Trump controls the sun and moon.
Trump controls the sun and moon
Joshua Price
Nathan Harris
It's not that hard when most of the country except for a few libcuck epicenters voted for him.
Nathan Kelly
Trump eats the sun and drinks the sky and they all go with him when he dies.
Owen Sanders
It's a sign to the gentile nations, particularly to the USA, but whether or not it's an omen indicating judgement of America is near or perhaps signalling that the U.S must return to God or face the holy wrath of the almighty Lord of Heaven.
Angel Bennett
The age of the Black Sun is truly upon us...
Luis Morris
Imagine 8 years of running everyone one your thoughts thru this type of filter.
solid reference making
Chase King
Holy fuck, can they not politicize fucking everything?????
Evan Nelson
Requesting vote map overlayed with eclipse map
Blake Ward
Liam Wood