrepresented in media? And why are they making so many movies with blacks cast as white characters?

matthew mcconaughey is the man in black you stupid Fuck.


I don't understand why they don't put more Hispanics in anything.

The squeaky wheel gets the oil

Roland Deschain transcends race, gender, and age. Anyone who read all seven of the DT novels would understand that. No problem with them casting Roland as a black dude since it is a continuation of the series rather than an adaptation (an adaptation would REQUIRE a white Roland). I am sick to death of them casting black people in roles meant for white characters though. If you want a black lead that bad use a different script.

>continuation of the series rather than an adaptation
What? That's even dumber. The entire ending to the series was shit. The first book probably should have just been a standalone. You Honk maffah.
Black Roland is a dumb idea, avoiding this shit film.

>avoiding this shit film

That's your prerogative. The ending was complete shit but left it open that this cycle may be different for Roland. That's what the whole "Horn of Eld" shit was about in the final lines of the book. King was just rushing to finish the series because he was afraid of dying and leaving it incomplete.

It's a bad attempt by (((them))) to get you to believe in multiculturalism and think that niggers are functioning members of society.

>he was afraid of dying and leaving it incomplete.
That might have been better desu, looping endings just don't do it for me. First book still best book I think.